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Detonation nanodiamonds: problems and prospects

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Presentation on theme: "Detonation nanodiamonds: problems and prospects"— Presentation transcript:

1 Detonation nanodiamonds: problems and prospects
V.V. Danilenko Moscow

2 Transient period in technology cycle of human civilization:
Microstructures → Nanostructures Microelectronics → Nanoelectronics What determine Decisions and Priorities? Market only or Scientific Forecast ? No market ↔ no production ?

3 Detonation parameters and phase diagram of nanocarbon V. V. Danilenko
Detonation parameters and phase diagram of nanocarbon V.V. Danilenko. Fiz. Gor. Vzryva. 2005, V. 41, N. 5. Detonation Amorphization Porosity

4 Scheme of explosive technology
Inert gas Ice or water shell Explosives: Dry product collector + TNT Hexogen Wet product collector Further acid purification

5 DND structure and Properties - DND nanoparticle - unique combination of superhard inert diamond core and highly active porous amorphous cover on core DND - polydispersional raw material due to differ conditions for DND synthesis in volume of detonation charge

6 Structure of nanodiamond particle
Spherical shape d = nm Surface functional groups and adsorbed water Diamond core amorphous carbon, sp3 → sp2 structuries nm

7 Synthesis conditions and DND quality
Synthesis conditions and DND quality Conditions of synthesis: - Characteristics of a charge (HE structure, geometry, weight, initiation) Environment surrounding a charge (gas, water, ice, metal, mix). Quality of the DND: - The maintenance of the DND in detonation carbon (the attitude sp3/sp2). - A degree of DND particles connectivity in strong units. - Quantity of not carbon impurity.

8 Influence of Detonation Conditions on the Quality of Nanodiamonds
Increase in Temperature, pressure, time, carbon concentration Fractal aggregates of monocrystalls Porous polycrystalls Polycrystalls Single point binding Multi point binding Full binding Nanoseconds Microseconds Milliseconds

9 DND Applications sp3/sp2: Nanodiamonds-graphite……… 20 – 75 % Pure DND………………. ……… > 95% Optimal contents in materials – 0,5 – 5% Applications: Motor oil, lubricates, electroplates, resin, polymers, alloys, ceramics, polishing, biology, medicine…

10 DND: paradoxical situation
Good research of properties, it is found many applications, possible market of DND is estimated in $300 bls. Nevertheless market is not created. Many small manufactories are closed finally or temporary (low profitableness). Why?

11 Price for DND, $ / kg Producer NABOND China Nanogroup Czech ALIT Ukraine In Europe Detona - tion soot 550 800 DND for small lots 3000 >4000 1500 2000 1600 2700 6000

12 Cost price of DND production in USA 100 kg /14 hours (24 t / year)
Parameters of synthesis Weight of charge 1 kg 20 kg Reactor, N 22 1 Workers, N 44 4 Charges, N 2000 50 Cost price, $ / kg DND 510 or for HE cost = 0 92 or for HE cost = 0

13 Market of DND is not created on following causes:
- no investors (big corporation or government) - very high price of DND - dependence synthesis condition – DND quality is poorly investigated (synthesis without ashes) - optimum DND quality for each application is not found - DND – polydispersion raw material – need treatments - industrial technologies of gas-phase purification, fractionation, strong units dispersion, modification are not developed - as result - industrial samples of materials and products with DND are not created and not tested.

14 Proposals Production three group of diamond powder:
Use for industrial production of DND: charges ≥ 20 kg, explosion under water in close pool (in heavy metal cover), laser initiation; utilization of old ammunition under water in close pool; Production three group of diamond powder: - DND – 5 – 100 nms; - micropowders – 0.1 – 600 μm; - grindpowders – 0.6 – 1 mm.

15 Conclusion It is offered:
A number of not solved technological and marketing problems, braking industrial production and applications DND is analyzed. It is offered: - to synthesize simultaneously the DND and abrasive diamond powders by explosion of the big weight charge in a heavy metal cover under water in closed pool; - utilization of old ammunition under water in closed pool; V.V. Danilenko. Superhard Materials. 2010, N5

16 Thank you for attention

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