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Recognizing signs of Suicidality

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1 Recognizing signs of Suicidality
Crisis intervention Recognizing signs of Suicidality © 2014 Cambria Lowe All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author

2 Suicide How To Recognize the Signs What To Say What To Do

3 Signs of Suicide Hopelessness Recent loss
Financial: job loss, financial loss, Personal: death of loved one, pet, home Medical diagnosis Rejection: relationship, employment

4 Signs Anxiety Sudden mood changes Depression Withdrawal Anger
Feeling hopeless, desperate trapped No sense of purpose Reckless behavior Changes in sleep Increased drug/alcohol use Talking about wanting to die/suicide Giving away possessions Putting affairs in order

5 Be Prepared Have resources ready to offer your patient
Before starting a conversation Have resources ready to offer your patient Have crisis hotline numbers ready Check with the mobile crisis unit if you want support before the conversation

6 What to Say Give some context for your question so that the question doesn’t seem “out of the blue”: “I notice you’ve talked about feeling hopeless a lot lately. What’s going on?

7 What to Say You can follow this with a direct question about suicidality: “Sometimes when people say things like that they are thinking about suicide. Are you thinking about suicide?” “Are you thinking about ending your life?” Asking a direct question about suicide insures that both of you know what you are talking about—it is unambiguous.

8 What to Say “I can’t imagine how tough this is for you. I understand when you say you’re not sure if you want to live or die. But have you always wanted to die? Maybe there’s a chance you won’t feel this way forever. I can help.” Listen and validate that they are considering both options and underscore that living is a real option for them

9 What To Say “I am deeply concerned about you and want you to know that help is available to get you through this rough time” Let the person know you are concerned and also available to help. Feeling your care and support can go a long way in helping them choose life.

10 Assess Ask the person if they have the means to kill themself.
If they have answered yes, ask them how they planned to kill themself. Sometimes people just feel so low they can’t imagine going on with life but they don’t actually have a plan The more realistic the plan, the more concerned you should be. If they have a: A gun Pills The name of a bridge/place to jump from Rope Your concern level should be very high and you should not let the person leave the clinic/your office

11 What To do Stay calm and grounded within yourself
You should do what you can to keep your client at the clinic/office until help arrives. You can also call the mobile crisis if your city has one To get some support for thinking about a patient If you feel the person is open to talking with someone from that agency while they are at the clinic/office. If you call 911 from a cell phone you will reach a dispatcher who isn’t necessarily near you Keep local emergency numbers on your cell or landline

12 What To Do If you assess that your patient is having a rough time but not actively suicidal Have referrals ready for: Counselors/therapists Low fee Community Clinics Hotlines

13 Questions

14 Resources

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