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Presentation on theme: "INDEPENDENT COMPLAINTS DIRECTORATE (ICD) ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2011/12"— Presentation transcript:


Briefing to the Portfolio Committee on Police ICD Annual Report 2011/12 Subject Slide Introduction Overview of the 2011/12 service delivery environment 3 Key strategic achievements 4 Overview by the Acting Executive Director 5 – 7 Programme performance Programme 2: Complaints processing, Monitoring and Investigation 8 – 18 Programme 3: Information Management and Research 19 – 28 Programme 1: Administration 29 – 35 Financial performance: Chief Financial Officer 36 – 45 Conclusion 46

The ICD’s 2011 to 2016 strategic plan identified four key areas in which to improve service delivery:  Effectively investigate criminal offences committed by members of the SAPS and the municipal police services Report and monitor recommendations that were made in respect of members of the SAPS and the municipal police services resulting from investigations conducted by the ICD Improve reporting and accountability practices Develop policy, reporting frameworks and standard operating procedures to regulate investigations.

Finalisation of new legislative framework Independent Police Investigative Directorate Act, Act No. 1 of 2011: Signed into law by the President on 12 May 2011. The implementation date was proclaimed for 1 April 2012 after the approval of the IPID Regulations by the Minister of Police.  Prioritisation of serious cases (deaths that occur in police custody / as a result of police action) Resulted in 90% of these cases being finalised in 2011/12. This exceeded the target of 65%. Reduction of backlog In 2011/12, the ICD made significant progress towards reaching its target to carry over only 10% of cases from one year to the next. The directorate made good progress by reducing the backlog and as a result it will carry over only 550 cases. This is in contrast to 2010/11 when cases were carried over into the current reporting period. This amounts to a 50% reduction. Increased public awareness The directorate held 279 outreach events in 2011/12 to raise public awareness of the ICD’s activities and responsibilities. The target for this strategic objective was 260 events. The ICD also stepped up its efforts to communicate its activities to the media by issuing 62 statements on cases and holding media briefings in various parts of the country.

The ICD received an unqualified report from the Auditor-General for the third consecutive year. In addition thereto, the ICD completed – 90% of its investigations of deaths in custody or as a result of police action, exceeding the target of 65% by 25%; 86% of its investigations into cases of criminality against members of the SAPS, exceeding the target of 55% by 31%; and 98% of its investigations of cases of misconduct against members of the SAPS, exceeding the target of 55% by 43%. 4 923 cases were received during the period under review, of which - 720 cases were notifications of deaths in police custody and deaths as a result of police action 88 cases were domestic violence non-compliance matters 2 320 cases were allegations of criminal offences 1 795 cases were allegations of misconduct alleging contravention of police standing orders and regulations

The proportion of cases, in percentage terms, that ICD dealt with is as follows - deaths amounted to 15 % domestic violence non-compliance amounted to 2 % criminal offences amounted to 47% misconduct amounted to 36 % If you compare how these numbers have changed relative to the year before, you will note that – deaths decreased by 10%, from 797 to 720 domestic violence non-compliance matters decreased by 14% from, 102 to 88 cases Criminal offences decreased by 7%, from to 2 320 Misconduct complaints decreased by 14%, from to Overall there was an 16% decrease across the board cases were received in 2010/11 compared to cases that were received in 2011/12. All provinces except for Eastern Cape and Mpumalanga experienced overall decreases ranging from 15% to 27%. (The Eastern Cape and Mpumalanga experienced increases of 9% and 18% respectively.)

545 recommendations for prosecution were made to the Directorate of Public Prosecutions (DPP). 1 276 recommendations were made to SAPS management in respect of disciplinary action. ICD investigators spent 1202 days in courts or disciplinary tribunals. 36 convictions in the courts, with sentences ranging from fines to a life sentence and there were 38 criminal acquittals. 90 convictions emanating from disciplinary processes were obtained and there were 5 departmental acquittals. Other cases are still pending finalisation in the courts and disciplinary tribunals.

