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Algebra Day November 16, 2010 Do these relationships describe a function: Sort the slips of paper in front of you into YES, NO, or NOT SURE If YES, determine.

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Presentation on theme: "Algebra Day November 16, 2010 Do these relationships describe a function: Sort the slips of paper in front of you into YES, NO, or NOT SURE If YES, determine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Algebra Day November 16, 2010 Do these relationships describe a function: Sort the slips of paper in front of you into YES, NO, or NOT SURE If YES, determine the variables that would be used for input and output.

2 Algebra Day November 16, 2010 Go to to find this powerpoint and today’s documents (look in “Math Resource – Karen Aguilar”).

3 Purpose and Outcome Purpose: Plan upcoming instructional sequence, focusing both on long term (year long) as well as short term (upcoming unit) timeframes, including strategies to reinforce/build/extend students’ understanding of functions and inequalities Outcome: Revise existing Pacing Guides (in detail for upcoming chapter and big picture for year long sequence) with consideration to the following ideas State math guidelines Standards CST blueprints ELM content Engaging strategies for teaching the topic Areas of struggle identified through analysis of last year’s unit exams on Ch. 3 and 4

4 Planning for upcoming unit
We are here Long term planning Planning for upcoming unit CAHSEE Prep integration (Algebra&Functions, algebra Review results of Exams (Chapter 1, 3, 4)

5 Successes and challenges with teaching Functions (Unit 5, Chapter 4)
Go to the moodle page (Math Resource – Aguilar) Respond on the forum: Successes challenges

6 Results from last year’s Unit 4 Exam (Inequalities and Abs. Value)
Go to moodle to see report You have the handout of the exam Items that are problematic?

7 CAHSEE Prep What are you already doing?
Which strands can we realistically cover? CAHSEE Prep Quizzes? If so how many? Worth how much?

8 Agenda setting for next pull out January 18, 2010
What are we deciding to do as a result of our meeting today? How will we know if we’ve done it?

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