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2010, European Year for combating poverty and social exclusion

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1 2010, European Year for combating poverty and social exclusion
An initiative of the European Union 2010, European Year for combating poverty and social exclusion Consultative Committee first meeting 17 April 2009 Anne Degrand-Guillaud, Coordinator of the Task Force EY2010

2 An initiative from the European Union
The Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 aims to “reiterate the strong political commitment of the EU and the Member States to make a decisive impact on the eradication of poverty and social exclusion”. The European Year 2010 should: Raise public awareness Call to Action Strengthen political commitment to more effective and efficient social inclusion policies in MSs and to the social OMC

3 Shared responsibility
The objectives Recognition of rights Shared responsibility participation & Cohesion concrete action Commitment Recognition of rights — recognising the fundamental right of people in a situation of poverty and social exclusion to live in dignity and to play a full part in society Shared responsibility and participation — increasing public ownership of social inclusion policies and actions, emphasising both collective and individual responsibility in the fight against poverty and social exclusion, as well as the importance of promoting and supporting voluntary activities Cohesion — promoting a more cohesive society by raising public awareness of the benefits for all of a society where poverty is eradicated, fair distribution is enabled and no one is marginalised Commitment and concrete action — reiterating the strong political commitment of the EU and the Member States to make a decisive impact on the eradication of poverty and social exclusion and promoting this commitment and actions at all levels of governance A society that actively fights poverty and exclusion is better for all Yes, we can achieve a more inclusive society

4 European Year 2010 At EU Level 4

5 EU level: organisation
European Commission (national implementing bodies’ heads) Consultative Committee Presidencies of the EU (Spain and Belgium) Other European institutions & National implementing bodies and other European NGOs and other stakeholders

6 EU level: the Commission’s role
Approves The national implementing body The national programme The global grant application for the country Facilitates the implementation of the European Year’s objectives and activities Organises a communication strategy Some European-wide events

7 The task force at EMPL/E2
Coordinator: Anne DEGRAND-GUILLAUD Functional mailbox: (in Outlook address book: EMPL 2010AGAINSTPOVERY) Website: (shortcut to EUROPA) Nicole HUCKERT Antoine SAINT-DENIS Marie-Anne PARASKEVAS Jevgenija MUHINA Anne DEGRAND-GUILLAUD AT DK EL BG ES BE FR CY EE HU DE SE CZ FI IE LU SK NL LV IT SL PL LT MT RO PT UK 7

8 EU Major Events 8

9 EU-MS Cooperation 9

10 Do you have any remarks or questions?

11 EY 2010 Communication Strategy
Nicole Huckert 11

12 European Year 2010 At National Level 12

13 National level: organisation
National implementing body Regional and local authorities NGOs, Social partners & other stakeholders Public institutions contributing to the social inclusion strategy Media

14 National Implementing Body:
the double role 14

15 In a nutshell 15

16 In parallel 16

17 Financial management (1)

18 Financial management (2)

19 Ex-ante assessment 19

20 National Programmes (Format)

21 Do you have any remarks or questions?

22 Thanks for your attention ! For further information
THANK YOU ! Thanks for your attention ! For further information For contact 22

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