8 Service delivery objectives and indicators
Performance Information Programme 2 Performance Information Strategic objective Measure/Indicator Actual performance against strategic objective Reason for variance Target Actual Register and allocate all new cases within 48 hours of receipt Percentage of complaints registered and allocated within 48 hours 100% (5 450) 91% 4 499 cases registered and allocated within 48 hours out of received Target not met in Western Cape and Gauteng due to capacity constraints Investigate deaths in custody or as a result of police action Percentage of investigations of deaths in custody or as a result of police action completed 65% (470) 90% 839 investigations completed out of a workload of 932 ( ) Target exceeded Investigate and/or monitor complaints of criminality Percentage of investigations of criminality completed 55% (1 100) 86% 2 497 investigations completed out of a workload of 2 912 ( ) Investigate and/or monitor complaints of misconduct Percentage of investigations of misconduct completed 98% 2 031 investigations completed out of a workload of 2 072 ( ) Monitor the implementation of the Domestic Violence Act Number of police stations audited for compliance with the Domestic Violence Act 108 222 Percentage of applications for exemption in terms of the Domestic Violence Act completed within 30 days 100 (50) 99% 109 applications for exemption completed out of a workload of 110 Target not met

9 Workload : Backlog and new cases
Programme 2 Performance Information

10 Workload by classification
Programme 2 Performance Information

11 Performance Information
Completed cases Programme 2 Performance Information

12 Performance Information
Cases of death in custody and as a result of police action : target 65% Programme 2 Performance Information

13 Criminal cases : target 55%
Programme 2 Performance Information

14 Misconduct cases : target 55%
Programme 2 Performance Information

15 Recommendations to the Director of Public Prosecutions
Programme 2 Performance Information

16 Recommendation to SAPS
Programme 2 Performance Information

17 Performance Information
Criminal Convictions Programme 2 Performance Information Province Death cases Criminal cases Total Eastern Cape - Free State 2 3 5 Gauteng 1 KwaZulu-Natal 4 Limpopo Mpumalanga North West- 9 11 Northern Cape 6 7 Western Cape 13 23 36

18 Performance Information
Criminal acquittals Programme 2 Performance Information

19 Service delivery objectives and indicators
PERFORMACE INFORMATION Programme 3 Performance Information Strategic objective Measure/Indicator Actual performance against target Reason for variance Target Actual Promote public awareness of the ICD/IPID role and services Number of community awareness and outreach programmes launched 260 279 Target exceeded Number of updates to departmental web site ongoing 62 Fifty eight media statements and four media advisories were posted on the departmental website Conduct proactive research Number of research projects and recommendation reports compiled 3 2 Target not met due to capacity constraints Establish efficient information systems to support strategic business objectives Develop effective and efficient information and communication technology (ICT) systems Revised and approved ICT operational plan Implement 15% of ICT operational plan ICT operational plan was revised and approved. 15% of ICT operational plan was implemented Target met

20 Complaints and notifications received: 2011/12
Programme 3 Performance Information Provinces Death DVA Criminal Misconduct Total Eastern Cape 107 10 147 87 351 Free-State 47 9 263 243 562 Gauteng 189 16 440 293 938 KwaZulu-Natal 180 4 219 81 484 Limpopo 56 3 216 181 456 Mpumalanga 45 142 433 North West 28 7 174 245 454 Northern Cape 14 270 97 388 Western Cape 54 29 348 426 857 Grand Total 720 88 2 320 1 795 4 923

21 Comparison: Intake 2010/11 vs 2011/12
PERFORMACE INFORMATION Programme 3 Performance Information Class 2010/2011 2011/2012 Yearly change Deaths 797 720 -10% Domestic Violence 102 88 -14% Criminal 2493 2320 -7% Misconduct 2477 1795 Total 5869 4923 -16%

