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National e-Agriculture Strategy Implementation From Vision to Action

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Presentation on theme: "National e-Agriculture Strategy Implementation From Vision to Action"— Presentation transcript:

1 National e-Agriculture Strategy Implementation From Vision to Action
22-24 June, Budapest, Hungary Expert Consultation on e-Government aspects of national e-Agriculture Strategies for sustainable family farming With Development of the e-Agriculture Strategy

2 The e-Agriculture Strategy Guide
Available at: 2

3 Why an National e-Agriculture Strategy
Many diverse, small scale e-Agriculture applications, unable to communicate and share data Barriers to scale up to support a larger user base Difficult for decision makers to understand the current agriculture situation, for policy and planning Duplication of efforts, leading to waste and inability to integrate solutions  Guidance for national strategy Development 3

4 Why a national strategy
Force to consider ICT as a strategic tool to transform/reform the Agriculture sector Set the vision of what changes should be achieved by e-Agriculture Used as an overarching framework to guide all e-Agriculture efforts in the country and align stakeholders Build country enabling environment Ensure government leadership and ownership

5 Why a national strategy
Ensure short versus long term balance Communicaton tool for stakeholders, funding agencies, partners, etc. Prioritize and maximize return on (limited) investments Move to national deployments rather than pilots Many issues (standards, Legislations, evidence, infrastructure, capacity building, etc.) can be better dealt with at national level

6 Approach to Develop a National e-Agriculture Strategy
Vision Action Plan Monitoring & Evaluation National Strategy Agriculture Master plan ICT sector leverage opportunity Leveraging inter-sector developments Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 The final outcome is a National Strategy on e-Agriculture comprising of three parts.

7 Initiating a national e-Agriculture strategic Planning process
Confirm Agriculture sector leadership. National planning requires sustained leadership and commitment from senior government officials and agriculture sector leaders. Development of a national e-Agriculture plan often launches a country’s formal program in e-Agriculture. Establish governance mechanisms to provide improved visibility, coordination and control of planning activities. This includes the formation of a steering committee and an e-Agriculture strategy team. Identify key Agriculture and non-Agriculture sector stakeholders to be involved in the development of a national vision and plan and its subsequent implementation. 7 7

8 Initiating a national e-Agriculture strategic planning process
Confirm agriculture sector leadership. National planning requires sustained leadership and commitment from senior government officials and agriculture sector leaders. Development of a national e-Agriculture plan often launches a country’s formal program in e-Agriculture. Establish governance mechanisms to provide improved visibility, coordination and control of planning activities. This includes the formation of a steering committee and an e-Agriculture strategy team. Identify key agriculture and non-agriculture sector stakeholders to be involved in the development of a national vision and plan and its subsequent implementation. 8 8

9 Establish the governance
Agriculture sector Leadership Steering committee Subject matter experts e-Agriculture Strategy Team Broad stakeholder environment How to manage the vision development process

10 Initiating a national e-Agriculture strategic planning process
Confirm Agriculture sector leadership. National planning requires sustained leadership and commitment from senior government officials and Agriculture sector leaders. Development of a national e-Agriculture plan often launches a country’s formal program in e-Agriculture. Establish governance mechanisms to provide improved visibility, coordination and control of planning activities. This includes the formation of a steering committee and an e-Agriculture strategy team. Identify key Agriculture and non-Agriculture sector stakeholders to be involved in the development of a national vision and plan and its subsequent implementation. 10 10

11 Identify and work with stakeholders
e-Agriculture How to work with stakeholders

12 Logical steps of the guide
Atelier régional : Élaborer une stratégie nationale en matière de cybersanté 25-27 septembre 2013 Logical steps of the guide End Part I Vision Agriculture Goals and Challenges Develop a Vision E-Agriculture Outcomes E-Agriculture Components Strategic Recommandations Part II: Action Plan Outputs Activities Implementation Phases Output= Realization, deliverable, or specific concrete evolution

13 How e-Agriculture will support selected agriculture goals


15 Examples

16 Logical steps of the guide
Atelier régional : Élaborer une stratégie nationale en matière de cybersanté 25-27 septembre 2013 Logical steps of the guide End Part I Vision Agriculture Goals and Challenges Develop a Vision E-Agriculture Outcomes E-Agriculture Components Strategic Recommandations Part II: Action Plan Outputs Activities Implementation Phases Output= Realization, deliverable, or specific concrete evolution

17 Identify the required e-Agriculture components: Foundations for change
Building blocks of a national e-Agriculture environment that need to be in place to achieve your e-Agriculture vision.

18 Logical steps of the guide
Atelier régional : Élaborer une stratégie nationale en matière de cybersanté 25-27 septembre 2013 Logical steps of the guide End Part I Vision Agriculture Goals and Challenges Develop a Vision E-Agriculture Outcomes E-Agriculture Components Strategic Recommandations Part II: Action Plan Outputs Activities Implementation Phases Output= Realization, deliverable, or specific concrete evolution

19 Strategic Recommendations
Atelier régional : Élaborer une stratégie nationale en matière de cybersanté 25-27 septembre 2013 Strategic Recommendations

20 Logical steps of the guide
Atelier régional : Élaborer une stratégie nationale en matière de cybersanté 25-27 septembre 2013 Logical steps of the guide End Part I Vision Agriculture Goals and Challenges Develop a Vision E-Agriculture Outcomes E-Agriculture Components Strategic Recommandations Part II: Action Plan Outputs Activities Implementation Phases Output= Realization, deliverable, or specific concrete evolution

21 Developing e-Agriculture Action Plan

22 Implementation Phases

23 A Roadmap for implementing e-Agriculture Strategy
National e-Agriculture Strategy

24 A Roadmap for implementing e-Agriculture Strategy
Governance and Leadership National e-Agriculture Strategy

25 A Roadmap for implementing e-Agriculture Strategy
Digital Agriculture Platform Architecture Governance and Leadership National e-Agriculture Strategy

26 A Roadmap for implementing e-Agriculture Strategy
Deploy nationally high-priority solutions (Mobile first strategy) Digital Agriculture Platform Architecture Goverance and Leadership National e-Agriculture Strategy

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