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Riding the Wave of Innovation

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Presentation on theme: "Riding the Wave of Innovation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Riding the Wave of Innovation
Benefits of Salary Administration and Position Control Michael Williams alio Consultant

2 Salary Administration

3 Salary Administration - Benefits
Salary Advancement is used to setup schedules for employee pay records. Advance employee pay records by step, amount or percent. Setup budgets for employees using the assigned schedules or in conjunction with Position Control to setup position budgets for filled, overstaffed and understaffed positions.

4 Salary Schedules Salary schedules are established to systematically maintain your organizations pay schedules, pay ranges, and pay amounts for employee pays and positions.

5 Schedule Tab

6 Schedule Tab Schedule ID - enter a unique code identifying the schedule. This field is required. To find a Schedule ID, use the list of values button to select the ID from a predefined list. Schedule Number - enter the version or year of the selected schedule. Schedule Description - enter a textual description of the schedule ID. Type - enter the base from which the schedule is calculated. Valid options are: Annual - all calculations are based on the annual salary Hourly - all calculations are based on the hourly salary. Daily - all calculations are based on the daily salary. Pay Rate - all calculations are based on the pay period rate. Effective Date - enter the date when the schedule becomes effective. Last Level - enter the last level you want to establish in the Schedules - Level/Step window

7 Schedule Tab First Step - enter the first step you want to establish in the Schedules - Level/Step window. Last Step - enter the last step you want to establish in the Schedules - Level/Step window. Hours Per Day - enter the number of hours that an employee works each day when assigned this schedule. Contract Days - enter the default number of contract days associated with this schedule. The number of days specified here should coincide with the contract number of days identified in the calendar. No Of Pays - enter the contract number of pays for employees assigned this schedule. Rounding Options - enter how the Annual, Pay Rate, Daily, Hourly rates are rounded on the Schedules - Level/Step screen. Indexes - enter the level and the step to use as a base salary when using indexing.

8 Level/Step Tab Schedule steps are specific salary amounts established within each steps schedule level. You only need to specify the amount for the type selected on the Schedule tab in the Schedule - Level/Step window and the system can calculate the other amounts.

9 Level/Step Tab

10 Level/Step Tab Level: Level - enter a number for this level in the selected schedule. This field is automatically created using the number you specify in the Last Level field on the Schedules - Schedule window. You can create and delete levels, but the number of levels must be less than or equal to the number specified in the Last Level field on the Schedules- Schedule window. Description - enter a textual description of the level. Level Last Step - enter the override last step to use for this level. This field cannot exceed the number of steps specified in the Schedules - Schedule window.

11 Level/Step Tab Contract Days - enter the override number of contract days associated with this level. No Of Pays - enter the override number of pays for employees assigned this level. Hours Per Day - enter the override number of hours that an employee works each day when assigned this level. Index Level - enter the level to use as a base salary when indexing any amounts associated with this level. Index Step - enter the step to use as a base salary when indexing any amounts associated with this level. Anniversary Date Type – only used with special programing.

12 Level/Step Tab Step: Step - enter a unique number for this step for the selected level. This number automatically populates using the information you supply in the Schedules - Schedule and Schedules - Levels windows but can be modified. This field must be less than or equal to the number specified in the Last Step field in Levels block. If that field was left blank, this field must be less than or equal to the number specified in the Last Step field in the Schedules - Schedule window Annual Rate - enter a yearly pay amount. Pay Rate - enter a period pay amount. Daily Rate - enter a daily pay amount. Hourly Rate - enter an hourly pay amount. Index Rate - enter the index percentage of the base salary used to calculate the salary amounts for specified steps. For example, if the base salary amount is 25,000 and you want the third step to be 5% more than the base salary amount, your index is 1.05 (25,000 x 1.05, or 26,250 ). Months for Next Step – only used with special programing. Hours for Next Step – not used in core alio.

13 Employee Pays Salary Schedules can be used to help setup employee pay records. Using the Employee Pays (Auto) screen the schedule can add/update the employees contract, full year and pay rates. Salary Advancement can be used to move employees to the new year schedule and increase employee pay.

14 Employee Pays – Auto

15 Employee Pays Selecting the Schedule ID, Level and Step on the Employee Pays (Auto) screen will automatically fill in the Contract and Full Year Salary, Contract and Full Year Days, Actual and Budget Hours per day , Period Rate, Daily Rate, Hourly Rate , Rate Flag and No of Pays from the selected Schedule Level or Schedule Header.

16 Salary Advancement Salary Advancement is used to advance employee salaries and position salaries by steps. You can review how the advancements affect employee pay, position pay, and budgets before making it final.

17 Salary Advancement

18 Salary Advancement Contract Year - enter the contract year for which you want to perform salary advancements. Schedule ID - enter the schedule for which you want to perform salary advancements. Category Group - enter a specific employee category group for which you want to perform salary advancements. The default for this field is All and includes all employee category groups in the advancement. If you want to limit the advancement to a specific employee category group use the list of values button to select the employee category group from a predefined list.

