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Banner AREAS+ AREAS+ PROJECT OUTCOMES Miriam Negri, International Projects and Development Cooperation Office, Politecnico di Torino

2 Banner AREAS+ Timeline AREAS+ Project proposal submission April 2013 Proposal approval by EACEA July 2013 Coordinators Meeting - Brussels October 2013 Kickoff Meeting – Kuala Lumpur October st Call for Applications November 2013 – February st Selection Meeting - Brno April st Progress Report to EACEA August 2014 Implementation of mobility flows since August nd Call for Applications October 2014 – February nd Progress Report to EACEA February nd Selection Meeting - Skype March rd Progress Report to EACEA March 2016 Call for Scholarship Extensions September 2016 Final Meeting – Torino May 2017 Project end 14 July 2017 Final Report to EACEA mid-Sept 2017 Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

Banner AREAS+ IMPROVEMENTS FROM AREAS TO AREAS+ (1) 2 new partners: TTU (Estonia) and IIT Dhanbad (India) Replacement of 2 AREAS partners not very active Opportunity to newly internationalizing HEIs to grow  Goal achieved! IIT Dhanbad: 4 IN + 15 OUT mobilities; 19 joint papers + 1 prototype; 1 MoU; internationalization process Congrats for becoming an IIT! TTU: 14 IN + 7 OUT mobilities; 2 new MoUs + 1E+ KA E+ KA2 CBHE under submission + 1H2020 under submission TTU comments: “…positive impact in capacity building, modernization and internationalization” “Thanks to AREAS+, TTU has proven to be an active and reliable partner, therefore was invited to participate the Erasmus+ capacity building project. Through AREAS+ mobilities…. TTU is exposed to students and scholars from a very different background, its internationalization strategy is under a stress test. The result has been satisfaction, of course with areas of improvements…” Introduction of Co-coordinator from Asia: Hanoi University of Science and Technology - HUST (Vietnam) Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

Banner AREAS+ IMPROVEMENTS FROM AREAS TO AREAS+ (2) Mobility flow EU -> AS For some AS universities: first experience in welcoming EU exchange students! Online platform for the collection of applications and project documents (AREAS+ tool) Foster the cooperation started within AREAS New MoUs, exchange agreements, double degree agreements New joint supervisions of doctorate thesis, new joint papers New joint projects Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

Banner AREAS+ IMPROVEMENTS FROM AREAS TO AREAS+ (3) Increase of Intra-regional cooperation among the Asian Partners: sharing of best practices  JWARCT (Joint Workshop on Academic Recognition and Credit Transfer) in Cambodia, 2014 Cooperation with other EMA2 Partnerships in the region JWARCT Joint Evaluation lot 12 Participation in Evaluation of Impact of EMA2 projects in Asia, realized by EXPERTS project Coordinator UGOE Increasing interest in Administrative Staff mobilities: from 20% to 34% of Staff mobilities (see slide N° 15) Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

6 Project outcomes Banner AREAS+
Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

7 Project outcomes: call for proposals requirements (1)
Banner AREAS+ Project outcomes: call for proposals requirements (1) Call for proposals EACEA/38/12 - lot 12 Max. per project AREAS+ Proposal Implemented Budget € 12,2 millions € 3,05 millions € 3,025 millions € 2,868 millions Flows 480 mobilities 400 Asia -> EU 80 EU -> Asia Min. 120 mobilities 100 Asia -> EU 20 EU -> Asia 183 mobilities 138 Asia -> EU 45 EU -> Asia 2nd Selection Meeting: reduction to 180 180 mobilities 132 Asia -> EU 48 EU -> Asia Drop out: 22 Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

8 Project outcomes: call for proposals requirements (2)
Banner AREAS+ Project outcomes: call for proposals requirements (2) Distribution per level Call for proposals EACEA/38/12 - lot 12 AREAS+ Budget Proposal Implemented Undergraduate 20 – 40 % 24,59% 28,33 % Master 15 – 35 % 31,15% 28,89 % PhD 10 – 30 % 11,48% 11,11 % Post Doc 5 – 20 % 8,20% 7,22 % Staff 24,44 % Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

