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Notes: Chromosomes and Chromosome Disorders

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1 Notes: Chromosomes and Chromosome Disorders

2 Characteristics Chromosomes are long, threadlike groups of genes made up of DNA; found in the nucleus. Chromosomes are always an even number Examples: Humans – 46 Dogs – 78 Mosquitoes – 6 Goldfish – 94 Each chromosome has many genes on it!

3 Human Chromosomes Each person has 46 chromosomes
(23 from your mom and 23 from your dad) 1. Autosomes – first 22 pairs (44 total) 2. Sex Chromosomes – 23rd pair (2 total) XX = female XY = male

4 Amniocentesis One way to detect genetic defects is to obtain fetal cells through a needle inserted in the amniotic sac of a pregnant woman.

5 Karyotype A method of organizing the chromosomes of a cell in relation to size. It is a tool used to help detect genetic defects

6 Mutations Down’s syndrome – extra #21 chromosome; mental deficiencies, short stature, short wide neck, stocky arms and legs, sterile. Turner’s syndrome – XO (female’s with only one X) they are shorter than normal. Klinefleter’s syndrome – XXY (male’s with an extra X chromosome) they are taller than normal. Cri-du-chat (French for Cry of the Cat). Missing part of chromosome #5. When babies are born with this they sound like a cat crying. Downward slant to the eyes, Low birth weight, mental deficiencies, Skin tags just in front of the ear, small head, small jaw, Wide-set eyes

7 What disorder? Male or female?
Cri-du chat

8 What disorder? Male or female?
Down’s syndrome Female

9 What disorder Male or female?
Turner’s syndrome Female Sisters….one with Turner’s syndrome

10 What disorder? Male or female?
Kleinfelter’s Syndrome male

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