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Book Discussion on Green Jobs
The PIT Crew: Book Discussion on Green Jobs January pm et
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Attendee List Chat Room Presentation Slide Area Moderator: There are 4 areas that I would like to call to your attention: The first is the presentation slide area, it’s where the main content for the webinar will appear and it will be the main focus of your attention throughout the webinar. The second is the attendee list, it’s located on the top left of your screen and it displays a list of all attendees to this webinar. The third is the chat room, also at the left of the screen, directly below the attendee list, it allows you to ask questions, or make comments during the webinar. We are using a ONE WAY conference call for the audio portion of this webinar – you can hear the presenters, but they cannot hear you. Due to the large number of attendees, and to control background noise and interruptions, we’re going to rely on this CHAT feature to solicit your questions throughout the session. Those attending with a group will want to designate a “scribe” to represent your group by entering questions as they occur ANYTIME throughout the session. Your questions are automatically transmitted to the presenters and will be answered during dedicated question and answer periods. The fourth is the “Meeting” menu located at the top left of your monitor. Once you click the “Meeting” menu, you will be presented with a few options to choose from. The only option I want to point out to you is the “Full Screen” option. If you feel the size of the room is too small or if it is difficult for you to read the text, I suggest you switch to Full Screen mode. Depending on the size of your monitor, this will increase the size of the webinar room so that images will appear larger.
Submitting Questions Enter questions into the Chat Room (located in lower left corner of the virtual classroom). To submit a question, type the question in the text box and click the arrow button. To send questions to the Presenter only (not to Everyone), select Presenter from the drop- down menu before clicking the arrow button. Questions will be answered at appropriate times during the presentation. Chat Room Arrow Button Drop-Down Menu OPEN CHAT Slide Moderator: If you would like to submit a question during the question and answer portion of the presentation, please enter that question into the chat room. The chat room is located in the lower left portion of the virtual classroom. To submit a question, type the question in the text box and click the arrow button to submit. Note that by default, your question will be sent to Everyone viewing the presentation. If you would like to send your question to the Presenter only, please select Presenter from the drop-down menu below the text box before clicking the arrow button to submit. Again, please be sure to enter your questions at ANYTIME throughout our session. We’ll make time to answer as many of them as possible at the end of today’s presentation. (ADVANCE SLIDE) Text Box
Submitting Questions Chat Room Enter questions into the Chat Room (located in lower left corner of the virtual classroom). To submit a question or comment, type the question in the text box and click the arrow button. Your name, the text “(Submitted Question)” and your question will appear in red on your screen, indicating successful submission. Questions are directly transmitted to presenters – other participants will not see your questions. CLOSE CHAT SLIDE Moderator: To submit a question using the chat feaure, type the question in the text box and click the arrow button to submit. When you submit a question, your name, the text “Submitted Question” and your question will appear in red on your screen, indicating successful submission. Note that Questions are directly transmitted to presenters – other participants will not see your questions. Again, please be sure to enter your questions at ANYTIME throughout our session. We’ll make time to answer as many of them as possible during the session. (ADVANCE SLIDE) Text Box Arrow Button
Practice In the chat room, please type the name of your organization, your location, and how many people are attending with you today. In order to get an idea of who is attending this webinar with us today, and to give you a chance to practice using the Chat Feature, please type the name of your organization, your location, and how many people are attending with you today in the Chat Room, and then click the Arrow button to submit your entry. (NOTE: Wait for responses to begin appearing in presenter chat, acknowledge some of those responses, and transition to the next slide.)
During today’s webinar, we will be navigating to a live site/doing some screen sharing. Once we switch over to the sharing mode, the content may appear too small for you to accurately view. If you look to the bottom left of the window that’s used for screen sharing purposes, you’ll see an area with two settings. The default setting is “Scale to fit,” which means the entire screen of what the speaker is sharing will be scaled to fit its entirety in the window. If what is being shown appears too small to you, mouse over and click the second, “Scroll” setting which will increase the resolution of what’s being transmitted. Once you click that “Scroll” option, two scroll bars will appear to the bottom and to the right of the screen. You do not necessarily have to use these scroll bars as the window will automatically focus on the area of the speaker’s mouse and what they are indicating. Scale to Fit Scroll
Webinar Resources: Recordings available within 2 business days after the event. All resources are posted under the… Moderator: (Public Webinar) Please note that all webinar resources, such as the PPT, recording, transcript and any handouts used during the webinar will be available for download from your “My Dashboard” page. When you initially log into your W31 account, your “My Dashboard” page will be the first page you’re taken to. The recording and transcript will be available within 2 business days after the session concludes while the PPT and any handouts will be posted before the session begins. To access the recording or any resource associated with the recording, like the PPT or handouts, simply click the “Resources” tab on the left side of the homepage. Click “Resource Type” dropdown “Webinar Recording”. (ADVANCE SLIDE)
Presenters Presenters: Jen Troke, ETA Beth Brinly, ETA
Diane Walton, ETA
Agenda/Objectives Virtual classroom overview Setting the stage Book discussion What is next?
