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7/1/2018 Kentucky Senior’s Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program 2017 Tina Garland 502-382-7505 Kelsey Ruble 502-782-9238.

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Presentation on theme: "7/1/2018 Kentucky Senior’s Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program 2017 Tina Garland 502-382-7505 Kelsey Ruble 502-782-9238."— Presentation transcript:

1 7/1/2018 Kentucky Senior’s Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program 2017 Tina Garland Kelsey Ruble

2 Housekeeping Roll Call Information Packets PowerPoint Q & A’s
We welcome conversation and questions, if you have a question, feel free to ask at the end of the presentation.

3 Agenda First half SFMNP Funding Rules and regulations
7/1/2018 First half SFMNP Funding Rules and regulations Farmer/Vendor Information Redemption rates and process Questions/Concerns Second half Market manager information Distribution agency information Please take notice to a few updates to the program: The definition of locally grown is now “any produce grown within Kentucky borders by Kentucky farmers.” Also only farmers may accept coupons for products they have grown on their farm. The eligible foods list now includes mushrooms and more cooking herbs. Note that we expanded and detailed the market requirements, rules, and redemption process to make it easier for you to understand. Finally, don’t forget to sign up to accept coupons in each market you sell in and remember to do this before the season starts. Plus you are responsible for training all of your employees and family members that help you sell at the market.

4 Funding Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program 2017 USDA Grant
7/1/2018 Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program 2017 USDA Grant $ 297,823 Seniors may receive up to (7) $4.00 vouchers equaling a $28.00 booklet Seniors may receive only one booklet per season Kentucky has participated in WIC-FMNP since Currently we receive two hundred thirty thousand dollars ($230,000) from USDA; just under one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) comes from the state budget. For 2004 will be issuing coupons in 43 counties. We did request an additional sixty thousand dollars ($60,000) in expansion funds from USDA, but it has not been approved at this time. After three years of applying for Senior FMNP funding, USDA awarded the Kentucky Department of Agriculture funding in Participants spent and farmers redeemed over two hundred seventy-six thousand dollars last year. ($276,302) For 2004, we have applied for funding again; the latest word from USDA is that they will announce grant awards mid-April (March 29, 2004). As you see, USDA only provides funding for the coupons. The Kentucky Department of Agriculture and its partnering agencies must cover their own administrative costs to run the programs.

5 Rule Enforcement 7/1/2018 USDA mandates 10% of markets, 10% of farmers, and 100% of distribution agencies are reviewed Each market will be reviewed once every two years Market Site Visits Review of Market Review of Farmers Anonymous compliance buys Violations can result in farmer and/or market being terminated from SFMNP Minor Violations Failure to post signage at the market Failure to open during published times and days Penalties for Minor offenses First violation - verbal or written reprimand Second violation - Move to “at-risk” classification and written warning Third violation - Suspension of right to redeem checks for the remaining of the season Kentucky Department of Agriculture employees conduct market site visits. At those visits staff review the market and farmers, takes notes on products available, number of customers, and other items as required by USDA. If your market isn’t open as listed in the KDA market directory, this is noted also. Some staff may be there undercover buying with coupons to ensure you are following the rules. In the 40+ visits last year, several markets were not open for business as listed. Make sure you register your market with Janet Eaton. Also, no ineligible foods were purchased during compliance buys. Farmers did an excellent job explaining what foods were eligible. Good Job! If a farm visit is warranted, we do schedule a time to come and inspect your farm. This involves looking at any farm plans, maps, physical inspection of growing area, and documenting such visits with photographic evidence and sketch of farm. Not following the rules may lead violations. Violations fall into minor and major categories as explained in next two slides.

6 Major violations and Penalties
7/1/2018 Major Violations Selling at off-market site Selling non-eligible products Buying Checks Accepting checks when on suspension Penalties for Major Violations First Violation Suspension of right to redeem checks for 30 days during FMNP season. If there is less than 30 days remaining in the season when violation is committed, days remaining will continue in the following FMNP season. Second Violation Farmer becomes ineligible for the program. State Agency has the right to carry over major/minor violations from year to year.

7 Civil Rights Compliance
7/1/2018 KDA Title VI Coordinator is responsible for immediately notifying USDA-FNS of farmer and market discrimination complaints received by KDA: KDA SFMNP 107 Corporate Drive Frankfort, KY 40601 Farmers and participants may also contact USDA directly: USDA Director, Office of Civil Rights Room 362-W, Whitten Building Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC Also note that as a farmer or farmers’ market participating in the SFMNP program you must adhere to the federal regulations for nondiscrimination. Posting of Nondiscrimination Regulation is recommended. Posters available upon request. Individuals seeking to file discrimination complaints may file them either with KDA or directly through USDA per the contact information on the slide. As a recipient of federal funding, markets and farmers must adhere to the federal regulations for nondiscrimination. FYI The full USDA-FNS discrimination statement follows: “In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C or call (202) (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.”

