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Presentation on theme: "EVALUATION OF CLASSIFICATION METHODS FOR DETECTION OF GREENHOUSES FROM SPOT 5 SATELLITE IMAGERY Cigdem Goksel*, Filiz Bektas Balcik, Merve Keskin, Bahadir."— Presentation transcript:

Cigdem Goksel*, Filiz Bektas Balcik, Merve Keskin, Bahadir Celik, Ceren Cihan, Nur Yagmur Istanbul Technical University, Civil Engineering Faculty, Geomatics Engineering Department, , Maslak - Istanbul, TURKEY, Abstract Study Area Monitoring and mapping greenhouse areas accurately using remotely sensed data is very important for urban and rural planning, agricultural yield estimation, monitoring and planning crop proportion, natural resource management, and sustainable development. The conventional techniques for greenhouse mapping are time consuming, and expensive. Remote sensing technologies are very important to extract accurate and reliable greenhouse information. The main objectives of this research are (1) to compare the performance of the supervised classification techniques including maximum likelihood (ML), and support vector machines (SVM) for land cover classification with emphasis on greenhouse detection and (2) to find out the ability of SPOT 5 satellite imagery for detecting greenhouses in selected study area Anamur district of Mersin, Turkey. The performance of classification methods, was compared by using error matrix. Overall accuracy and Kappa statistics were computed. Based on the results, SVM and MLC performances were similar for the selected study area and SPOT 5 MS data. Keywords: Greenhouses, Classification, Support Vector Machines, SPOT 5 The selected study area is Anamur district of Mersin and it is located in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. The climate is Mediterranean with mild and rainy winters and hot and humid summers. The population of the district is Average population density is person/ha in these areas (Turkish Statistical Institute, 2014). Land use / land cover in Anamur Anamur district is one of the most important areas for greenhouses in Turkey. Data & Methodology For supervised classification: SPOT 5, multispectral images for 2006 and 2014 (four bands: B1: Green, B2: Red, B3: Near Infrared), with 5m spatial resolution. For pre-processing (geometric correction): 1 : topographic maps for collecting Ground Control Points (GCP) Field collected hand hold GPS data ASTER images with 30 m spatial resolution for orthorectification procedure. The goal is to examine the mapping and expansion monitoring potential of two supervised classification method (Maximum Likelihood and Support Vector Machine) in Anamur. Results Supervised Classification Accuracy Assessment Year 2006 2014 Overall Accuracy (MLC) 95,98 96,14 Kappa Statistics (MLC) 0,68 0,71 Overall Accuracy (SVM) 96,34 95,85 Kappa Statistics (SVM) 0.70 0.72 Totally 1283 and 1230 random points, for the 2006 and 2014 dated images, were selected for two classes to assess the accuracy of the four classified images. The overall accuracy and a KAPPA analysis were used to perform classification accuracy based on error matrix . The results show that there is a mixed pixel problem between land cover categories such as greenhouse –artificial surfaces and clouds in the study area. The reason for the mixed classes can be the pansharpened processing steps that has the ability to change the brightness value of the data. The SVM classification method was implemented by using the Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel. The parameters for the RBF kernel were set to 0,33 and 100 for γ (gamma= 1/number of the band) and C (error penalty), respectively, for the SVM classification. The pyramid parameter was set to a value of 0 to process the satellite data at full resolution (5 m). In ML classification, 2500 and 6000 training areas for the 2006 and 2014 dated images, were determined respectively. The classification results were evaluated with visual interpretation and information classes were reduced to final 2 thematic classes as greenhouses and other. Conclusion References The results showed that Spot 5 MS images could be used to produce greenhouse maps and statistics. General pattern and trajectories of greenhouses in the Anamur district were evaluated through the years 2006 and 2014. 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