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Approved Plots from CMS Cosmic Runs (mostly CRUZET, some earlier)

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Presentation on theme: "Approved Plots from CMS Cosmic Runs (mostly CRUZET, some earlier)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Approved Plots from CMS Cosmic Runs (mostly CRUZET, some earlier)

2 MTCC Goals: Magnet Test and Cosmic Challenge Summer/Autumn 2006
Test a “vertical slice” of all aspects of final CMS on the surface Commission the CMS magnet Measure the magnet field map ECAL Magnet HCAL Tracker Muon chambers barrel & endcap 2 Cosmic Results

3 Golden MTCC event HCAL HCAL ECAL Tracker
Run 2605 / Event 3981 / B=3.8 T / , 22h Muon traversing DT, RPC, HCAL, ECAL, Tracker Cosmic Results

4 Cosmic Muon Measurements
Behavior of detectors in the magnetic field was verified using MC and physical observables  B=0  B=4T CMS NOTE-2008/016 Momentum Distribution (4T) Cosmic muon charge ratio measurement from MTCC 4 Cosmic Results

5 ... Field map B = 0 ∆ Measured during MTCC ‘06
3.8T map Measured during MTCC ‘06 Finite element calculation of field in entire detector volume performed (at 2, 3, 3.5, 3.8, 4 T) Field map with 12-fold phi-symmetry provided for physics Analysis of field mapper data: Calibration corrections of order 10-4 in gain and offset derived, to produce field model that agrees better than 5*10-5 with measurements and with Gauss' law in tracker volume (note: original calibration ~5*10-4 !) [PhD thesis V.Maroussov, Purdue University, May 2008.] δBz (T) ... B = 0 R (m) Z (m) Cosmic Results

6 Global Runs Subdetector and trigger considered separately - 19 items, each equally weighted - box size represents approx. fraction included (25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) With exception of some parts of RPC, all CMS detector and trigger system ready for LHC ALL CMS with exception of ½ RPCE % CMS Reached scale of ’06 Magnet Test & Cosmic Challenge Muon Tracks in Si-Strip Tracker Final DAQ hardware, final services Start of full week exercises (CRUZET 1) First  coincidence of 2 subsystems Upgrade to final DAQ software architecture First cosmic muon triggers underground Cosmic Results 6

7 Fraction of CMS Systems in Global Runs
Pixel system and ECAL endcaps installed Muon Cabling complete, final power & cooling become available Cooling ready for Strip Tracker Cosmic Results

8 “Integrated (cosmics) luminosity”
Events collected by CMS in global runs during 2008 Cruzet4 September 10 Cruzet3 Cruzet2 Cruzet1 DAYS after March 31, 2008 Cosmic Results

9 DT Cosmic Muon Movie Cosmic Results

10 CRUZET: Cosmic Muon Coincidence
HCAL ECAL DT and RPC Cosmic Results

11 CRUZET: showering muon
Energy: ~290 GeV Cosmic Results

12 Tag & Probe with cosmics
TOF-compensated cosmic trigger: di-muon-like signal in DT Probe muon trigger and reconstruction Probability to find at least one segment at the probe side “X-ray” image of the shaft using cosmic rays z (at surface) [cm] x (at surface) [cm] BOTTOM TOP Cosmic rays extrapolated to the surface (80m) Cable chimney Soft muons absorbed linear scale Not read-out  [deg] 12 12 Cosmic Results

13 CRUZET ECAL Barrel Occupancy
Cosmic signal is reconstructed as cluster in 5x5 region with seed crystal(s) above a threshold (~100 MeV) 2M events selected from 13.6M logged events (15% of muon triggers) 61K crystals, O(100) events/crystal in top-bottom regions Supermodules intentionally left susceptible to noise for diagnosis Masked trigger tower EB+ HV problem caught by prompt analysis team EB- TOP BOTTOM 13 Cosmic Results

14 ECAL  in detector units (DT triggered events)  in detector units
Reconstructed clusters matching muon tracks (DT triggered events) 3x3 energy deposit for cosmic muons – confirms absolute energy scale to few % Cluster Energy [GeV] Trigger acceptance Trigger acceptance GeV/cm Track-cluster association m trigger: 290 GeV cluster! e/ trigger tested by triggering on m.i.p. signal synchronized to muon & HCAL triggers 14 I. Mikulec 14 Cosmic Results

15 CRUZET3 Global Tracks: Tracker + Drift Tubes
Global Run Jul08 Muon System Tracker ECAL HCAL Tracker Prerequisites: infrastructure, -trigger, DAQ integration, r/o synchronization, muon calibration, reconstruction/tracking, etc. ... 15 15 Cosmic Results

16 CRUZET3: Global Tracks Di-muon Trigger: Muon signals traced through
Muon System Di-muon Trigger: Drift-Tube coinc. in top+bottom, each  2 station segments Muon signals traced through muon system Tracker TOB+TIB ECAL HCAL Global track fit Data being used for alignment ECAL Tracker HCAL 16 16 Cosmic Results

17 CRUZET4: Endcap ECAL Cosmic Results

18 CRUZET4: ECAL Endcap Cosmic Results

19 CRUZET4: Endcap ECAL DT Barrel ECAL Endcap ECAL HCAL
End of Aug08 – Endcap ECAL part of Global Runs DT Barrel ECAL Endcap ECAL HCAL 19 Cosmic Results

20 Tracker/Pixel Pixel Aug08: all parts of Tracker integrated
First cosmic tracks with Pixels Pixel 20 Cosmic Results

21 Testing the muon High-Level Trigger
Routinely running High-Level-Trigger menu (+ dedicated cosmic muon trigger path)‏ Global fit with “L3” tracker track, seeded from “L2” muon track, seeded from “L1” trigger candidate: 0T Run 58733, event Cosmic Results

22 Standard MuonID sequence (Cruzet III)‏
Part of the standard muon ID 90k events with tracker track (B off)‏ Tracker tracks are extrapolated outward and matched to Muon segments Calorimeter deposits No. of matched segments Calorimeter only! 0T Muon compatibility Δx between track extrapolation and muon segment in station 1 (cm)‏ Cosmic Results

23 Cosmic Shower Events: 0.02% rate of events with >100 segments in ~10M cosmic events at 0T Event-by-event spread in phi compatible with multiple scattering → all events compatible with ~parallel muon shower Cosmic Results

24 Muon multiplicity Analyzed events spanning 5 orders of magnitude in muon multiplicity ! illustrates versatility and robustness of detector and software Run 50908 event 541 segments ... ... ... Cosmic / Beam Halo O(1) muon Cosmic Shower O(10-100) muons Beam “splash” event O(105) muons Analysis using: tracks segments hits cosmic charge ratio shower origin shower energy and shape Cosmic Results

25 Dedicated muon reconstruction
Navigation + seeding optimized for cosmic and beam halo muons not pointing at IP, traversing whole CMS using default propagator + Kalman Filter fit, updated to work both with B on and off CMS Note -2008/001 3.1 GeV 25 6.2 GeV 3T 38.1GeV 8.1 GeV 12.6GeV Cosmic Results

26 Cosmic-Muon Momentum Spectra
Short run at 3T Measuring the momentum: Using centrally RECOed data from run 60302: Muon system Only Tracker only Momentum (GeV/c)‏ Momentum (GeV/c)‏ Cosmic Results

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