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LiDAR and Habitat Identification

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Presentation on theme: "LiDAR and Habitat Identification"— Presentation transcript:

1 LiDAR and Habitat Identification
By Scott Lariviere

2 Learning Objectives What is LiDAR

3 Learning Objectives What is LiDAR How it works

4 Learning Objectives What is LiDAR How it works Types of data

5 Learning Objectives What is LiDAR How it works Types of data
How it is used

6 Learning Objectives What is LiDAR How it works Types of data
How it is used An example

7 What is it? Light Detection And Range

8 What is it? Light Detection And Range
A remote sensing system that generates precise three-dimensional information about the shape of the earth and its surface characteristics -NOAA

9 How it works

10 How it works Lasers

11 How it works Lasers (speed of light x time)/2

12 How it works Lasers (speed of light x time)/2
Aerial wavelength 1065 nm

13 How it works Lasers (speed of light x time)/2
Aerial wavelength 1065 nm Bathymetric wavelength 532 nm

14 How it works GPS Lasers (speed of light x time)/2
Aerial wavelength 1065 nm Bathymetric wavelength 532 nm

15 How it works GPS Connects to multiple satellites Lasers
(speed of light x time)/2 Aerial wavelength 1065 nm Bathymetric wavelength 532 nm

16 How it works GPS Connects to multiple satellites
Triangulates exact location Lasers (speed of light x time)/2 Aerial wavelength 1065 nm Bathymetric wavelength 532 nm

17 How it works GPS Connects to multiple satellites
Triangulates exact location Inertia Measurement unit Lasers (speed of light x time)/2 Aerial wavelength 1065 nm Bathymetric wavelength 532 nm

18 How it works GPS Connects to multiple satellites
Triangulates exact location Inertia Measurement unit speed Lasers (speed of light x time)/2 Aerial wavelength 1065 nm Bathymetric wavelength 532 nm

19 How it works GPS Connects to multiple satellites
Triangulates exact location Inertia Measurement unit Speed Direction Lasers (speed of light x time)/2 Aerial wavelength 1065 nm Bathymetric wavelength 532 nm

20 How it works GPS Connects to multiple satellites
Triangulates exact location Inertia Measurement unit Speed Direction Angle Lasers (speed of light x time)/2 Aerial wavelength 1065 nm Bathymetric wavelength 532 nm

21 The Data

22 Uses in Habitat research

23 Uses in Habitat research
Features: Habitat:

24 Uses in Habitat research
Features: Habitat: elevation

25 Uses in Habitat research
Features: Habitat: Elevation Plateau or ledges

26 Uses in Habitat research
Features: Habitat: Elevation Plateau or ledges

27 Uses in Habitat research
Features: Habitat: Plateau or ledges Elevation Water depth

28 Uses in Habitat research
Features: Habitat: Elevation Water depth Plateau or ledges Lake or ocean floor

29 Uses in Habitat research
Features: Habitat: Elevation Water depth Snow depth Plateau or ledges Lake or ocean floor

30 Uses in Habitat research
Features: Habitat: Elevation Water depth Snow depth Plateau or ledges Lake or ocean floor Seasonal change

31 Uses in Habitat research
Features: Habitat: Elevation Water depth Snow depth Tree height Plateau or ledges Lake or ocean floor Seasonal change

32 Uses in Habitat research
Features: Habitat: Elevation Water depth Snow depth Tree height Plateau or ledges Lake or ocean floor Seasonal change Nesting or foraging area

33 An example

34 The Delmarva Fox Squirrel
An example The Delmarva Fox Squirrel

35 The Delmarva Fox Squirrel:
An example The Delmarva Fox Squirrel: Mature Hard woods

36 The Delmarva Fox Squirrel:
An example The Delmarva Fox Squirrel: Mature Hard woods Dense Canopy

37 The Delmarva Fox Squirrel:
An example The Delmarva Fox Squirrel: Mature Hard woods Dense Canopy Open Understory

38 The Delmarva Fox Squirrel:
An example The Delmarva Fox Squirrel: Mature Hard Woods Dense Canopy Open Understory Loss of Habitat

39 The Delmarva Fox Squirrel:
An example The Delmarva Fox Squirrel: Mature Hard Woods Dense Canopy Open Understory Loss of Habitat The Research:

40 The Delmarva Fox Squirrel:
An example The Delmarva Fox Squirrel: Mature Hard Woods Dense Canopy Open Understory Loss of Habitat The Research: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

41 The Delmarva Fox Squirrel:
An example The Delmarva Fox Squirrel: Mature Hard Woods Dense Canopy Open Understory Loss of Habitat The Research: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Goddard Space Flight Center

42 The Delmarva Fox Squirrel:
An example The Delmarva Fox Squirrel: Mature Hard Woods Dense Canopy Open Understory Loss of Habitat The Research: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Goddard Space Flight Center Delaware

43 The Delmarva Fox Squirrel:
An example The Delmarva Fox Squirrel: Mature Hard Woods Dense Canopy Open Understory Loss of Habitat The Research: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Goddard Space Flight Center Delaware Summer of 2000

44 The Objective Identify Potential Squirrel Habitat
without extensive field work

45 The Objective Identify Potential Squirrel Habitat
without extensive field work At least 120 meters of continuous forest Average canopy height greater than 20 meters average canopy closure greater than 80% Open understory

46 The Objective Identify Potential Squirrel Habitat
without extensive field work At least 120 meters of continuous forest Average canopy height greater than 20 meters average canopy closure greater than 80% Open understory

47 Results Delaware

48 Results Delaware Data:

49 Results Delaware Data: 3.3% of Delaware is potential habitat

50 Results Delaware Data: 3.3% of Delaware is potential habitat
17,137 Hectares

51 Results Delaware Data: 3.3% of Delaware is potential habitat
17,137 Hectares Data Quality:

52 Results Delaware Data: 3.3% of Delaware is potential habitat
17,137 Hectares Data Quality: 32 sites sampled

53 Results Delaware Data: 3.3% of Delaware is potential habitat
17,137 Hectares Data Quality: 32 sites sampled 25 met criteria

54 Results Delaware Data: 3.3% of Delaware is potential habitat
17,137 Hectares Data Quality: 32 sites sampled 25 met criteria 78% of potential sites are actually viable habitat

55 Sources "How Does LiDAR Work?" N.p., n.d. Web.
Nelson, R., C. Keller, and M. Ratnaswamy. "Locating and Estimating the Extent of Delmarva Fox Squirrel Habitat Using an Airborne LiDAR Profiler." Remote Sensing of Environment (2005): Web. "What Is LIDAR." US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. NOAA, n.d. Web.

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