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Hardy Argument for Quantum Contextuality

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1 Hardy Argument for Quantum Contextuality
Marcelo Terra Cunha Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG Brazil IPQI Bhubaneswar, 25th February


3 The Problem Or... Is there a Problem?
Consider measurements as revealing some predefined quantities/properties

4 Envy about Relativity Theory
Personal Motivation To clearly understand/explain the novelties that Quantum Theory brings Try to “derive” Quantum Theory (or something like it) from other Principles Envy about Relativity Theory

5 The Most Famous Case Bell Inequalities Bell Scenario

6 Bell Inequalities Local Correlations Quantum Correlations

7 Hardy Argument Never Yes At Least No
L. Hardy, PRL 68, (1992); 71, (1993).

8 Hardy Argument for “Nonlocality”
Special case of violation of CHSH Bell inequality

9 Can we do it for the simplest contextuality scenario?

10 Simplest Contextuality Scenario
5 dychotomic questions under cyclic compatibility conditions Remark: State-dependent contextuality Note: Beautiful History Beautiful Geometry A.A. Klyachko, M.A. Can, S. Binicioglu, and A.S. Shumovsky, PRL 101, (2008).


12 KCBS Scenario Five numbered boxes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Each one, with or without a ball Only neighbour boxes can be jointly open A.A. Klyachko, M.A. Can, S. Binicioglu, and A.S. Shumovsky, PRL 101, (2008).

13 Hardy-like conditions
Hardy for KCBS Never At Least Yes No Hardy-like conditions

14 Hardy-KCBS with QT Use Projectors

15 KCBS Inequality Hardy-like argument corresponds to a
non-maximal violation of KCBS As well as Hardy’s original argument corresponds to non-maximal violation of CHSH

16 A Nice Surprise Simon Kocher Ernest Specker
J. Math. Mech. 17, 59 (1967).

17 Generalizations For all odd n ≥ 7

18 Pool: Next Friday Bit-Commitment arXiv:1307.0156
A protocol, using Bell Inequality violation, that avoids the no-go theorem of Lo- Chau-Mayers Security is conjectural Graph-Approach to Contextuality Cabello, Severini & Winter idea for encoding NC Inequalities as graph-theoretical invariants; Extensions, E-Principle, Quantum Correlations Raise hands Raise hands

19 13/12/12

20 08/02/14

21 Take home messages There is a Hardy argument for contextuality
Presumably, the simplest way to contextuality It corresponds to a non-maximal violation of KCBS inequality Its geometry is inside the bug

22 நன்றி આભારદર્શક શબ્દો ਧੰਨਵਾਦ ਹੈ ধন্যবাদ Grato Thank you

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