22 Total cases intake 2011/2012-yearly change
PERFORMACE INFORMATION Programme 3 Performance Information Total cases intake 2011/2012-yearly change Provinces 2010/2011 2011/2012 Yearly change Eastern Cape 322 351 9% Free-State 766 562 -27% Gauteng 1169 938 -20% KwaZulu-Natal 570 484 -15% Limpopo 581 456 -22% Mpumalanga 366 433 18% North West 590 454 -23% Northern Cape 499 388 Western Cape 1006 857 Total 5869 4923 -16%

23 Performance Information
Yearly changes of deaths in police custody and as a result of police action PERFORMACE INFORMATION Programme 3 Performance Information Yearly changes of deaths in police custody and as a result of police action Deaths 2010/2011 2011/2012 Percentages change Deaths in police custody 257 232 -10% Deaths as a result of police action 540 488 Total 797 720

24 Deaths in police custody and as a result of police action per province
PERFORMACE INFORMATION Programme 3 Performance Information Deaths in police custody and as a result of police action per province Province 2011/2012 Percentages Eastern Cape 107 15% Free State 47 7% Gauteng 189 26% KwaZulu-Natal 180 25% Limpopo 56 8% Mpumalanga 45 6% North West 28 4% Northern Cape 14 2% Western Cape 54 Total 720 100%

25 Deaths in police custody by circumstances
PERFORMACE INFORMATION Programme 3 Performance Information Deaths in police custody by circumstances Short description Number Percentages Injuries sustained in custody 79 34% Injuries sustained prior to custody (vigilantism) 48 21% Natural causes 105 45% Total 232 100%

26 Circumstances of deaths as a results of police action
PERFORMACE INFORMATION Programme 3 Performance Information Circumstances of deaths as a results of police action Circumstances Number Percentage A suspect died during the course of a crime 110 22% A suspect died during the course of an escape 13 3% A suspect died during the course of an investigation 34 7% A suspect died during the course of arrest 249 51% An innocent bystander died during commission of a crime 9 2% An innocent bystander died during the course of an escape of another 5 1% Domestic Violence related and off-duty deaths 18 4% Negligent handling of a firearm leading to a death 22 Negligent handling of a vehicle leading to a death 28 6% Total 488 100%

27 Total criminal cases per province-yearly change
PERFORMACE INFORMATION Programme 3 Performance Information Total criminal cases per province-yearly change Province 2010/2011 2011/2012 Yearly change Eastern Cape 146 147 1% Free State 267 263 -1% Gauteng 418 440 5% KwaZulu-Natal 190 219 15% Limpopo 302 216 -28% Mpumalanga 214 243 14% North West 174 -19% Northern Cape 304 270 -11% Western Cape 438 348 -21% Total 2493 2320 -7%

28 Total misconduct cases per province-yearly change
PERFORMACE INFORMATION Programme 3 Performance Information Total misconduct cases per province-yearly change Province 2010/2011 2011/2012 Yearly change Eastern Cape 60 87 45% Free State 448 243 -46% Gauteng 546 293 KwaZulu-Natal 126 81 -36% Limpopo 216 181 -16% Mpumalanga 94 142 51% North West 333 245 -26% Northern cape 169 97 -43% Western Cape 485 426 -12% Total 2477 1795 -28%

29 STAFF COMPLEMENT : Per Programme
Performance Information PROGRAMMES NUMBER OF POSTS NUMBER OF POSTS FILLED NUMBER OF VACANCIES VACANCY RATE (%) PROGRAMME: 1 Administration 101 93 8 7.9 PROGRAMME: 2 Complaint Processing, Monitoring and Investigation 158 144 14 8.9 PROGRAMME: 3 Information Management and Research 44 42 2 4.5 TOTAL 303 279 24 Turnover rate = 11%

