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Curriculum Change: SUPPORTING OTHERS

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1 Curriculum Change: SUPPORTING OTHERS

2 Today we are learning to…
identify how others may experience curriculum change adjust support given to others based on their level of concern facilitate quality learning experiences for adults

3 Get the tools and know how to use them
So we have some new tools at our doorstep - the AC for English and maths. The instruction manual (how best to use the AC) is in the prof learning we provide to teachers Supporting curriculum change is much more than handing out the new documents, teachers need the right instruction/practise/support. That’s where you as the school curriculum leaders come in. Professional Learning

4 Professional Learning
Takes many forms – broad sense of the concept

5 Learning is… …a relatively permanent change in behaviour or knowledge
If we are to call it professional learning this needs to happen… Learning brings change

6 Professional Learning Design
Here is a process for managing that change with individuals The way to best design the professional learning that is required is to start with the learners (your teachers) and find out where they are at NTCF Overview 2009

7 A Question…. When you think about the Australian Curriculum, what concerns do you have? As an orienting activity is a question Write an answer on the stickynote in front of you

8 Concerns Based Adoption Model
(Hall and Loucks 1977) levels of readiness for educational change cognitive concerns of educators levels of innovation adoption Differing levels of… impacts on the other

9 Using SoC Impact Task Self Look at handouts here
“Optional” - add self/task/impact - look at types of concerns at each stage 2. “Stage of Concern: Items arranged according to Stage What stage of concern are you at? Use your earlier response to the concern question that you wrote on a stickynote. Use this table to decide: Where are you at? What do you need right now? If time permits do whole group graph on whiteboard – put stickynote on appropriate stage If we were designing some learning activities for our group what would we focus on and why?

10 Find out more…

11 Professional Learning Design
Lets look now at how we can monitor the learning and how teachers are adopting the new curriculum. NTCF 2009

12 National Professional Standards for Teachers
Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area Content selection and organisation Curriculum, assessment and reporting Here is a tool that can help us to monitor how teachers are adopting the new curriculum. I have identified 3 criteria in terms of teachers’ knowledge understandings and skills related to curriculum You may use this to monitor growth – to establish a starting point, set goals/targets and to review progress over time.

13 Adopting the new curriculum
Rogers (1962) Diffusion of Innovators This is a handy model to keep in mind.....Explain model Innovators – first innovators to adopt an innovation, risk-takers, pushing the change, typically younger in age Early Adopters – respected people, highest degree of opinion leadership among other categories, try out new ideas but in careful ways, typically younger in age and high social status Early Majority – thoughtful people, careful but generally accepting of change Late Majority – approach innovation with high degree of skepticism, will use new ideas or products only when the majority is using it Laggards – traditional people, caring for the old ways, are critical towards new ideas and will only accept it if the new idea has become mainstream or even tradition, often have an aversion to change-agents and tend to be oldest of all other adopters and have lowest social status You probably recognise people you work in all categories of this adoption model. As a curriculum leader the trick is knowing how best to support each category. Start with convincing the innovators and early adopters first – critical mass or this is a point in time that enough individuals have adopted an innovation so that further adoption rate is self-sustaining Have an innovation adopted by a highly respected individual whin a social network inject an innovation into a group of individuals who would readily use the innovation Provide positive reactions and benefits for early adopters of an innovation

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