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Year 4 parents information meeting

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1 Year 4 parents information meeting
Welcome! Year 4 parents information meeting Tuesday 13th September 2016

2 What happens in Year 4? Timetable Curriculum Rewards Homework
Reconciliation, Communion and Confirmation Young Voices Art

3 (Comprehension Homework)
What happens in Year 4? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9:00 – 9:30 Guided Reading 9:30 – 10:00 SPaG English  English Independent Writing – Cross Curricular 10:00 – 10:30 Assembly Playtime 10:45 – 11:00 Handwriting Singapore Maths (My Maths Homework) Collective Worship (Comprehension Homework) 11:00 – 12:00 Lunch 1:15 – 3:05 Arithmetic/Maths Skills Spellings (Spelling Homework) Topic PPA (P.E/ Music and French) Science  Collective Worship R.E.

4 Reading Comprehension/ Singapore Maths
Homework Monday SPaG Tuesday Research/Topic Wednesday My Maths Thursday Research/Science Friday Reading Comprehension/ Singapore Maths Weekends Reading Working together…. 2 nights to complete any written homework. Research homework. Please support us in encouraging your child to try hard with handwriting and presentation. Unless specifically stated, minutes maximum for any piece of homework……it’s not a punishment!!! Reading throughout the week – partnership between home and school.

5 Rewards Fred and Danny - House points - Star of the day
_ Table of the Week

6 Reading Books will be sent by Friday to read over weekend and should be returned on Monday. Please sign your child’s record book. We encourage the children to read their own books too. Guided reading with class teacher weekly.

7 Sacraments ‘Come and See’ scheme works alongside Parish in preparing children. Questions directed to Parish priest. School is not directly involved with the children making their Sacraments.

8 Manchester Phones4U Arena (old MEN) February 2016.
Paperwork – ordering t-shirts and tickets

9 Art & D.T. Old shirt/ Apron Resources

10 Any other information Encouraging the children to be organised
(PE kits, reading books and completed homework ready the night before) If your child is unable to complete their homework, please advise us in writing. We are always keen to utilise any skills parents may have that can enhance our curriculum. Uniform clearly labelled.

11 An exciting year ahead!


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