8 Farmer Requirements Participating farmers in the program must:
7/1/2018 Participating farmers in the program must: Be member of an approved KDA farmers’ market Be a member of an approved market that participates in the SFMNP Attend training each year Accept checks only for locally grown fruits and vegetables Sign the participation guidelines and stamp the application Do NOT handwrite your stamp number on the application; the application must be stamped to be processed Farmers are eligible to participant in the FMNP program if They are a member of an approved farmers’ market Attend a training session each year, and Accept coupons only for fresh fruits, vegetables, and cooking herbs they have produced in Kentucky Farmers also must sign an Farmer Agreement that they understand and agree to follow all of the rules for participation in the FMNP program

9 Farmer Requirements cont’d
7/1/2018 Eligible Foods: SFMNP: Checks are good for fresh locally grown produce and honey. Locally grown produce is defined as produce grown in Kentucky or within 50 miles from Kentucky border. (See “Eligible Food List”) Non-eligible Foods: “Non-locally” grown products may not be purchased with SFMNP checks. Examples include citrus products such as oranges, mangoes, lemons, and limes; bananas, and pineapples. Medicinal Herbs and others such as aloe, lamb’s ear, catnip, rue, white sage, lavender, Echinacea, bee balm, chamomile, St Johnswort are not eligible for purchase with checks. In the next few upcoming slides we will go over the rules of FMNP. Participants may purchase only the fresh fruits, vegetables, and cooking herbs on the Eligible Kentucky Foods list. These are listed on the next 2 slides. Products such as meats, eggs, cheese, honey, plants, flowers, and home-processed goods are great for the market. However, they must be purchased with other forms of payment as coupons may not be used on them. “Why not?” many people ask. It all goes back to the purposes for the program set up in the federal regulations; the programs are set up for fresh fruit, vegetables, and cooking herbs sold through farmers’ markets. Also, farmers must grow these foods on property that are farming within Kentucky.

10 Farmer’s Requirements cont’d
7/1/2018 A Farmer cannot exclusively sell produce grown by someone else. All markets have different rules, Rules can be more strict according to your market rules, but may not be more lenient when accepting SFMNP benefits. No change given for checks Participants must purchase produce in the amount of the checks A vendor may assist a participant by preparing products in $4 bundles or by gathering products that equal up to $4 No sales tax Kentucky has a sales tax exemption on the purchase of food Checks valid only at authorized SFMNP markets Your farm is not an authorized location to sell your products Only authorized farmers within approved markets Not all farmers in a market have to accept SFMNP Not all Kentucky Farmers Markets participate in SFMNP A continuation of the rules… FMNP farmers must raise products sold on land owned, rented, or leased by the farmer within Kentucky. Market vendor is a genuine farmer and grows the products being sold. Do not take coupons for resold products.

11 Farmer’s Requirements cont’d
7/1/2018 Display sign showing you accept SFMNP checks This is to help participants find you to spend their checks. Since not all farmers within a market are required to accept coupons, it is very important for you to show your signs saying you accept FMNP coupons. Participants need to know which farmers accept coupons. Vendors must display their stamp number

12 Farmer’s Requirements cont’d *
7/1/2018 Offer SFMNP participants the same courtesies as other market customers Provide eligible foods at the current price or lower than the current price charged to other customers Display prices and how product is sold (by pound, container, by bunch, etc.) Have some produce in bundles of $4 for easy accessibility for the seniors (this is optional, not mandatory) FMNP participants are to be offered the same courtesies as other customers to your market. Prices for eligible foods should be the same as the current price or less than the current price charged to other market customers. Products are not to be higher just because a customer is purchasing with coupons. Displaying prices is not only good business; but it ensures clients they are being charged a fair price for their produce. Simply think to your own shopping experiences. If you can’t find the price of an item, do you always purchase it? Or does the phrase, “If you have to ask, it’s too high” ring a bell?

13 Redemption Rates and Voucher Process
Total redemption rate for 2016 was 77.3%. Voucher Process: KDA sends an allotted amount of voucher booklets to each participating agency. The agency then distributes the vouchers on assigned days to those seniors that are eligible. The senior may use the vouchers on eligible foods, (see eligible foods list), all at once or throughout the season. Once a farmer or vendor receives the vouchers signed by senior or proxy, they deposit them at their bank. The vouchers need to be deposited AT LEAST twice a month. * Distributors, please stress to your seniors that if they do not use all their vouchers, your county may not get as many the following season.

