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Parent Information Dual Enrollment
I want my student to participate in dual enrollment, But…
I don’t know where to start, or I found information but I am left with more questions than answers. I feel just a little confused…
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Qualification Requirements Enrollment Process Tips for Successful Partnership FERPA Matriculation Process
How does dual enrollment benefit my student?
Per Section (1) of the Florida Statutes, the dual enrollment program is the enrollment of eligible secondary student or home education student in a postsecondary course creditable toward 1) high school completion and 2) a career certificate or and associate or baccalaureate degree. A student who is enrolled in postsecondary instruction that is not creditable toward a high school diploma may not be classified as a dual enrollment student. Dual enrollment is also an opportunity for students to become familiar with the college experience here at TCC. Students will learn: registration process (students register themselves each semester) communication via student Canvas/EagleNet campus resources Library Learning Commons Lifetime Sports Complex
What are the Requirements for Dual Enrollment?
General Information Testing GPA By law, students in grades may participate in the TCC High School Dual Enrollment program. TCC services Gadsden, Leon, and Wakulla county students Student must complete TCC Online Application – Dual Enrollment Home Education: no high school GPA requirement Public/Private: 3.0 unweighted high school GPA Students must submit ACT, FSA Reading, PERT, and/or SAT scores. Scores must be less than two years old Home Education / Private: may test at TCC Testing Center Public Education: student may test at TCC Testing Center during summer only
What test Scores does my student need to qualify?
P.E.R.T Reading 106 ENC 1101 Writing 103 Mathematics MAT1033 123 MAC1105, STA2023, MGF1106, MGF1107 S.A.T Prior to 3/2/16 5/1/17 (redesigned) After Verbal/Reading 440 24+ ENC1101 Writing/Lang 25+ (as of 3/2/16) 24-28 24-25 550 28.5 25.5+ A.C.T 19 English 17 19-20 21 FSA Reading (only satisfies reading requirement) 262
My Student Qualifies, Now what?
"There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots, the other, wings." —Hodding Carter
How does my student apply?
Public / Private Student must complete the TCC Online Application for Dual Enrollment - (do not complete Associate in Arts Degree (AA) application – will prolong process) Submit qualifying test scores to Dual Enrollment Coordinator or TCC Testing Center (application must be completed in order to add scores to student file) Meet with high school guidance counselor to determine courses needed for high school graduation requirements Submit Permission to Register form High school transcript (include unweighted high school gpa) Test scores (new students only) Forms must be signed by High School Guidance Counselor or Designee Home Education Student must complete the TCC Online Application for Dual Enrollment - (do not complete Associate in Arts Degree (AA) application – will prolong process) Submit qualifying test scores to Dual Enrollment Coordinator or TCC Testing Center (application must be completed in order to add scores to student file) Meet with Home Education Official to determine courses needed for high school graduation requirements Submit Home Education Articulation Agreement Permission to Access Home Education Records Form County Verification Form Permission to Register Form Forms may be found at: enrollment-student/ Forms must be signed by Home Education Official
How to Register for Courses
Sign in to TCC Passport using your TCC username and password. Click "My Schedule" located at the top of the page. Scroll to the far right and click "Credit Registration." Choose the appropriate term using the drop-down arrow and then click Select Term. Scroll down to the class search screen and type in the Course ID and Number. Click the red "Search Now" button to see all of the available classes. To add a class, click the Reference Number (RefNum) button located to the left of the Course ID. After adding all of your classes, click the red "Register Now" button. If there are no error messages, click the "View/Print Schedule and Fees" button.
Courses Dual enrolled students may not take developmental education, non-credit, or physical education courses (even if parent wants to pay for courses) Some courses have prerequisites (see Catalog for details) Students who do not know what they want to study in college should consult with an academic advisor or consider focusing on completing general education requirements Courses are greatly determined by YOUR plan!!! Florida dual enrollment college credit will transfer to any Florida public college or university offering the Statewide Course Numbering System course number, and must be treated as though taken at the receiving institution. However, if students do not attend the same college or university where they earned dual enrollment credit, the application of transfer credit to general education, prerequisite, and degree programs may vary at the receiving institution.
