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Children poverty in Lithuania

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1 Children poverty in Lithuania

2 Lithuania is.. ..a country in Northern Europe
..situated along the southeastern shore of the Baltic Sea a member of NATO, the Council of Europe, and the European Union

3 A bit more of Lithuania

4 Statistic of Lithuania
Children make about 21,2 % citizens of all Lithuania population. At least children are growing up without one of the parents or even separately from both parents. In 2005 almost children were raised in so-called dysfunctional or at social risk families.

5 Statistic of Lithuania (II)
In 2009 there were registered 11121risk families. In such kind of families there were growing children. About children is in risk families, because parents have addiction to alcohol and other psychotropic substances. In second place is lack of parenting skills.

6 Poverty to Lithuanians
Not enough money to buy notebooks for children when they are going to school; More than a half of salary to “give” for taxes and the other part to spend on food; Poverty is when people don’t have water at home; When you don’t have shower, hot water at home and etc.; Not enough money to pay taxes in cold season.

7 Poverty rates by type of household
Single person %; Single adult with children under % ; Couple with children under % Other households with children under %; Couple without children %.

8 Poverty rates by number of children in the household
All households with children under % Households with one child % Households with two children % Households with three and more children %

9 How often families have problems with finances? (%)

10 How much Lithuanians earn?
The basic salary in Lithuania is about 190 Euros. Politicians earns about 1000 Euros and gets premium pay. After paying taxes for government. From this amount of money we have to pay for rent, taxes, buy food, pay for public transport etc)

11 Where Lithuanians spend their salaries?
Rent for the apartment about 114 Euros; Taxes (for water, heating, electricity etc) ~ 109 Euros; For food ~243 Euros; Monthly ticket for public transport ~24 EU;

12 How do we fight(??) against child poverty?
Community’s involving; Family’s empowerment; Projects; Widespread collaboration;

13 How do we think? We keep in our minds that “each of us can have problems. Today all these families have social problems, so we must help them to cope with all these situations”. Kid is a person, so we must respect him/her. Firstly, we are child’s friends and just then social workers.

14 What children are thinking about poverty ?
“Hmm if people don’t have water at home…” (Guste, 9 years old)

15 “emmm …when people don’t have where to live and begs in the streets” (Arnas, 10 years)

16 “Poverty is when people are searching for food in trash bin”
(Neda, 7 years)

17 “aaaa… when people are drinking alcohol and smoking”
(Naglis, 9 years)

18 “Poverty is… when.. People are dirty and can’t wash clothes”
(Lukas, 9 years)

19 “Poverty is…poverty… when people don’t have money to pay for heating and it is very cold at home”
(Karolina, 10 years)

20 Than You for attention!  Ačiū už dėmesį!

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