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PED Case Presented by R1 常景棠.

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Presentation on theme: "PED Case Presented by R1 常景棠."— Presentation transcript:

1 PED Case Presented by R1 常景棠

2 General Data No.: 8644601 Age: 11 y/o Gender: Male Chief complaint:
Right calf pain with swelling for 1 day.

3 Present Illness 1 week ago - URI symptoms
 Cough (+) Rhinorrhea (+) Fever (–) Headache (–) - Intermittent peri-umbilicus cramping pain  Radiation pain (-) N/V (+)  Watery diarrhea (+) Bloody stool (-) Melena (-) - Dysurea (-) Hematurea (-) Tx at LMD as AGE - Intermittent stool impaction & watery diarrhea

4 Present Illness Bilateral calf skin rash - Size: 0.2x0.2 cm
- Itching (+) - Resolved spontaneously One day before admission - New onset skin rash over calf and hand  Echymosis (+)  Finger joint tenderness - Right lower leg pain with swelling  Redness (-) Pain while walking (+)  Ankle: tender mass 1x1 cm

5 History Past Hx: Admission (-) Birth Hx: NSD GA:40 wks BW: 2950g
Allergy: NKA Vaccine: as schedule

6 PE GENERAL APPEARANCE: - Fair - Activity & Appetite: decreased HEENT:
- Sclera: anicteric - Conjunctiva: Pale (-) Exudate (-) - Eardrum: not injected - Throat: not injected - Tonsil: not injected, enlargement (-), exudate (-) - Oral cavity: ulcers (-) vesicles (-) thrush (-)

7 PE NECK: - Free supple - LAP (-) CHEST: - Breathing sound: clear
- Heart sound: RHB. Murmur (-) ABDOMEN: - Soft and flat - Tenderness (-) Rebound pain (-) Muscle guarding (-) - Palpable mass (-) Hepatosplenomegaly (-) - Bowel sound: normoactive

8 PE EXTREMITIES: - Freely movable - R’t calf swelling Skin:
- Rash & petechia & echymosis over 4 limbs  Lower limbs > upper limbs - Vesicle (-) Desquamation (-)

9 Clinical Picture

10 Clinical Picture

11 Impression? 此處有討論可能的DDx 臨床表現是否有像vasculitis 或者是其他血小板減少的疾病
[區分thrombocytopenia or coagulation factor deficiency]

12 Lab

13 Diagnosis? ? 另外有問到如果Lab 發現血小板真的有低 那還需要考慮甚麼? Petechia Abd. pain

14 Review Article (Lancet Mar. 2007 )

15 Review Article (Lancet Mar. 2007 )
HSP (Henoch-Schönlein Purpura ) - Most common vasculitis in children - IgA is pivotal in pathogenesis - Often followed respiratory infection - 20.4/100,000 children per year - Boy > girl - Mean age 6 y/o (90% < 10 y/o) - No distinctive Lab abnormality (clinical diagnosis) - Prognosis depend on nephritis severity


17 Background The use of corticosteroids to treat HSP
- 1st appeared around 1950 Existing data - Efficacy of corticosteroid is controversial Only 1 placebo controlled trial - 40 patients - Not effective on renal involvement

18 Objective Evaluate the efficacy of - Early prednisone therapy
- Preventing renal symptoms - Treating extra-renal and renal symptoms

19 Method Oral prednisone - 1st 14 days  1 mg/kg/day (BID) - 2nd 7 days
- 3rd 7 days  0.5 mg/kg/day (QD)

20 Method

21 Result

22 Result

23 Result Placebo 74 had renal symptoms 71/74 in the 1st month Prednisone

24 Result Placebo Prednisone Mild renal symptoms All Patient
No prevention Age > 6 y/o with mild renal symptoms Age> 6 y/o

25 Conclusion Ameliorate GI & joint symptoms
Hasten the resolution of mild nephritis Not effective in - Tx purpura - Shortening the duration of disease - Prevent development of renal symptoms - Prevent recurrence

26 Conclusion Predictive factors for renal involvement
- Persistent purpura [OR 3.7] - Severe abdominal pain [OR 8.2] - Mild renal symptoms at onset [OR 10.7] Not all HSP need early steroid treatment - Tx should be targeted at  Age > 6 y/o  Renal symptoms at onset  Severe extrarenal symptoms

27 Take home message Patient with abd. pain or arthritis
- Don’t forget to check skin Treatment with steroid - Not routine use - Base on clinical symptoms


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