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Ch 3 sec 3.

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1 Ch 3 sec 3

2 Exile Time in Babylon Israelite religions became Judaism at this time
Jews meet on Sabbath Weekly day of worship Meetings took place in Synagogues

3 Persians Take control Allows Jews to return to the Holy Land
Rebuilt Jerusalem and temple Persians control gov’t Jews look to religion for leadership

4 Jewish Leaders Leaders are temple priests, scribes and religious scholars Ezra writes Torah on parchment Sewed together to make long scrolls Torah 5 books and 34 other books to make up religion Story of Daniel—God will protect the Jews

5 Defeat of Persians Alexander the Great defeats the Persians
Allows Jews to stay in Israeli—infuses Greek culture Diaspora-Jews scattered throughout Egypt and Babylon Jewish Bible is copied to Greek Help understand Greek rules

6 Hanukkah Greeks want Jews to worship Greek gods
Priest—Judas Maccabeus and followers rebel Fled to hills Army drives Greeks out


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