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Standing Committee on Training

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1 Standing Committee on Training
Meeting Warsaw, Spring 2016

2 Agenda Progress of new Chapter 6 Approved tools based on Chapter 6
QA Matrix & Training Programme Assessment Trainee survey Profile of a Psychiatrist Competency-based Training Framework Competencies for working with refugees Transition working group Psychotherapy working group EPA submission Review programme plan

3 Chapter 6 Section recommended adoption in October 2015
Awaiting formal adoption by UEMS Council

4 Implementation of Chapter 6
Develop new tools and methodologies QA Matrix drafted and approved by SCT, ‘go live’ when new Chapter 6 is adopted by UEMS Council Trainees’ survey tool #TYOT developed by EFPT Needs to be proofed against New Chapter 6 Agreed in principle to support with funding Need to assess risks ‘Go live’ following adoption of New Chapter 6

5 Profile of a Psychiatrist
EFPT produced draft with Marc’s support SCT will approve draft for consultation – please respond to request for comments from delegates by end of June SCT to approve draft version by Consultation with NPA’s and stakeholder groups Approve final version – Autumn 2016

6 Competency-based Training Framework
Dependency on Profile of a Psychiatrist Section agreed to extend the life of the current version with minor amendments to update CanMEDS structure to Autumn 2017 Supplement covering competencies for working with refugees completed, SCT approved these amendments

7 Knowledge 4.3.7 understand current mental health and other relevant legislation, including international conventions as well as national legislation on refugees, asylum seekers and awareness of related human rights issues understand the factors contributing to predisposition, precipitation and perpetuation of mental disorder as well as protective factors. This will include but not be limited to the effects of loss, trauma, abuse, forced migration, human rights violations such as torture, war, incarceration and politically, ethnically and racially based persecution. Protective factors will include personal resilience and social inclusion

8 Skills 1.1.6 perform and document a psychiatric assessment with attention to cultural diversity, including the ways that cultural and ethnic factors influence a person’s response to and expression of distress and psychiatric symptoms and the influence of cultural factors and migration on common psychiatric disorders determine which available biological, psychotherapeutic and social psychiatric interventions are appropriate to the patient’s treatment expectations and circumstances and culture

9 2.1.2 communicate effectively, both verbally and non-verbally, where necessary across linguistic and cultural boundaries using appropriate translation services (new) Perform a detailed developmental history with particular reference to the impact of adverse life events Insert new and renumber subsequent items Provide relevant psycho-education whenever required especially to vulnerable and marginalised people for example, recently arrived refugees and asylum seekers Insert new Be able to work with local social and cultural networks, voluntary organisations and self-help groups

10 Attitudes 7.3.7 review own professional conduct, acknowledge and remediate medical errors, should they occur and demonstrate an awareness of the impact of your own world view on professional conduct Insert new and renumber subsequent items Show respect for cultural, ethnic and religious differences establish, maintain and conclude therapeutic relationships with patients and carers, including with people from different cultural backgrounds from your own that properly respect appropriate boundaries at all times, especially with vulnerable and marginalised people

11 Transition Working Group with CAP Section
Need one more member

12 Psychotherapy Working Group
SCT will project manage Develop Terms of Reference following compilation of yesterday’s discussions Key elements: Focus on training Wide application Scholarly and evidence based

13 EPA Congress 2017 Call for submissions, May 12
Submit a UEMS-led symposium Medical education Showcase of methodologies

14 Programme management Exception report:
Agreed at Autumn Section Meeting to delay Competency-based Training Framework revision by a year Agreed to six months delay in feasibility testing of European Board Exam

15 Recommendations Comment on draft Profile of a Psychiatrist
Consider the proposed amendments to the CBT Framework concerning trauma and forced migration Nominate a further delegate to the Joint Transition Working Group Consider EPA submission Note the work completed by SCT so far

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