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Std: 9th Subject: Geometry.

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1 Std: 9th Subject: Geometry

2 Topic: Circle Definition:
A circle is locus of points which are equidistant from a fixed point. A fixed point is called the Centre of the Circle and the constant distant is called the radius of the circle. Related terms Chord of the circle : A line segment joining any two points of the circle is called a Chord of the circle. Diameter of the circle: A chord passing through the centre of the circle is called Diameter. T N M O P S Q R

3 Secant And Tangent of the Circle
Secant of the Circle: A line which intersects a circle in two distinct points is called a secant. Tangent of the Circle: A line in the plane of the Circle Which intersects the Circle in only one point is called the Tangent. A B l O l M P

4 Points in a plane of a Circle
A circle is closed curve which divides the plane into three disjoint sets. Points in the interior of the Circle Points on the Circle Points in the Exterior of the Circle E A D C O B F

5 Circles in a plane Given two circles in a plane , there arises the following possibilities: Concentric Circles: Circles having The same centre and different radii are called Concentric Circles. Congruent circles: Circles having the equal radii are called congruent circles. A B P r Q r A B

6 Intersecting Circles: Coplanar circles having two points in common are called intersecting circles.
Touching Circles: Coplanar Circles intersecting in one point are called Touching Circles. A P Q B B P Q Q P A

7 Thank You

8 Smt. Mhatre Vrushali G. A.P.Bhoir vidyalaya Dapoli –Pargaon.
Presented by, Smt. Mhatre Vrushali G. A.P.Bhoir vidyalaya Dapoli –Pargaon.

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