Adding & Dropping Courses
ALL paperwork must be submitted on or prior to dual enrollment deadline. Only current dual enrolled students may adjust courses during respective time frames. ALL adjustments must be approved by high school guidance counselor or home education official. Always refer to academic calendar for specific dates. Guidelines: Last day to ADD: 2nd of classes – submit Course Adjustment Form Last day to Drop: 5th day of classes – submit Course Adjustment Form Last day to Withdraw: see Academic Calendar (be aware of school/district policy concerning withdrawals)
Drop vs. withdrawal Drop withdrawal
Dropped courses do NOT count as an attempt Has no impact on course completion rate Deadline is based on session (main or express – see Academic Calendar) Course Adjustment form must be submitted to Dual Enrollment Coordinator, with appropriate signature ON OR BEFORE ESTABLISHED DEADLINE WITHDRAWN COURSES COUNT AS AN ATTEMPT NEGATIVELY IMPACTS COURSE COMPLETION RATE DEADLINE IS BASED ON SESSION (MAIN OR EXPRESS – SEE ACADEMIC CALENDAR) WITHDRAWAL FOR MUST BE SUBMITTED TO DUAL ENROLLMENT COORDINATOR WITH APPROPRIATE SIGNATURE ON OR BEFORE ESTABLISHED DEADLINE
Fees High school dual enrollment is at no cost to students/parents for the following: tuition lab fees Permission to Register form MUST be submitted every semester, by the deadline, in order for fees to be waived. Verify that student has $0 balance on the student schedule each semester to ensure form has been submitted and processed 24 – 48 business hours processing time frame after form is submitted be aware of fee purge date each semester (see Academic Calendar for date)
Continuing Eligibility
Per articulation agreement: Students must maintain: TCC cumulative gpa of 2.0 (3 – 11 credit hours) TCC cumulative gpa of 3.0 (12 – 15 credit hours) Successful completion rate of 75% If the student drops below the required 2.0 grade point average or completion is below 75%, he/she will be given a one semester grace period. If student withdraws during this time, dual enrollment eligibility is forfeited. Credit Hours: General Dual Enrollment: 3-11 credit hours per semester high school unweighted gpa of 3.0 (public/private only) TCC gpa of 2.0 Early Admission: credit hours high school unweighted gpa of 3.50 (public/private only) Seniors only
Dual Enrollment Regulations
Length of Dual Enrollment
Per articulation agreement: Maximum of 3 semesters grade level, including summers (June Express only); graduating seniors may not take summer courses through dual enrollment Final dual enrollment semester will be spring semester of senior year After eligibility expires, students must provide proof of high school graduation in order to matriculate to degree-seeking status at TCC ALL dual enrolled students are coded as Out of State – do not submit parent information to prove residency (this will be done upon high school graduation if the student chooses to attend TCC)
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act
Commonly known as FERPA Establishes two basic rights for your student: right to inspect his or her education record right to expect TCC will not disclose information from the student’s educational record (grades, attendance, etc.) without his or her written consent only directory information (name, major, etc.) that is already public may be freely disclosed student must sign Permission to Release Form in presence of college staff for someone other than student to gain access to student’s record ALL college students have rights under FERPA, even those who participate in dual enrollment
Student Responsibilities (1)
It is the student’s responsibility to: know TCC student id number and login information register for courses each semester, unless course is taught on high school campus (must register prior to deadline; VR hold placed on accounts after deadline) courses taught on high school campuses will be registered by dual enrollment coordinator after deadline contact school guidance counselor concerning textbooks each semester submit official exam scores for credit (AP, IB, AICE, CLEP), if applicable meet with high school guidance counselor to ensure high school graduation requirements are being met.
Student Responsibilities (2)
It is the student’s responsibility to: be familiar with course syllabus for each course complete college academic advising each semester may go to Academic Advising Center for in depth advising (2nd fl of Student Union) may schedule appointment with dual enrollment coordinator for general AA degree requirements understand TCC’s withdrawal policy and its potential effect on student academic progress keep parent and college/profesor appropriately informed about progress and needs check TCC student regularly for important information/updates Include TCC student id number in all correspondence
Tips for a successful partnership
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” - Helen Keller
How can I help? Become familiar with FERPA
Understand the different perspectives (high school student vs. college student) Expect your student to keep you informed of his or her academic progress Help your student navigate high school and college Discuss academic and life goals with student regularly Be aware of your students developmental and organizational skills necessary for a successful college experience
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Course Registration How does my student register for courses?
Dual enrolled students will register themselves for TCC campus courses within their specific registration window, which is based on credit hours (see Academic Calendar). Dual enrollment courses taught on the high school campus will be registered by the dual enrollment coordinator after the final deadline each semester. Steps to Register ( admin-needs/how-to-register-for-classes/) 1. Sign in to TCC Passport using your TCC username and password. 2. Click "My Schedule" located at the top of the page. 3. Scroll to the far right and click "Credit Registration." 4. Choose the appropriate term using the drop-down arrow and then click Select Term. 5. Scroll down to the class search screen and type in the Course ID and Number. 6. Click the red "Search Now" button to see all of the available classes. 7. To add a class, click the Reference Number (RefNum) button located to the left of the Course ID. 8. After adding all of your classes, click the red "Register Now" button. 9. If there are no error messages, click the "View/Print Schedule and Fees" button.
