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Presentation on theme: "Concurrency."— Presentation transcript:

1 Concurrency

2 Today Lab 4 and homework 16 are both available and can be accessed from the schedule page Today’s slides:

3 Concurrency Single-processor, multi-programmed systems
Interleaving processes More efficient utilization of the processor Results in better system performance. Multi-processor systems Processes run at the same instance of time on different processors Interleaving and overlapping processes

4 Problems Relative speed of execution of processes cannot be predicted – do not know which process will run next. Variables and resources shared by processes. OS has more difficulty allocating resources. For example, a process requests a communication link, gets the link, but then times out. Should the OS give the communication link to some other process? Difficult to locate programming errors as program behavior cannot be replicated.

5 Race condition A condition where two or more threads/processes modify a shared resource and the final result depends on the relative timing of their execution.

6 Example 1: A program with threads
A mail server for an organization manages the . The mail-server has to keep track of the number of s received from the start of the day. The receipt of an is handled by one of the several worker threads. Each time an is received, the thread must update MAILCOUNT using the following assembly language routine. LOAD MailCount #Acc = Mem[MailCount] ADD #Acc= Acc + 1 STORE MailCount # Mem[MailCount] = Acc

7 Store MailCount # Mem[MailCount] = 26
Thread 1 Load MailCount # Acc = 25 Add # Acc = Acc + 1 = 26; Store MailCount # Mem[MailCount] = 26 Thread 2 Load MailCount # Acc = 25 Add # Acc = Acc+ 1 = 26 Store MailCount # Mem[MailCount] = 26

8 Problem 1 Given the following code segment that is shared by two processes, show with a sequence of executions, how a race condition can affect the output of the two processes when they concurrently access the shared code and data. Assume a single-processor, multi-programmed system. void echo(){ chin = getchar(); //Accept keyboard input. chout = chin; putchar(chout); //Display input value to the output device }

9 What’s causing the problem?
When using shared variables and shared routines Process behavior or thread behavior must be predictable must be independent of the speed at which its execution is carried out relative to the speed of other concurrent processes.

10 How would you prevent the problem?

11 How to prevent the problem?
Restrict access to shared variables and resources such that only when a process/ thread has completed execution of the shared code (i.e. checking, modifying and reacting to a shared variable) will another process be allowed to execute the shared code. The shared code that has to be protected is called the critical section. The principle of allowing one process/thread access to a critical resource at a given time is called mutual exclusion.

12 Critical section – A section of code that requires access to shared resources and that may not be executed while another process is in a corresponding section of code that accesses the same shared resources. Mutual exclusion – The requirement that while one process is in a CS that accesses shared resources, no other process may be in a CS that accesses the same set of shared resources. Race condition – A condition where two or more threads/processes modify a shared resource and the final result depends on the relative timing of their execution. Deadlock – Processes are permanently blocked and waiting on events that can only be triggered by other blocked processes

13 How do processes interact with each other?
Processes unaware of each other are said to be in competition with each other. They are independent of each other, do not share code or variables. May require common resources, e.g., a disk block or a printer. Influence on other processes Output will not be affected Processes may experience delay Control problems faced Need for mutual exclusion Deadlock prevention Starvation

14 How do processes interact with each other?
Processes indirectly aware of each other Any process that accesses shared data or code knows that other processes are potentially modifying/accessing the shared data/code. Such processes are said to co-operate by sharing. Influence on other processes Outputs may be interdependent A process may experience delay Control problems Mutex, deadlock, and starvation Also, Data is accessed both for read and write. Write accesses need to be mutually exclusive. Data coherence needs to be maintained

15 How do processes interact with each other?
Processes directly aware of each other may communicate directly with each other and are said to co-operate using communication. Processes are not competing. Have a common goal and co-operate. Mutual exclusion need not be enforced since there is typically no common data or resource. Communication is through message passing primitives. Can cause deadlock and starvation e.g. 1: Two processes are both blocked waiting for communication from each other.

16 Requirements for a mutual exclusion solution
Enforce mutex A process that halts in its CS must not block other processes indefinitely. Process waiting for CS must not be waiting indefinitely – no deadlock, no starvation If there is no process in the CS, no process wanting to enter the CS must be denied access. No assumptions are made about the relative speeds or number of processes. A process may remain in its CS for a finite period of time.

17 Enforcing Mutual Exclusion
Funtion(){ <non-CS> enter_critical_section(); <CS> exit_critical_section(); } If P1 invokes Function() and must enter the CS, then it will first execute enter_crit(). Enter_crt() purpose is to determine if any other process has already invoked it and entered the CS and not yet exited it. If no such process, exisits, then P1 will enter_crit() and execute the CS. When P2 invokes Function(), then it will also invoke enter_critical_section(), then since P1 is stil in CS, P2 should not be allowed to enter CS.

18 Four different approaches
Hardware support Software-defined approaches Support from the OS Support from the programming language.

19 1. Hardware support void func(){ <non-CS>
/* disable interrupts */ <CS> /* enable interrupts */ <non–CS> } Recall how process switch occurs. A timer interrupt or i/O device interrupts the processor.

20 Disadvantages If the critical section is long, then control is taken away from the OS for a large period of time. This decreases overall system performance. Will not work on multi-processor systems.

21 2. Hardware support - special machine instructions
boolean testset(i){ if(i==0){ i=1; return true; } else return false; int bolt = 0; void main(){ parbegin(P(0),P(1)…P(n)) } void P(int j){ while(testset(bolt)!= true) {do nothing} <CS> bolt = 0; <non-CS> When it returns true, the process can enter the CS.

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