19 Salary Advancement Steps to Advance - enter the number of steps you want to advance employees who are assigned the selected schedule ID. Hire Cutoff Date - enter the cutoff date by which an employee must be hired to receive the salary advancement. Tenure Code - enter a code that prevents an employee from receiving a salary advancement. Tenure codes are assigned to employees in the Employee Master screen. Advance Employees - check this box to advance employee’s pay the specified number of steps. Advance Positions – check box to advance the position pay records the specified number of steps.

20 Salary Advancement Use Schedule Header Days – select this option to use the contract days from the Contract Days field in the selected schedule. Use Employee Contract Days - select this option to use the contract days from the Contract Days field in the Employee Pays window. Use Schedule Header Num of Pays – select this option to use the number of pays from the Num of Pays field in the selected schedule. Use Employee Num of Pays – select this option to use the number of pays from the Employee Pays window.

21 Salary Advancement Use Schedule Header Hours Per Day – select this option to use the hours per day from the Hours Per Day field in the selected schedule. Use Employee Hours Per Day – select this option to use the hours per day from the Employee Pays window. Process Button - pressing this button runs the salary advancement process.

22 Employee Pays

23 Salary Advancement by Percent
Salary Advancement by Percent is used to advance employee salaries and position salaries by a percentage. You can review how the advancements affect employee pay, position pay, and budgets before making it final.

24 Salary Advancement by Percent

25 Salary Advancement by Percent
Contract Year - enter the contract year for which you want to perform salary advancements. Schedule ID - enter the schedule for which you want to perform salary advancements. Category Group - enter a specific employee category group for which you want to perform salary advancements. The default for this field is All and includes all employee category groups in the advancement. If you want to limit the advancement to a specific employee category group use the list of values button to select the employee category group from a predefined list.

26 Salary Advancement by Percent
Hire Cutoff Date - enter the cutoff date by which an employee must be hired to receive the salary advancement. Tenure Code - enter a code that prevents an employee from receiving a salary advancement. Tenure codes are assigned to employees in the Employee Master screen. Pct. Increase – enter the percentage in which you want to increase employee salaries. Advance Employees - check this box to advance employee’s pay the specified percentage. Advance Positions – check box to advance the position pay records the specified percentage.

27 Salary Advancement by Percent
Use Schedule Header Days– select this option to use the contract days from the Contract Days field in the selected schedule. Use Employee Contract Days - select this option to use the contract days from the Contract Days field in the Employee Pays window. Process Button - pressing this button runs the salary advancement process.

28 Salary Advancement – Minimum/Midpoint/Maximum
Salary Advancement Minimum/Midpoint/Maximum is used to advance employee salaries and position salaries based on a minimum/midpoint/maximum schedule. You can review how the advancements affect employee pay, position pay, and budgets before making it final. This option is not covered in this presentation.

29 Salary Administration - Budget
Salary Administration can be used to calculate and create your salary budget. The Salary Administration budget will only calculate for employees on salary schedules.

30 Salary Administration – Budget Checklist
Complete HRS Begin Year Processing Setup Salary Schedules Add Schedules to Employees Advance Employees (if schedules already added to employees) Create Simulation Master Setup Budget Benefit Master (if including benefits in budget) Print Salary Advancement (optional) Print Projected Benefits Print Budget Report Load SAD to BPS (optional)

31 Simulation Master Use the Simulation Master window to define different position possibilities for budgeting. Once defined use the simulations to create different options and see the outcome prior to deciding on a specific budget.

32 Simulation Master

33 Simulation Master Simulation No. – enter unique code to identify the position simulation. Description – enter a description for the position simulation.

34 Budget Benefit Master The Budget Benefit Master is used if you wish to calculate benefits as part of the budget in positions and salary administration. The Budget Benefit Master is used as a staging area for benefit calculations. You can view benefit criteria and make additions, deletions, modifications without affecting payroll processing. If using Position Control the amounts entered here are used for overstaffed and understaffed positions and may be used for filled positions.

35 Budget Benefit Master

36 Budget Benefit Master Deduction/Benefit Code:
Deduction/Benefit Code – select/enter the benefit code to modify or add for budget calculations. Description – if you select an existing benefit the description is displayed by default. If you add a new benefit code enter the description associated with the benefit. Deduction/Benefit Class – select/enter the benefit class associated with the benefit. Use the list of values button to select the class from a predefined list. Short Desc - if you select an existing benefit the short description is displayed by default. If you add a new benefit code enter the short description associated with the benefit. Salary Round Options – specifies how the benefit amounts are rounded.

37 Budget Benefit Master Plans:
Plan – select/enter the plan associated with the benefit selected. Plan Description - if you select an existing benefit plan the description is displayed by default. If you add a new plan enter the description associated with the benefit plan. Amount – enter the dollar amount for the benefit premium. Percent – enter a percentage amount for the benefit premium. No of Premiums – enter the number of times this benefit is calculated in the contract year. This field is required. Dollar Limit - enter the maximum dollar amount that can be taken for a benefit.