14 Redeeming Vouchers WIC FMNP Senior FMNP 700100
7/1/2018 WIC FMNP A farmer must have a WIC stamp for each market he/she works in. Senior FMNP A farmer has only one stamp for SFMNP, regardless the number of markets he/she works in. WIC FMNP stamp Senior FMNP Stamp 700100 Now for a very important part: how prepared coupons for redemption so you may get paid! Receive training and review of materials, Qualify to accept coupons Agree to, and sign Farmer Agreement Receive FMNP farmer number from market coordinator And do this for each FMNP market you sell in

15 What’s wrong with these checks?

16 SFMNP Check Have participants sign check
2016 6/01/16 November 4, 2016 10/25/16 Stamp check here Have participants sign check Stamp check with the farmer identifier. If stamp is unclear, stamp it again. (If stamp is illegible, the check will not be processed.) Endorse Senior Check on Back Side Deposit in Your Bank Vendors can use only their own stamp when depositing, if a vendor is selling another vendors produce, they must use that vendors stamp to deposit their checks

17 What’s wrong with these checks?

18 Checks Make sure when you deposit your checks you check to make sure they meet the criteria and is legible: Signature form senior Signature from vendor Stamp of vendor

19 Eligible Kentucky Foods
7/1/2018 Apples Greens (collards, kale, mustard, spinach, swiss chard, turnip) Potatoes Cooking herbs (fresh, cut): Asparagus Pumpkins Basil Green Onions Borage Beans (green) Radishes Honey—only allowable in SFMNP Chives Beets Raspberries Cilantro Kohlrabi Dill Blackberries (thornless & thorny) Rhubarb Lettuce Epazote Blueberries Strawberries Fennel Melons (muskmelon, honeydew, cantaloupe) Garlic Broccoli Summer squash (yellow, zucchini, patty pan) Marjoram Brussels Sprouts Mushrooms (shiitake, oyster, morel, etc.) Mint Sweet potatoes Oregano Cabbage (red, green, savoy, chinese) Okra Tomatoes Parsley Carrots Onions Rosemary Turnips Sage Cauliflower Parsnips Watermelons Savory Cherries Pawpaws Shiso Winter Squash (acorn, butternut, spaghetti, kabocha) Sweet Corn Sorrel Peaches Tarragon Cucumbers Pears Thyme Edamame Soybeans Peas (snow peas, sugar snap) Eggplant Peppers (hot and sweet) Grapes Plums This is slide one of the Eligible Kentucky Foods list. The list is continued on the next slide.

20 Q & A’s

21 Market Managers Market managers are responsible for being the point of contact for farmers/vendors, distribution agencies, extension offices, and KDA. They fill out the appropriate paperwork and sign farmers applications after successful completion. If market hours have been changed or altered, they must contact the appropriate parties. If there is a change in market manager or any other concern that the KDA should be aware of, please let us know.

22 Distribution Agencies
Make sure to let the KDA know when you will be distributing vouchers including the location. If in the case you have extra vouchers, send them back to the KDA at the address below. Do NOT shred them. This makes your redemption rate go down and the seniors will get less vouchers the following year. They need to be sent back to the KDA by the last day of July each season. Extra vouchers can be distributed to other counties. Kentucky Department of Agriculture 107 Corporate Drive Frankfort, KY 40601

23 Deadlines 7/1/2018 SFMNP May 31, Last day to send in all paperwork for SFMNP to KY Department of Agriculture July 31, Last day to send in issuance logs and extra vouchers October 31, Last day to accept checks November 15, Final day to deposit checks for SFMNP Important deadlines for the 2004 season. ALL Farmer Agreements must be turned in by June 15, This is so we can print the all “Accept FMNP Coupon” signs in time for peak coupon use; otherwise market vendors are in violation of not placing signs. It would be helpful if these are turned in earlier, if possible. Local agencies will cease issuing coupons on September 30, 2004. The last market day to accept coupons is October 16, This is a Saturday in the middle of October. Each year previously, farmers commented that the September 30 coupon deadline was too early. Last year we found out the last Saturday in October was too late. So we’ve compromised and gone in the middle this year. The FINAL day to submit coupons for reimbursement is October 29, 2004, two weeks after the selling deadline. Please do you best to submit coupons each month. Sending a season’s worth of coupons in the last weeks of the season causes tremendous backlog of payments, especially if there are errors in the paperwork.

24 Paperwork Checklist For Market Coordinators For Distribution Agencies
For Farmers Application Renewal Form (Agreement) Informational Letter Market hours of operation Blank Issuance Log Certificate of Eligibility Attendance Sheet (For this training only) Brochures Contact Sheet

25 For More Information Kentucky Department of Agriculture
7/1/2018 Kentucky Department of Agriculture Division of Food Distribution 107 Corporate Drive Frankfort, KY 40601 Senior FMNP Tina Garland, Kelsey Ruble, WIC FMNP Beverly Salchli, ext. 4328 Farmers’ Market Development Sharon Spencer, If you need more information, please contact us. Return to FMNP Page

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