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Some changes in Ukraine society

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1 Some changes in Ukraine society
5th UKRAINE REALITY CHECK May 24, 2017 Volodymyr Paniotto, General Director of KIIS, professor of NaUKMA

2 Problems of changes study
What do we study - the dynamics due to changes in the territory of the country or changes in people's minds? 2) The problem of migration accounting and weight of Donbass in our sampling The percentage of those who would like Ukraine to join the EU 2013 February 2016 September Difference In all Ukraine 36,6 45,7 9,1 In Ukraine without Crimea and Donbass 42,5 48,2 5,7 3,4

3 Wellbeing level For 10 years, from 1998 to 2008, the poverty rate fell from 52% to 11%. After the global crisis, in 2008, the poverty rate increased and then fell to 9% the poverty rate has increased again on the highest level for last 13 years. In 2016 the situation is stable .

4 The health level in 2016 is the same as in 2013

5  Dynamics of happiness in Ukraine (2001-2015) "Do you consider yourself a happy person?"

6 The Impact of War on Happiness: the Case of Ukraine
  By Tom Coupe and Maksym Obrizan Kyiv School of Economics Using a difference-in-difference design, we find that the average level of happiness declined substantially in zones that experience war directly, with the effect of directly experiencing war on the happiness of an individual being roughly comparable to the loss of happiness a relatively well-off person would experience when he/she becomes a poor person. At the same time, despite the fact that the war in the East dominates the local media in Ukraine, respondents in other regions of Ukraine are basically as happy as they were before the war.

7 Modernization. The percentage of Internet users among the population 18+

8 Support of independence of Ukraine 2008-2016


10 Actual experience indicates a slight decrease of corruption spread in Ukraine
Citizens’ corruption perception and experience indices are presented on the graph (the average number of sectors where corruption occurs in perception or in actual experiences). Following long paternalistic tradition, the population of Ukraine continues to regard the highest authorities as most responsible for fighting the corruption. THE MAJORITY OF RESIDENTS CONSIDER FIGHTING AGAINST CORRUPTION TO BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PRESIDENT

According to KIIS survey December 2016, 58% of participants experienced some stressful situation during the last year. Compared to the data of 2015 this percentage decreased by 5 percentage points (it was 64% last year), while the percentages of those who lost the belief in people, and of those who found themselves left with no livelihood slightly increased. The amount of those who became jobless decreased. The amount of those who did not experience any stressful situation increased by 3 percentage points (from 34% in 2015 to 37% in 2016).

12 Resume From 2015 to 2016: the poverty level is the same
level of health has not changed the level of happiness decreased slightly (but only at the expense of Donbass, in the rest of Ukraine has not changed), the percentage of Internet users increases, the level of corruption has decreased, The level of stresess decreased. In general, the situation has stabilized. Meanwhile, the majority believes that the country is going in the wrong direction (70% vs. 12%), corruption increased , reforms do not go.         Most likely it is because of the work of the media (due to informational war and political struggle inside the country). In general situation in Ukraine is better than it seems.

13 The attitude of the EU, NATO, the Customs Union


15 “Imagine, please, that the referendum on whether Ukraine should join  European UnionNATO is happening now. What is your choice?” – February 2017, % West Center South East UKRAINE For joining 75 49 37 17 Against joining 10 21 45 50 28 Not to participate 7 11 9 23 Difficult to say 8 19 12 TOTAL 100


17 “In your opinion, what direction of foreign policy should Ukraine take
“In your opinion, what direction of foreign policy should Ukraine take?”, February 2017 Western Central South Eastern UKRAINE Accession the European Union 76 47 33 14 Accession the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia 1 5 30 35 Joining neither the European Union nor the Customs Union 18 34 26 37 28 Difficult to say 11 TOTAL 100


19 Readiness of Ukrainian citizens to vote for accession to the EU: December September 2016 (without occupied territories)

20 “Imagine, please, that the referendum on whether Ukraine should join  NATO is happening now. What is your choice?” – February 2017, % Western Central South Eastern UKRAINE For joining 65 41 30 15 Against joining 13 22 53 54 32 Not to participate 6 12 8 11 Difficult to say 16 25 9 10 17 TOTAL 100

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