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A Crash Course on Programmable Graphics Hardware

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1 A Crash Course on Programmable Graphics Hardware
Li-Yi Wei 2005 at Tsinghua University, Beijing

2 Why do we need graphics hardware?

3 The evolution of graphics hardware
SGI Origin 3400 NVIDIA Geforce 7800

4 7 years of graphics

5 Ray tracing General & flexible Intuitive Global illumination
Hard to accelerate

6 Polygonal graphics pipeline
Local computation Easy to accelerate Not general Unintuitive

7 Graphics hierarchy Layered approach Encapsulation Protection
Like network layers Encapsulation Easy programming Driver optimization Driver workaround Driver simulation Protection Hardware error check

8 Overview Graphics pipeline GPU programming
Only high level overview (so you can program), not necessarily real hardware GPU programming

9 Graphics pipeline

10 Application Mostly on CPU High level work User interface Control
Simulation Physics Artificial intelligence

11 Host Gatekeeper of GPU Command processing Error checking
State management Context switch

12 Geometry Vertex processor Primitive assembly Clip & cull
Viewport transform

13 Vertex Processor Process one vertex at one time Programmable
No information on other vertices Programmable Transformation Lighting

14 Transformation Global to eye coordinate system

15 Lighting Diffuse Specular

16 Transform & Light on Vertex Processor
A sequence of assembly instructions (more on this later)

17 Primitive Assembly Assemble individual vertices into triangle (or line or point) Performance implication A triangle is ready only when all 3 vertices are Vertex coherence & caching

18 Clipping & Culling Backface culling Clipping against view frustum
Remove triangles facing away from view Eliminate ½ of the triangles in theory Clipping against view frustum Triangles may become quadrilaterals

19 Viewport transform From floating point range [-1, 1] x [-1, 1] to integer range [0, height-1] x [0, width-1]

20 Rasterization Convert primitives (triangles, lines) into pixels
Barycentric coordinate Attribute interpolation

21 Triangles into pixels

22 Attribute interpolation

23 Perspective correct interpolation
incorrect correct

24 Fragment processor Fragment: corresponds to a single pixel and includes color, depth, and sometimes texture-coordinate values. Compute color and depth for each pixel Most interesting part of GPU

25 Texture Optional Cache data Sampling/filtering (though hard to avoid)
Hide latency from FB Sampling/filtering I told you this last time

26 ROP (Raster Operation)
Write to framebuffer Comparison Z, stencil, alpha, window

27 Framebuffer Storing buffers and textures Connect to display
Characteristics Size Bandwidth Latency

28 Conceptual programming model
Inputs (read-only) Attributes Constants Textures Registers (read-write) Used by shader Outputs (write-only)

29 Simple example HPOS: position COL0: diffuse color
MOV o[HPOS], v[HPOS]; MOV o[COL0], v[COL0];

30 More complex example o[COL0] = v[COL0] + constant*v[HPOS];
MOV o[HPOS], v[HPOS]; MOV R0, v[COL0]; MAD R0, v[HPOS], c[0], R0; MOV o[COL0], R0;

31 Sample instruction set

32 A real example

33 High-level shading language
Writing assembly is Painful Not portable Not optimize-able High level shading language solves these Cg, HLSL

34 Cg example

35 Applications Too many of them for me to describe here
The only way to learn is try to program Useless for you even if I try to describe Look at developer website NVIDIA, ATI, GPGPU

36 Homework Try to program GPU! Stanford course on graphics hardware
Even without NVIDIA GPU, you can download the emulator Stanford course on graphics hardware History of graphics hardware 7 years of graphics

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