30 Service delivery objectives and Indicators
Programme 1 Performance Information STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE MEASURE / INDICATOR ACTUAL PERFORMANCE AGAINST TARGET REASONS FOR VARIANCE Target Actual Evaluate the effectiveness of internal controls and ensure the ICD’s compliance with applicable prescripts Number of internal audit reviews conducted 16 audit reviews 32 Target exceeded. The 32 reviews include audits of all provincial offices as well as 8 follow up audit reviews Establish a corporate governance component Number of performance monitoring and evaluation reports submitted Component yet to be established The unit will be established on 1 April 2012 under IPID Timely identification and effective mitigation of risks in the department Number of risk management reports submitted 16 Target met Encourage ethical behavior by staff and prevent corruption and fraud Number of ethics and integrity workshops held 10 9 Target not met

31 Service delivery objectives and Indicators
Programme 1 Performance Information STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE MEASURE / INDICATOR ACTUAL PERFORMANCE AGAINST TARGET REASONS FOR VARIANCE Target Actual Ensure effective and efficient financial planning, management and accounting services according to best practice Number of expenditure reports submitted 16 Target met Implement government’s strategy on asset management in line with the prescripts of the Public Finance Management Act Number of asset verifications and updates of Asset Register completed 4

32 Service delivery objectives and Indicators
Programme 1 Performance Information STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE MEASURE / INDICATOR ACTUAL PERFORMANCE AGAINST TARGET REASONS FOR VARIANCE Target Actual Ensure efficient management of the minimum information security standard and compliance with the security risk management policy Number of security audits conducted 10 15 Target exceeded – Component managed to audit all 9 provincial offices and 6 satellite offices. The audits at the satellite offices were not planned but the component felt that there was a need to audit these offices to determine the level of security compliance in order for security systems to be installed Number of workshops on minimum information security standard and security risk management policy 11 Target exceeded.

33 Service delivery objectives and Indicators
Programme 1 Performance Information STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE MEASURE / INDICATOR ACTUAL PERFORMANCE AGAINST TARGET REASONS FOR VARIANCE Target Actual Reduce vacancy rate by effectively administering the recruitment, selection and appointment of employees and develop and implement a retention policy to retain skilled personnel % vacancy rate Below 10% 7.9% Target met Increase compliance with prescribed equity and employment of people with disabilities % of people with disabilities 2% 1% Target not met. The ICD had 4 employees with disabilities. One employee left the department. People with disabilities do not always apply for posts even though the adverts indicate that the Directorate promotes representivity in terms of race gender and disability % females at senior and top management level 50% 35% Target not met. Posts designated for filling by women candidates were created in the new organisational structure to be filled in the next financial year

34 Service delivery objectives and Indicators
Programme 1 Performance Information STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE MEASURE / INDICATOR ACTUAL PERFORMANCE AGAINST TARGET REASONS FOR VARIANCE Target Actual Improve service delivery by revitalising the Batho Pele programme Number of updates of service delivery improvement plan 1 Target met. The Service Delivery Improvement Plan is developed once a year Number of awareness sessions to monitor implementation of the service-delivery improvement plan 10 12 Target exceeded Develop, manage and ensure effective implementation of human resource and organisational policies and strategies % of policies evaluated and updated annually 70% Target met Manage and monitor the training and skills development of employees, as well as learnership and internship programmes Number of skills development programmes implemented 60 training programmes coordinated and monitored 65 % of interns in total staff complement 5% internships 3.5% Target not met due to the appointment of nine interns in permanent posts by 31 March 2012 which reduced the actual percentage of interns in the total staff complement

35 Service delivery objectives and Indicators
Programme 1 Performance Information STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE MEASURE / INDICATOR ACTUAL PERFORMANCE AGAINST TARGET REASONS FOR VARIANCE Target Actual Coordinate and facilitate employee health and wellness programmes and ensure compliance with occupational health and safety regulations Number of internal HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns conducted 10 7 Target not met. Number of team-building sessions conducted 40 Target met. Promote discipline in the department % of disciplinary hearings finalised within 90 days 70% 29% Target not met due to postponements. % of grievances finalised within 60 days 0% Capacity constraints in the Labour Relations Component.

