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IHI Open School.

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1 IHI Open School

2 [Organization name] is enrolled in IHI Open School

3 Who is IHI? Institute for Healthcare Improvement is a leading innovator in health and health care improvement worldwide. Learn more at

4 What is Open School? The IHI Open School provides training, tools, and a vibrant community that will help you and your team improve care. 800+ Chapters in 80+ Countries 30+ Courses available for free 440,000+ Learners taking courses

5 Topic Areas The IHI Open School gives us access to online courses created by world-renowned faculty. Topics Include: Improvement capability Patient safety Triple aim for populations Person- and family-centered care Leadership Graduate Medical Education

6 3 Levels of Learning 100 Level Courses: Introductory concepts for all health care audiences 200 Level Courses: Intermediate concepts and specialized topic areas 300 Level Courses: Learning application with virtual coaching

7 Basic Certificate The IHI Open School offers a certificate of completion for users who want formal recognition for their participation. Earning a certificate boosts your own skills — and proves to employers that you’re serious about changing the system for the better. More information about the basic certificate available here.

8 Additional Learning Activities
In addition to its online courses, the IHI Open School offers a free library of activities — videos, case studies, games and exercises, patient stories, and other learning opportunities to further your knowledge of health care improvement.

9 Lets get started with IHI Open School

10 Login Instructions STEP 1: Login to Go to If you are not yet registered, please click the “Register Now” button to do so.

11 Login Instructions STEP 2: Enter our group’s passcode
After you have successfully logged in, go to Login Instructions STEP 2: Enter our group’s passcode After you have successful logged in, go to Enter our group’s 8–digit passcode [abcd1234] and click the “Get Access” button. abcd1234

12 Login Instructions A confirmation message will appear, indicating you have joined your group and inviting you into the courses. STEP 3: Lets learn! Bookmark the link for easy access.

13 Questions? Reach out to our Key Contact:
Name: Phone: Or contact IHI Name: Phone:

14 Welcome to IHI Open School

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