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August 22 Ancient Eastern Mediterranean Civilizations

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1 August 22 Ancient Eastern Mediterranean Civilizations
SSWH1 The student will analyze the origins, structures, and interactions of complex societies in the ancient Eastern Mediterranean from 3500 BCE to 500 BCE c. Explain the development of monotheism; include the concepts developed by the ancient Hebrews, and Zoroastrianism Lesson EQ: How did monotheism develop in the ancient Eastern Mediterranean?

2 Activator How does religion impact behavior? Log into the website below to write your answer.

3 Israelites Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations declined
Emerged between 1200–1000 B.C Semitic people (language) lived in Palestine

4 King Solomon ruled from 970–930 B.C.
expanded the government, army, and trade built a temple in Jerusalem ancient Israel reached the height of its power

5 Israel Divided after Solomon’s death into two kingdoms
northern kingdom = Israel southern kingdom = Judah

6 Assyrians an empire established by 700 B.C. conquered Israel
iron weapons, and military conquest used terror as an instrument of warfare destroyed the land in which they were fighting 605 B.C. collapse of empire because of internal strife and resentment

7 Judaism Founder: Abraham Homeland: Ur (Mesopotamia) God: Yahweh


9 Sacred Writings The Hebrew Bible: Torah, Prophetic writings and other writings Talmud: Mishnah (oral laws of Jews) and Gemara (interpretations of the Mishnah)

10 Ceremonies Passover Pentecost Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Hanukkah

11 Key Beliefs monotheism Star of David(shield of David) is their symbol
temple = synagogue covenant - agreement between God and his people, could be fulfilled by obedience to the law of God

12 Key Beliefs Prophets - sent by God to serve as his voice to the people
expressed concern for all humanity hoped that all people would someday follow the God of Israel concerned for social justice called Jews to act justly, share with neighbors, care for the poor and unfortunate, and act with compassion

13 Persian History nomadic Indo-European people

14 Cyrus ruled from 559–530 B.C. from Asia Minor to western India
captured Babylon treated his subjects with wisdom and restraint allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem Cyrus’s successors extended the empire Cambyses invaded Egypt

15 Darius ruled from 521–486 B.C. extended into India and Europe
created the largest empire the world had yet seen Royal Road created to link the empire - stretching from Lydia to Susa set up way stations providing rest, shelter, and fresh horses for the king’s messengers

16 After Darius Persian kings became more isolated in their luxurious courts Struggles over power weakened the empire until it was conquered by Alexander the Great during the 330s B.C.

17 Zoroastrianism Founder: Zoroaster Homeland: Persia (Iran)
God: Ahura Mazda Sacred Writings: Avesta Ceremonies: Fire-worship ritual

18 Key Beliefs concept of Satan (Angra Mainyu) belief of Angels
the final judgment and people have a free will to choose good or evil Humata: “Good Thoughts,” the intention or moral resolution to abide by Asha, the right order of things Hukhata: “Good Words,” the communication of that intention Havarashta: “Good Deeds,” the realization in action of that intention

19 Activity Complete a Venn Diagram comparing Judaism & Zoroastrianism.
Complete the research activity You can use your technology devices, your notes, and the textbook for this assignment

20 Summarizer How are Judaism & Zoroastrianism similar or different?

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