Passport & EagleNet The following information is available via EagleNet/Passport accounts: Class Search Register for Classes View Schedule View Grades Unofficial Transcript Student
AP, IB, CLEP (Credit By Exam)
My student has earned college credit through AP courses taken at their high school. Will TCC award the credit? Official scores must be submitted from testing agency to TCC. Scores are not accepted via high school transcript. TCC honors credits earned by the following exams: AP – Advanced Placement Cambridge AICE (British AS-Level and A-Level) CLEP – College-Level Examination Program IB – International Baccalaureate DSST Examination (formerly Dantes) UEXCEL Examinations Please visit link for detailed information concerning credit by exam: udent-records-registrar--admin- needs/credit-by-exam/ (select TCC Credit-by-exam Equivalencies)
FEES Dual enrollment is at no cost to the student/parent, how are fees waived? Fees are waived when the Permission to Register form is submitted. Please be sure all appropriate forms are submitted as well. How often must we submit the Permission to Register form? Every semester How will I know the fees have been waived? Please allow hours after forms have been submitted for processing. After successful processing, the student will have a $0 balance on the student schedule (please have student check EagleNet account for this information). My student has a balance, although all forms have been submitted. We have waited the necessary wait time, what are we missing? s are sent to the student’s TCC account in the event additional information is required. Student must check TCC regularly for further assistance or contact dual enrollment coordinator. What are other hindrances that may delay processing time? Completion of the AA (Associate of Arts) degree application Submission of incomplete forms Not submitting all required forms
Orientation Does my student need to complete new student orientation (online orientation)? No. Only dual enrolled students who complete the matriculation process to attend TCC after high school graduation. Dual enrolled students will complete an online course specifically for dual enrolled students via Canvas – TalonTed Eagles Experience (TEE). The course will be made available in Canvas first day of classes beginning Spring This course does not count against credit hours and will not yield a letter grade. All students, are required to complete the course.
Official Transcripts & Holds
My student’s account shows TCC has not received high school transcripts. How can we take care of this? In relation to dual enrollment, transcripts are sent directly to the dual enrollment coordinator by each school. This satisfies transcript requirement for dual enrollment. The screen to your right is a standard list of items (holds) for FTIC (first time in college) students who have graduated high school. See list in student EagleNet account. This entire list does not apply to dual enrolled students, however, provides great information. Pink: holds that will hinder registration; dual enrollment (VR) hold is placed on all dual enrollment student accounts after established deadlines each semester. Green: students will submit official high school transcript after high school graduation – this will not hinder registration. Yellow: first date student registration window opens
Orientation Does my student need to complete new student orientation (online orientation)? No. Only dual enrolled students who complete the matriculation process to attend TCC after high school graduation. Dual enrolled students will complete an online course specifically for dual enrolled students via Canvas – TalonTed Eagles Experience (TEE). The course will be made available in Canvas first day of classes beginning Spring This course does not count against credit hours and will not yield a letter grade. All students, are required to complete the course.
How will my student access enrolled courses?
Students will access enrolled courses via Canvas Student will contact the professor if enrolled courses are not available within a reasonable amount of time Courses will not appear prior to first day of classes
Student organizations
Will my student be allowed to participate in campus organizations and programs? Dual enrolled students may participate in TCC organizations and programs (honors, etc.). Please search our TCC website for further information. SLICE (Student Leadership, Involvement, and Civic Engagement): life/leadership--involvement/ Academic Enrichment: academic-enrichment/
Continuing to TCC after high school graduation
Will my student need to complete a new application to attend TCC after high school? No. The matriculation process is outlined here. All documents may be submitted to the TCC Admissions & Records Office or online at If your student plans to continue attending TCC as a degree-seeking student after your Dual Enrollment program, their student status at TCC has to be changed. Here’s the process: Submit the Change of Program form to the Admissions office. Submit the Florida Residency Declaration to the Admissions office (must include supporting documents). Self-register to attend the New Student Orientation for degree- seeking students. Submit your final high school transcript with graduation date to the Admissions office (does not apply to home education). If home-educated, submit the Affidavit of Home School Completion to your Admissions and Records Office. Submit any additional test scores (if applicable) to the Admissions office.
Student ID Card & Parking Decal
Will my student be required to have the student id card and parking decal? The student id card is not required, nor the parking decal. However, TCC strongly encourages students to have both. Students may obtain the student id card and parking decal from the Cashier’s Office (2nd Floor of Student Union). Please visit link below for more information: al-aid/cashiers-office/id-cards--parking- decal-/
Campus tour Are we able to take a tour? Students and parents may schedule a campus tour or participate in a self-guided tour at your convenience. To schedule a tour, visit the link below: hedule-a-tour/
Resources About Resources TCC Passport Eaglenet Canvas (Class Log-In)
About Resources TCC Passport Eaglenet Canvas (Class Log-In)
CONTACT Information Tulani Honablew Office:
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