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Presentation on theme: "Fear."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fear

2 What is fear? Fear What causes fear? Some common fears.
How can we overcome fear?

3 Fear is one such emotion that is pre-programmed into all animals and people as an instinctual response to potential danger.

4 What causes fear? When we are aware of potential and real threats.
There are many people for whom fear becomes maladaptive, as they struggle with anxiety, phobias and panic attacks.

5 When the brain creates the fear response, there are 2 different paths that are taken.
1.The first path is called the low road. The low road is fast, but does not take any other factor into consideration. 2.The second path is called the high road and is a more logical and rational path. Fight or Flight

6 Physical reactions Rapid heart rate Increased blood pressure
Tightening of muscles Sharpened or redirected senses Dilation of the pupils Increased sweating

7 Facial expression

8 Some common fears ghost cockroach needle

9 Place phobia Social phobia School phobia

10 some common fears ghosts, the existence of evil powers, cockroaches,
spiders, snakes, heights, water, enclosed spaces, tunnels, bridges, needles, social rejection, failure, examinations public speaking

11 How to overcome fears: 1、Analyze the reasons for your fear;
2、Calm down and face the fear bravely; 3、Reframe fear into excitement ; 4、 Seek professional help (drugs).

12 Feel the fear but do it anyway !

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