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Ansār Leadership Conference (ALC) Baitus-Samee Mosque Houston, TX January 14 - 15, 2017 Placing Collective Interest over Individual Interest (Obedience.

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Presentation on theme: "Ansār Leadership Conference (ALC) Baitus-Samee Mosque Houston, TX January 14 - 15, 2017 Placing Collective Interest over Individual Interest (Obedience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ansār Leadership Conference (ALC) Baitus-Samee Mosque Houston, TX January 14 - 15, 2017
Placing Collective Interest over Individual Interest (Obedience to Majlis Initiatives)

2 Placing Collective Interest over Individual Interest ((Obedience to Majlis Initiatives)
“There is a need to make efforts regarding Tarbiyyat at every level. Once the task of Tarbiyyat has been adequately accomplished, issues pertaining to other departments will start resolving on their own. That will lead to an overall awakening in the Jama’at.”                      (Hazur-e-Anwar) Taleem Tests, Salat Centers, Quran Recitation, Maal… reminders…

3 Placing Collective Interest over Individual Interest ((Obedience to Majlis Initiatives)
10th condition of Bai’at: That he/she shall enter into a bond of brotherhood with this humble servant of God, pledging obedience to me in everything good for the sake of God, and remain faithful to it until the day of his/ her death. That he/she shall exert such a high devotion in the observance of this bond as is not to be found in any other worldly relationship and connection that demand devoted dutifulness. MA constitution, one of the key aims and objectives of Majlis Ansārullāh is to inculcate the spirit of placing collective interest above individual interest. (Page 1, clause 3B, vii).

4 Placing Collective Interest over Individual Interest ((Obedience to Majlis Initiatives)
I solemnly pledge that I shall endeavor throughout my life for the propagation and consolidation of Ahmadiyyat in Islam, and shall stand guard in defense of the institution of Khilafat. I shall not hesitate to offer any sacrifice in this regard. Moreover, I shall exhort my children to always remain dedicated and devoted to Khilafat. Insh’Allah

5 Placing Collective Interest over Individual Interest ((Obedience to Majlis Initiatives)
Giving precedence to our faith over all worldly objects is #1 (but really #2) And attending to worldly objects is #2 (but really is #1) ‘Most hateful is it in the sight of Allah that you say what you do not do.’ (61:4). Let’s share some examples and our solutions…

6 Placing Collective Interest over Individual Interest ((Obedience to Majlis Initiatives)
If any one of you is unable to attend the National Amla meeting on Friday before ALC - or a segment of the ALC program itself What should we do? Do we need to tell anyone that we don’t want to come or can’t come? What do we do at work? What do we expect from our direct reports? What does our superiors expect from us

7 Placing Collective Interest over Individual Interest ((Obedience to Majlis Initiatives)
WhatsApp group for Majlis related communication for ALL. Not being included, you will miss many discussions/achievements. Please note once you are added don't remove yourself from the group without prior permission from Sadr Majlis.  What should we do? Do we have the right to remove ourselves?

8 Placing Collective Interest over Individual Interest ((Obedience to Majlis Initiatives)
Foundation of Islam is Discipline (Moral Training) and Obedience Take you on a journey to flying out… A concept of discipline and obedience You pick up your boarding pass by showing documentation? Why? Then going through security checkpoint Take off coats, laptops, ipads, phones on the tray Go through x-ray and place on yellow foot prints May go through further patdowns, etc. - Why?

9 Placing Collective Interest over Individual Interest ((Obedience to Majlis Initiatives)
You make it through security and now you are at the gate Board by group number You make it finally to your seat and told to put your seatbelts on… why? Isn’t this process discipline/training and obedience? So, we follow the rules elsewhere but not in the Jama’at/Masjlis Ansarullah?

10 Placing Collective Interest over Individual Interest ((Obedience to Majlis Initiatives)
At the Battle of Uhud, Hadrat Muhammad (SAW) decided to come out of Madina & confront the enemy. In order to protect the city, Hadrat Muhammad (SAW) strategically placed army in front & moving to the side of Uhud Mountain. He noticed the mountain pass which could prove a source of danger. He appointed fifty archers under the command of ‘Abdullah bin Jubair to protect.

