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Lunar Occultations of Close Double Stars

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Presentation on theme: "Lunar Occultations of Close Double Stars"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lunar Occultations of Close Double Stars
Occultation of R946, November 14 Lunar Occultations of Close Double Stars The why and wherefore of observing these events NACAA April 20 Occultations Session Brian Loader RASNZ Occultation Section SAO 2013 September 12

2 SAO 160149 Occultation Video Frame

3 Occultation Light Curve, Single Star

4 Occultation Light Curve for SAO 160149

5 Double Star Occultation, Light Curve
Secondary Intensity Step Length (seconds) Primary Intensity

6 Double Star Occultation, Light Curve
176 ± 78 Step Length (seconds) 1.16 s 367 ± 42

7 Double – Fainter Star second

8 Double Reappearance

9 Double Star Programme Aims
md Accurate times of both events Position Angle and Separation and Magnitudes Discovery of new doubles Confirmation / Rejection Publication of results

10 Solution for R68 using OCCULT
E E Prediction: ” °

11 2 or 3 video frames, ca 0.1 second …
Possible Resolution 2 or 3 video frames, ca 0.1 second … … ca 30 to 35 milli arc-second... 60 m on the moon, 1AU at 100 light years.

12 Total Number of Observations Archived as at 2014 April 6
Year of Obsn. No of Obsn Cumulative up to end 2007 147 2008 75 222 2009 223 445 2010 249 694 2011 196 890 2012 1112 2013 184 1296 2014 65 1361

13 Numbers of Observations Received as at 2014 April 6
Group No. of Obsn. stars No. > 1 Max obsns. per star WDS ‘double’ 393 209 87 7(+2 nil) WDS ‘single’ 148 96 34 4 OCc ‘double’ 35 19 8 3 OCc ‘single’ 498 310 125 6 Discoveries 109 82 14 6(+2 nil) Doubtful Dbl 98 75 15 Wide Dbl >3” 80 64 11 5 TOTALS 1331 855 294

14 Numbers of Observers by Country
Australia 11 New Zealand 4 Japan 17 USA Europe

15 Publication Suitable observations are published in the on-line
Journal of Double Stars Observations.

16 Discovery Papers

17 JDSO July 2010

18 JDSO July 2011

19 JDSO October 2012

20 JDSO April 2014

21 Known doubles, PA and Separation Measured

22 Occultation Discoveries

23 Possible Double Stars shown to be single

24 Observer Separation 10° round the Moon’s limb projected
on the Earth’s surface is ca 3° latitude Hobart – Melbourne ca 5° Melbourne – Sydney ca 4.5° Sydney – Brisbane ca 6° Brisbane – Rockhampton ca 4.2° Perth Adelaide Murrumbateman


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