9 Project outcomes: call for proposals requirements (3)
Banner AREAS+ Project outcomes: call for proposals requirements (3) Distribution per Group Call for proposals EACEA/38/12 - lot 12 AREAS+ Budget Proposal Implemented Distribution per Target Group TG1 min. 50 % TG1: 83,61% TG2: 13,11% TG3: 3,28% TG1: 82,78 % TG2: 13,89 % TG3: 3,33 % Distribution per Country Group Group A: Cambodia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Vietnam, Laos Group B: Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines Group A min. 30 % Group A: 37,70% Group B: 37,70% EU: 24,59% Group A: 35 % Group B: 38,33 % EU: 26,67 % Fewer grantees than planned from Laos (no applications 2nd call) Many grantees from India High participation from EU Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

10 Project outcomes: Grantees per nationality
Banner AREAS+ Project outcomes: Grantees per nationality Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

11 Project outcomes: TG1 grantees per home university
Banner AREAS+ Project outcomes: TG1 grantees per home university Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

12 Project outcomes: Grantees per host university
Banner AREAS+ Project outcomes: Grantees per host university Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

13 Project outcomes: Grantees per host university and study level
Banner AREAS+ Project outcomes: Grantees per host university and study level Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

14 Project outcomes: Degree seeking and exchange students
Banner AREAS+ Project outcomes: Degree seeking and exchange students Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

15 Project outcomes: Academic vs administrative staff mobilities
Banner AREAS+ Project outcomes: Academic vs administrative staff mobilities Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

16 Project outcomes: Distribution of grantees per field of study
Banner AREAS+ Project outcomes: Distribution of grantees per field of study Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

17 Project outcomes: Fields of study per host university
Banner AREAS+ Project outcomes: Fields of study per host university Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

18 Project outcomes: Distribution of females and males per field of study
Banner AREAS+ Project outcomes: Distribution of females and males per field of study Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

19 Project outcomes: Gender balance
Banner AREAS+ Project outcomes: Gender balance Gender balance per group: EU: 65%M – 35% F Group A (Cambodia, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Vietnam): 59%M – 41%F Males preponderance: Cambodia, Vietnam; Females preponderance: Mongolia Group B (India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka): 51%M – 49%F Males preponderance: India; Females preponderance: Malaysia, Philippines Improvement compared to received applications: 59% M - 41% F  +2 percentage points during selections. Why? females submit good quality applications; selection rules (gender balance as cross-cutting evaluation criteria) Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

20 Project outcomes: Academic results – degree seeking students
Banner AREAS+ Project outcomes: Academic results – degree seeking students Study level Number of grantees Already graduated Comments UG full 1 Planned graduation: January 2018 MS full 17 15 1 mobility interruption 1 planned graduation on January 2018 PhD full 6 1 significant delay (interruption + academic difficulties) despite student’s commitment 1 slight delay, graduation planned on November 2018 4 good/brilliant performance Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

21 Banner AREAS+ Project outcomes: Academic results – MS and UG Average ECTS achieved per semester  Mobility type 1 semester mobility 2 semesters 4 semesters 5 semesters All durations EU -> AS MS 28 (6 students) 19 (5 students) / 24 (11 students) EU -> AS UG 26 (13 stud.) 27 (4 stud.) 27 (17 stud.) EU -> AS all 28 (19 stud.) 23 (9 stud.) 26 (28 stud.) AS -> EU MS 20 (12 stud.) 22 (12 stud.) 29 (17 stud.) 27 (41 stud.) AS -> EU UG 23 (4 stud.) 20 (29 stud.) 29 (1 stud.) 21 (34 stud.) AS -> EU all 21 (16 stud.) 21 (41 stud.) 24 (75 stud.) ALL MS 23 (18 stud.) 22 (17 stud.) 26 (52 stud.) ALL UG 25 (17 stud.) 21 (33 stud.) 22 (51 stud.) ALL STUDENTS 24 (35 stud.) 21 (50 stud.) 25 (103 stud.) Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