11 Placing Collective Interest over Individual Interest ((Obedience to Majlis Initiatives)
Hadrat Muhammad (SAW) INSTRUCTIONS..."Even if you see birds swooping down on our dead bodies, you are not going to leave this pass until my message reaches you to do so.“ Hadrat Muhammad (SAW) faced extreme anxiety and worry at Uhud. This was one of the greatest trials of his life.

12 Placing Collective Interest over Individual Interest ((Obedience to Majlis Initiatives)
One shock was that the archers positioned did not obey the orders & whole army suffered Second grief was the loss of seventy valuable lives Third, he himself was badly wounded. Zoama, Nazeem-e-Alaa… ALL Aamila members are those archers! We are there to obey all orders from Khilafat If we ignore the orders… what will happen?

13 Placing Collective Interest over Individual Interest ((Obedience to Majlis Initiatives)
What to do when someone complains about the Jama’at or Majlis or Aamila member? What is the process? Address it immediately Inform Zaim, Jama’at Tarbiyyat Secretary or Sadr Jama’at If a complaint: Write it down & move it forward with all the required proof & witnesses along with their name and address. Members who see that there is something truly wrong in the administration then they should bravely come forward and highlight it with honesty and be ready to face all the consequences. 

14 Placing Collective Interest over Individual Interest ((Obedience to Majlis Initiatives)
BACK TO OTHER EXAMPLES I will skip the Aamila/General meeting? Is this ok? Ameer Sahib’s example I will leave whatsapp group? Battle of Uhud ….. On whatsapp’s group, use only English language? Hazur’s (ABA) example

15 Placing Collective Interest over Individual Interest ((Obedience to Majlis Initiatives)
Belittle some members, beard, etc. “I might have a full beard not like you” Is this ok? No need to follow Taleem/Tarbiyyat workbook? Brothers…. T/T workbook is an order from Hazur (ABA) Is this needed? I know what is needed for my Majlis Battle of Uhud….

16 Placing Collective Interest over Individual Interest ((Obedience to Majlis Initiatives)
Complete obedience to the Nizam-e-Jama’at is incumbent on Ahmadi Muslims after their bai’at. The 10th Condition of Bai’at reads: Explaining this condition of bai’at, Hazur (ABA) says: 1. and the more one finds oneself bound by the Nizam-e-Jama’at. You should be mindful that this bond does not remain inactive, rather it should become stronger every day.

17 Placing Collective Interest over Individual Interest ((Obedience to Majlis Initiatives)
2. You have to be obedient without grumbling. You never have the right to say that such and such cannot be done or that you cannot do such and such at this time. 3. When you have taken the bai’at and have entered the Nizam-e-Jama’at, you have given everything of yours to the Promised Messiah (AS) 4. This condition is such that the more one thinks about it, the deeper one submerges in the love of the Promised Messiah (AS)

18 Placing Collective Interest over Individual Interest ((Obedience to Majlis Initiatives)
Some question why do we have certain limits and do not have freedom in certain matters. Ahmadis should remember that Islam allows everything that is justifiable. The limits maintained are for moral correction, moral development and unity. If they wish to assist in the progress of the Jama’at then they need to understand the concept of obedience more than anyone else! If all office-holders on all levels understood the concept of obedience, the members of the Jama’at would inevitably understand it.

19 Placing Collective Interest over Individual Interest ((Obedience to Majlis Initiatives)
Everyone would appear as the straight line of travelling camels. Should self-reflect over their standards of obedience and ponder how they respond to any instruction of the Khalifa of the time. Do they obey instantly or do they construe their own meanings of what is instructed?

20 Placing Collective Interest over Individual Interest ((Obedience to Majlis Initiatives)
Some office-holders act upon instructions received from the Khalifa but with some hesitation. This does not signify obedience. Obedience is when it is followed instantly. Indeed, it is fine to have your own opinion; however when the Khalifa of the time decides upon something, then one must overlook one’s opinion. PLACING COLLECTIVE INTEREST OVER INDIVIDUAL INTEREST

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