Team Leader, Industry Engagement
Presenter Jen Troke Team Leader, Industry Engagement
Going Green at ETA Setting the Stage ETA Actions to Date
Green Jobs in Context Green Agenda Going Forward ETA Actions to Date Work in Progress Renewable Energy Investments Green Collaboration Green Framework Green Workgroup
Presenters Beth A. Brinly Region 2 Philadelphia Diane Walton Region 6 San Francisco
“The Green Collar Economy” by Van Jones [Select all that apply]
Polling Question What do you know about “The Green Collar Economy” by Van Jones [Select all that apply] I read the book I read the cliff notes I read a story about the book I met Van Jones I am Van Jones
The Study Guide For… The Green Collar Economy was developed by Green For All in partnership with The Engage Network 14
Polling Question Enough solar energy falls on the Earth's surface in one hour to power all of human civilization for a year. Yes No
Chapter One: The Dual Crisis
Radical socioeconomic inequality and rampant environmental destruction Pages 24 and 33 Create a list of the businesses in your town or that you have heard of around the country that employ or train low-income people. Create a list of the green businesses in your town or that you have heard of. Are there some that do both? Are there some that could do both?
Chapter Two: The Fourth Quadrant
Eco-apartheid - morally disgraceful, politically untenable, and ecologically unsustainable Page 53 What is eco-apartheid? Where do you see signs of it in your community?
Polling Question Clean coal is an oxymoron. Yes No
Chapter Three: Eco-Equity
It is morally compelling to build an inclusive green economy …ensuring that the new, clean, and green economy has a place in it for everyone Page 72 Who are the key people who would need to get involved to create a green economy? Can you name five in your community and five nationally? What are the three things required for a successful movement for change? Can you think of something you can do to help the green collar economy effort?
Chapter Four: The Green New Deal
We are not just battling the polluter without; we are also battling the polluter within Page 110 What are the barriers you face in being ready to participate in creating a green collar economy? Which barriers are inside of you? Which are outside? What practices do you or could you undertake to help you find a place of more compassion inside and out?
Polling Question The only part of the U.S. economy that can grow long-term is the green part. True False
Chapter Five: The Future Is Now
(It is) time reinvest in our community, because we are slipping away further into poverty and getting sicker because of it Page 116 & 117 What are the five subsystems of sustainability the book talks about? Of these, which do you think is the easiest to start action on? Which would be the most difficult? Why?
Chapter Six: The Government Question
(Chicago) is quite clearly at the forefront, leading the way toward sustainability. …such groundbreaking environmental leadership is remarkable – setting a powerful (example) for industrial centers. Page 165 & 166 What are the key factors and leadership that have led to Chicago’s success? Are there local leaders in your community who are examples of great leadership? What are the five areas of local policy change that local and state governments can embrace?
What are green industries? [Select all that apply]
Polling Question What are green industries? [Select all that apply] materials reuse and recycling water management local and organic food production manufacturing mass transportation whatever else we come up with
Chapter Seven: Buoyancy And Hope
…envision meeting our economic and ecological challenges with our heads held high—not buried in our hands. We can put “solution centers” in every town and neighborhood to train young workers in new technologies and ancient wisdom. creating zero- pollution products...(move) people moving from jail cells to solar cells— helping to harvest the sun, heal the land, and repair their own souls…honor the Earth, create new jobs, and reduce community violence. Page 186 Write your vision for what you think can be created in your community. (Imagine) a collage of images of the future. What can you dream for your life, your community, the country, and the world?
For more information, go to
Other Green Resource Recommendations?
Articles Books Other Materials
and thanks to Green for All and The Engage Network
THANK YOU! and thanks to Green for All and The Engage Network for the Study Guide… 28
Please enter your questions into the Chat Room!
Question and Answer Period (ADVANCE SLIDE) Please enter your questions into the Chat Room!
Share Your Ideas with Your Peers!
Simply log on to Workforce3 One and look for the “Share Content” located on the Homepage Share your demand-driven strategic plans, models, innovations, resources, and ideas! Workforce3 One is a is a tool built for you and BY you, encouraging peer-to-peer learning among the various communities. The success of Workforce3 One relies on contributions from people like you! Share your ideas, innovations, and more with others! We welcome suggestions for documents to share, programs to feature, and any relevant news or information that you would like to exchange with your colleagues. To submit your content, visit the Suggest Content page on the Workforce3One webspace, which is located at the URL featured on this slide. (ADVANCE SLIDE) Submit your content to Workforce3 One at:
Webinar Resources: Recordings available within 2 business days after the event. All resources are posted under the… Moderator: (Public Webinar) Please note that all webinar resources, such as the PPT, recording, transcript and any handouts used during the webinar will be available for download from your “My Dashboard” page. When you initially log into your W31 account, your “My Dashboard” page will be the first page you’re taken to. The recording and transcript will be available within 2 business days after the session concludes while the PPT and any handouts will be posted before the session begins. To access the recording or any resource associated with the recording, like the PPT or handouts, simply click the “Resources” tab on the left side of the homepage. Click “Resource Type” dropdown “Webinar Recording”. (ADVANCE SLIDE)
Stay Informed, Get Connected!
Workforce3 One: Communities of practice Live web-based events Register for updates! For more information about the workforce investment system: Visit Call US2-JOBS You can learn more and stay connected with trends and innovations by logging on to Workforce3 One, where you’ll find: Engaging communities of practice where you can share ideas, questions and innovations, and connect with peers; Learning through live Web-conferencing events that feature leaders and experts from industry and from government; and, A means of registering to be informed of news and events as they occur. We encourage you to make note of Workforce3 One – it is a powerful new tool, funded by ETA and “powered” by YOU! You can also learn more about the workforce investment system by visiting and by calling US2-JOBS. (ADVANCE SLIDE)
THANKS! Moderator:
On behalf of Workforce3 One and today’s webinar presenters, I’d like to conclude today’s session by thanking you all for your time, and we look forward to seeing you on future webinars! Thank you.
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