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Synthesis from scenarios and requirements

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1 Synthesis from scenarios and requirements
Joint work with R. Alur, M. Martin, M. Raghothaman, A. Udupa (UPenn), and C. Stergiou (Berkeley & Upenn) Part of NSF Expeditions Project ExCAPE (co-PI) Tripakis

2 Synthesis – raising the level of abstraction in system design
Verification: Design system β€œby hand”: 𝑆 State system requirements: πœ™ Check if system meets requirements: π‘†βŠ¨πœ™ ? Synthesis: Generate automatically (synthesize) system 𝑆 that satisfies πœ™ by construction. Tripakis

3 Limitations of synthesis
Methodologically difficult Not always easy to write complete formal specs (e.g., imagine complete formal spec for Intel Pentium) Algorithmically expensive => does not scale E.g., doubly exponential algorithms in the length of the formal spec (temporal logic formulas) Generally undecidable for distributed controllers Tripakis

4 ABP: reliable transmission over an unreliable channel
Sending client Receiving client deliver done msg O,1 O,1 Forward channel ABP sender ABP receiver O,1 O,1 Backward channel Channels are lossy but FIFO.

5 Challenge problem: synthesize the ABP automatically!
Sending client Receiving client deliver done msg O,1 O,1 Forward channel ? ? O,1 O,1 Backward channel

6 Can be formalized as a decentralized controller synthesis problem
Plant Controller 1 Controller 2 (locally) observable events controllable Unfortunately problem is undecidable …

7 Our work: Synthesis from Scenarios and Requirements
Idea: combine requirements + example scenarios Synthesis tool example scenarios formal requirements (safety, liveness, deadlock-freedom, …) synthesized protocol (state machines) These are typically not complete specs! Tripakis

8 Synthesis using Scenarios
Learn (generalize) behavior from examples Often only a few scenarios required (1-10) Synthesis becomes an automata completion problem Scenario 1 (nominal) Scenario 2 (msg loss) Scenario 3 (ack loss) Scenario 4 (delay)

9 From Scenarios to Incomplete Automata
Process S0: empty message history S1: a! S0 initial S2: a! b? a! a! b? S1 S0 S1 S2 b? S0 = S2 a! initial S1 S2 initial b?

10 Automata Completion Incomplete automata using first scenario:
ABP Receiver ABP Sender Completed automata after adding missing inputs:

11 Synthesis from Scenarios and Requirements: Results
Able to synthesize the Alternating Bit Protocol (ABP) and other simple finite-state protocols (cache coherence, consensus, …) fully automatically [HVC 2014]. Progress towards industrial-level protocols modeled as extended state machines [CAV 2015]: synthesis of symbolic expressions. Tripakis

12 Counterexample-guided
Synthesis from Scenarios and Requirements: completion of (extended) state machines At the heard of the synthesis method: completion of incomplete machines: find missing transitions, guards, assignments, etc. Counterexample-guided synthesis Tripakis

13 Back-up slides Tripakis

14 Synthesis from LTL Tripakis

15 Synthesis – state of the art
Able to automatically synthesize controller for an avionic electric power generation and distribution system (EPS) Formal spec: LTL (linear temporal logic) Using Tulip synthesis tool (Caltech) Input: ~40 lines of LTL Output: ~3k lines of Matlab Synthesis time < 1 min EPS Case study by: Pierluigi Nuzzo & Antonio Iannopollo (UC Berkeley), and Eelco Scholte (UTC)

16 Case study β€œManual” controller design vs.
Controller automatically synthesized from formal specification Tripakis

17 Case study: controller design for an avionic electric power generation and distribution system (EPS)
Case study by: Pierluigi Nuzzo & Antonio Iannopollo (UC Berkeley), and Eelco Scholte (UTC)

18 EPS requirements (in English)
Assumptions: Guarantees:

19 EPS requirements (in English)

20 β€œManual” controller design
β€œHand-written” controller: ~2 PhD student weeks Complex, not obvious that it works β‡’ Still needs to be verified

21 [](gl_healthy | gr_healthy | al_healthy | ar_healthy)
Formal specification From English to a formal specification language Linear temporal logic (LTL) Close mapping from English to LTL: [](gl_healthy | gr_healthy | al_healthy | ar_healthy)

22 Formal specification for EPS
~40 lines of LTL #Assumptions (gl_healthy & gr_healthy & al_healthy & ar_healthy) [](gl_healthy | gr_healthy | al_healthy | ar_healthy) [](!gl_healthy -> X(!gl_healthy) ) [](!gr_healthy -> X(!gr_healthy) ) [](!al_healthy -> X(!al_healthy) ) [](!ar_healthy -> X(!ar_healthy) ) #Guarantees (!c1 & !c2 & !c3 & !c4 & !c5 & !c6 & !c7 & !c8 & !c9 & !c10 & !c11 & !c12 & !c13) [](X(c7) & X(c8) & X(c11) & X(c12) & X(c13)) [](!(c2 & c3)) [](!(c1 & c5 & (al_healthy | ar_healthy))) [](!(c4 & c6 & (al_healthy | ar_healthy))) []((X(gl_healthy) & X(gr_healthy) ) -> X(!c2) & X(!c3) & X(!c9) & X(!c10)) []((X(!gl_healthy) & X(!gr_healthy) ) -> X(c9) & X(c10)) [](X(!gl_healthy)-> X(!c1) ) [](X(!gr_healthy)-> X(!c4) ) [](X(!al_healthy)-> X(!c2) ) [](X(!ar_healthy)-> X(!c3) ) [](X(gl_healthy) -> X(c1) ) [](X(gr_healthy) -> X(c4) ) … #Guarantees … [](!gl_healthy -> X(c5)) [](!gr_healthy -> X(c6)) []((X(gl_healthy) & X(gr_healthy) ) -> (X(!c5) & X(!c6) )) []((X(!gl_healthy) & X(al_healthy) & X(gr_healthy) ) -> ( X(c2) & X(c3)) ) []((X(!gl_healthy) & X(!gr_healthy) & X(al_healthy) & !c3 & !c2) -> X(c2) ) []((X(al_healthy) & c2) -> X(c2) ) []((X(ar_healthy) & c3) -> X(c3) ) []((X(!gl_healthy) & X(!al_healthy) & X(ar_healthy) & !c2) -> X(c3) ) []((X(!gr_healthy) & X(!ar_healthy) & X(al_healthy) & !c3) -> X(c2) ) []((!gl_healthy & !al_healthy & !ar_healthy) -> X(c6) ) []((!gr_healthy & !ar_healthy & !al_healthy) -> X(c5) )

23 Automatic controller synthesis from LTL spec
Controller (~3k lines of Matlab code) automatically synthesized in <1 min using the tool Tulip (Caltech)

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