22 Project outcomes: Academic results – MS and UG students
Banner AREAS+ Project outcomes: Academic results – MS and UG students EU MS students: outcome influenced by difficulty of some students to find appropriate courses, because of difficult match of academic calendars (Jannik Büttner) In general, Asian students had more academic difficulties than EU students In general, MS students performed better than UG students Degree seeking MS students have been the most successful -> no problems of courses match, academic calendar, etc.: they can attend a program from the beginning to the end 1 semester exchanges have been more successful than 2 semesters ones Exception compared to all other mobility projects POLITO coordinated! This confirms the outcome of the grantees survey of previous AREAS project: Asian students pointed out they prefer short mobilities That’s why we have offered more short mobilities in AREAS+! Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

23 Project outcomes: Academic results - Cotutelles and Joint Papers
Banner AREAS+ Project outcomes: Academic results - Cotutelles and Joint Papers One Cotutelle agreement (PhD) between POLITO and HUST Up to now, we know of 48 Scientific Papers published by AREAS+ grantees: 18 by the 13 PhD-exchange grantees and 10 by the 6 PhD-full degree grantees 13 by the 9 Post-Doc grantees 7 by the 6 Academic Staff grantees 24 by Indian grantees only!  most productive AREAS+ group for scientific papers CUL most productive Host 14 Scientific Papers + 1 Prototype 31 Scientific Papers in the Engineering/Technology field (26 survey + 5 POLITO out) One Indian grantee published 7 Scientific Papers in the Engineering/Technology field! AREAS+ grantees reported us 11 Prototypes developed 5 by the 3 Post-Doc grantees 4 by the 2 PhD-full degree grantees 2 by an Academic Staff grantee 2 Awards won by AREAS+ grantees! Best Paper Award at the Photonics 2016 conference in India (Souvik Gosh, IIT Dhanbad  CUL) 1st Place at the NanoArt contest, August 2015 (Sayari Biswas, IIT Dhanbad  INP) Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

24 PROJECT OUTCOMES: new agreements and projects between partners
Banner AREAS+ PROJECT OUTCOMES: new agreements and projects between partners Up to now, we know of 21 general agreements signed between AREAS+ partners during the project Up to now, we know of 26 projects selected or still waiting for the results: 22 in the frame of Erasmus+ KA107 – ICM 2 Erasmus+ KA2 CBHE 2 Horizon 2020 Most “productive” partners: MU among EU partners HUST among AS partners Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

25 Banner AREAS+ QUALITY Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

26 QUALITY Tools for quality monitoring:
Banner AREAS+ QUALITY Tools for quality monitoring: Progress and intermediate reports with section for Supervisor’s feedback (research levels only) Periodic meetings with grantees by host universities ToR host and ToR home collection  both academic performance and recognition Partner surveys for the Progress / Final Reports Grantees survey Joint Evaluation lot 12 Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

27 Grantees survey results
Banner AREAS+ Grantees survey results Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

28 GRANTEES SURVEY RESULTS – statistic sample
Banner AREAS+ GRANTEES SURVEY RESULTS – statistic sample Survey distributed to all AREAS+ grantees Distributed at the end of grantee’s mobility Grantees’ evaluation on the services received in the different phases of the mobility and on the impact of the project for their curricula, career, personal experience. Complete replies received: 158 out of 180 grantees  86,6% Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

29 GRANTEES SURVEY RESULTS – skills development
Banner AREAS+ GRANTEES SURVEY RESULTS – skills development Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

30 GRANTEES SURVEY RESULTS – career impact
Banner AREAS+ GRANTEES SURVEY RESULTS – career impact Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

Banner AREAS+ GRANTEES SURVEY RESULTS – brain drain Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

32 GRANTEES SURVEY RESULTS – employability
Banner AREAS+ GRANTEES SURVEY RESULTS – employability Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

Banner AREAS+ GRANTEES SURVEY RESULTS - satisfaction Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

34 GRANTEES SURVEY RESULTS – Erasmus Mundus added value
Banner AREAS+ GRANTEES SURVEY RESULTS – Erasmus Mundus added value Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

35 GRANTEES SURVEY RESULTS – ema2 impact on Partner Countries
Banner AREAS+ GRANTEES SURVEY RESULTS – ema2 impact on Partner Countries Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017

36 Thank you ! Banner AREAS+
Erasmus Mundus AREAS+ Project Outcomes – Politecnico di Torino, July 2017


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