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Oil industry in Ukraine

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1 Oil industry in Ukraine
Nastya Oleynik, MEK-13a

2 Introduction Oil industry - heavy industry, including exploration of oil and gas exploration, drilling and production of oil and associated gas, crude oil pipeline. Ghawar, the largest oil reserves giant oil and gas fields in Saudi Arabia, one of the largest oil and gas fields of the world, is located in the basin of the Persian Gulf.

3 History of oil industry
Oil industry in Ukraine has long history: the first historical data on oil production in Western Ukraine appeared in the14th century.

4 The oil industry of Ukraine
The oil industry of Ukraine is based both on its own and imported raw materials . The main deposits are concentrated in the Dnieper- Donets , the Carpathian and Crimean Black Sea oil and gas regions .

5 69% of all the oil fields give the Dnieper-Donets oil and gas region
69% of all the oil fields give the Dnieper-Donets oil and gas region. The largest fields: Kachanovsky, Gnedintsevskoe, Sagaydatskoe.

6 Oil exploration The purpose of oil exploration –is an identification, geological and economic evaluation and preparation for the work of industrial deposits. Oil exploration made ​​using geological, geophysical, geochemical and drilling operations. Oil reserves Ukraine ranks fourth in Europe, but in terms of their production significantly behind the countries with close to her inventory. Today, Ukraine's need for its own oil production is met by 12%.

7 Because of its own oil is not enough , in Ukraine
Because of its own oil is not enough , in Ukraine .a significant amount of its imported from abroad, mainly from Russia.

8 The largest refineries are located in Lisichanskiy,Kremenchug, Drohobych Nadvornaia, Kherson, Berdyansk.

9 Field development Ukrainian oil industry is now in a difficult position. The state has no money is not something that the development of new deposits, but also to maintain stable production at the old ones.

10 "Ukrnafta" and the drilling of new wells
JSC " Ukrnafta " - one of the largest oil industry in Ukraine. It consists of six departments of the exploration and production of oil and gas - " Ohtyrkaneftegaz ", " Chernigovneftegaz ", " Dolynanaftogas ", " Poltavaneftegaz ", " Nadvornaneftegaz ", " Borislavneftegaz " as well as three gas processing plants - Gnidintsevsky , Kachanovskii and Dolinsky , and dozens of other companies.

11 The main environmental problems of the oil industry:
Large damage to nature is applied from the loss of petroleum products during transportation. Until recently it was considered acceptable that up to 5% of the oil produced naturally lost during its storage and transport. This means that on average, a year into the environment up to 150 million tons of oil, not including the various accidents with tankers or pipelines. A significant factor is the dregs of polluting petrochemical plants that nature is not able to process. During the combustion of oil and gas released into the atmosphere in large amounts of carbon dioxide, various sulfur compounds, nitrogen oxides, etc. Every year in the world's oceans dropped from 2 to 10 million tons of oil for one reason or another. Aerial photography from satellites recorded that nearly 30% of the surface of the ocean is covered with an oil film. Sources of oil in the seas and oceans are quite a lot. This accident tankers and drilling platforms, discharge of ballast and purification waters, bring polluting components into rivers.

12 Problems and prospects of development of the oil industry of Ukraine.
The main problem of the oil industry of Ukraine is the lack of funding. The lack of financial and material is further enhanced as a result of non- payment crisis, when oil producers for a long time, can not get the money owed ​​for products delivered.

13 For the development and reform of the oil industry of Ukraine is required:
Review the system of taxation, substantially lowering taxes on oil producers, but to set high penalties for inefficient use of natural resources and environmental disturbance. Find a clear and thought out program of investment in the oil industry. Reduce Ukraine's dependence on Russian exports that threatens the economic and political independence of the country. This requires an increase in domestic production of oil, widespread adoption of energy efficient technologies in the workplace.

14 Conclusion The oil industry of Ukraine is based both on its own and imported raw materials. The main deposits are concentrated in the Dnieper-Donets, the Carpathian and Crimean Black Sea and oil and gas regions.

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