36 2011/12 ICD Budget Allocations
2011/12 AFS Analysis Budget summary : MTEF Baseline – 2011/12 2010/11 2011/12 % Increase R R 19%

37 ICD Budget Allocations: 2011/12
2011/12 AFS Analysis PROGRAMME 1 2010/11 Allocation R’million 2011/12 Compensation of Employees 22.4 29.6 Goods and services 27.2 42.1 Departmental Agency (Transfer) 0.1 Machinery and Equipment 1 1.6 Total for Programme 1 50.7 73.4 PROGRAMME 2 43.5 50.9 20.7 25.6 - 1.7 1.9 Total for Programme 2 65.9 78.4

38 ICD Budget Allocations: 2011/12
2011/12 AFS Analysis PROGRAMME 3 2010/11 Allocation R’million 2011/12 Compensation of Employees 6.4 1.0 Goods and services 7.6 0.5 Departmental Agency (Transfer) - Machinery and Equipment 0.8 0.1 Total for Programme 3 14.8 1.6

39 ICD Detailed Annual Expenditure
2011/12 AFS Analysis Budget per Programme over the MTEF period Programme Actual expenditure Should have spent Variance Administration 99.9% 100% R1 000 Complaints Processing, Monitoring and Investigations Information Management and Research - Total R2 000

40 AFS Analysis: Overall ICD Expenditure
Explanation: Only R2 000 of the total budget allocation was reported as under spending the Department is making efforts to ensure 100% spending 2011/12 Spent 99.9% R’000 Actual Expenditure Final Appropriation Variance (2) Comparison to prior financial year: 2011/12 2010/11 2009/10 Spent 99.9% 97.7% 91.2% R’000 Actual Expenditure Final Appropriation Variance (2) 2 991 10 221 Awaiting invoices ICD Call Centre, relocation

41 AFS Analysis: ICD Virements
There was an anticipated under-spending of R1  in Programme 2, which was moved through the application of virement to: Programme 1: Administration (R ) (1.54%) and Programme 3: Information Management and Research (R ) ( 1.85%). The net result of the application for virement of R translates to 1.71%. (Max 8%) Programme 1: Address shortfall in goods and services from compensation of employees vacant posts, awaiting job evaluations Increase office accommodation expenditure Programme 3:

42 Initiatives to address under-expenditure
2011/12 AFS Analysis Capturing of payments at SITA Monthly expenditure reports per responsibility manager: Spending Reasons for over/under expenditure Details on 30 days payments compliance Monthly Budget Control Committee Meeting Bi-annual Review of Budget Needs

43 Unauthorised; Irregular; Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure
2011/12 AFS Analysis Unauthorised: None occurred in the current year Irregular: Fruitless & Wasteful: 1 case amounting to R1 000, currently under investigation

44 AFS Analysis: Asset Management
Quarterly verifications done (strategic target met) BAS/LOGIS reconciliations performed monthly Bar-coded asset management system fully implemented

45 Auditor General Audit Report
2011/12 AG Report Opinion: Unqualified – clean opinion Predetermined Objectives: Validity: Register and allocate all new cases within 48 hours of receipt 31% of targets not achieved due to capacity constraints during implementation Compliance with laws and regulations: HR Plan not in place: Public Service Regulation I/III/B.2(d) Payments not settled in 30 days: Sec 38(I)(f) PFMA Investigations: Public Protector investigation on City Forum Building

46 Conclusion There was an overall 16% decrease of all cases, notably deaths in police custody and deaths due to police action There was a substantial reduction of backlog cases - resulting in only 550 cases being carried over into the IPID environment Most targets in relation to the core function, namely investigations, were exceeded Measures will be put in place to ensure improved performance in all areas Comments and proposals by Members of the Portfolio Committee on Police are appreciated and will be taken into consideration to improve practices


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