38 Budget Benefit Master Select Account Mask - enter the criteria for selecting employee pay accounts. Substitute question marks (?) where the account number must be masked with numbers from the employee’s pay account. Debit Account Mask - enter the expenditure account number for a benefit. Substitute question marks (?) where the account number must be masked with numbers from the employee’s distribution records.

39 Budget Benefit Master Projected Changes – use the projected changes section to enter anticipated changes in the benefit percent or amount for the upcoming contract year. Year – enter the year in which you want to calculate changes. Percent of Year – if the benefit percent and/or amounts is going to change during the year enter the percentage of the year in which the changes will take place. For example if a benefit will be 5% for the first six months of the year and then increase to 6%, enter 50% for 5% and 50% for 6%. The percent of year should total 100. Benefit Percent – enter the new benefit percent associated with the year percent. Benefit Amount – enter the new benefit amount associated with the year percent.

40 Load Benefits from HRS The Load Benefit Master from HRS allows you to load benefit information from HRS into the budget staging area. Once loaded, you can view, modify, and use it to run different position simulations and budget scenarios.

41 Load Benefits from HRS

42 Load Benefits from HRS Effective Date - enter an effective date for benefit records you want to import. Leave this field blank to import all benefits.

43 Projected Benefits The Projected Benefit Report calculates and extracts the budget benefit amounts for the selected simulation. After the benefits have been calculated, you may run the report as many times as you wish without having to run the calculate portion of the report. If you make changes to the Budget Benefit Master or to an employee’s benefit, you will need to run the calculation in order to see your changes reflected in the budgeted benefit amounts

44 Projected Benefits

45 Budget Report The Budget Report – HMPOS (haben03a.rep) performs the budget calculation and prints the report showing the salary administration budgets. Employee must be on a salary schedule to be included in this report. After the budget has been calculated, you may run the report as many times as you wish without having to run the calculate portion of the report. If you do use Positions run the Budget Report – HMPOS (haben03b.rep) from the Positions menu.

46 Budget Report

47 Budget Report

48 Load Salary into BPS After you use the different simulations to create a budget you can load the budget into a scenario in the Budget Preparation System (BPS) using Load Salaries and Benefits into BPS.

49 Load Salary into BPS

50 Load Salary into BPS Select Simulation No to Load Budgets from HRS – select the simulation number you want to load to BPS. You can use the list of values button to select the simulation number from a predefined list. Select Scenario No to Load into BPS – select the scenario number to which you are loading the simulation. You can use the list of values button to select the scenario number from a predefined list. Replace existing budget amounts – select this option to replace the budget amounts in the scenario with the amounts from the selected simulation Add to existing budget amounts – select this option to add the simulation amounts to exiting budget amounts.

51 Load Salary into BPS Use Next Year Accounts – select this option to use next year accounts when loading the simulation to the scenario. Insert Missing Accounts – select this option to add any accounts that are in the simulation but not in the scenario. Round to the Dollars – select this option to round the amounts to the nearest dollar. Process Button – press this button to load the simulation to the scenario based on the criteria entered.

52 Position Control

53 Position Control - Benefits
Position Control allows you to budget for all positions in your organization. You can plan and budget for positions that are filled, understaffed, or overstaffed. Position Control is used to setup employee pay and employee distribution records. Position Control allows you to quickly see of your positions are filled, overstaffed or understaffed. Position Control allows you to see who is currently assigned the position or who was previously in the position. Position budgets may be loaded into scenarios in the Budget Preparation System (BPS).

54 Positions Positions are created and maintained using the Positions screen. This allows you to define positions, FTE’s, accounting, pays and benefits. You may also analyze your positions and budgeting needs.

55 Positions

56 Positions Search Yr - enter the Default Contract Year to display/enter position information. Contract Yr - enter the contract year for the position you are establishing. This is a required field. Position Number - enter a unique code identifying the position. Description - enter a description of the position. Benefit Date – enter the cutoff date for any end dated benefits. Benefits with an end date on or before this date will not be included in the analysis for this position. As of Date - enter the effective date for which you want to display position data. Set FTEs Button - pressing this button resets the FTEs when you change the date in the As of Date field. Sim No - enter the simulation number for which you want to create positions. Desc - specifies a textual description of the selected simulation number. This field automatically populates when you select a simulation number and cannot be modified in this screen. Sim Master Button - opens the Simulation Master screen. Press this button to access the Simulation Master screen and establish a simulation number.

57 Positions – Positions Tab
Use the Positions Tab to setup optional information to further define your positions.

58 Positions

59 Positions – Positions Tab
Inactive - Check this box to indicate a position is inactive. If this box is checked, the position is not included in the field list of values on the Employee Pays – Position tab. Job Code - enter the job code associated to the position you are establishing. This field is optional. Primary Job - this field is not currently used. Roll? - Check box indicating whether to roll the position to a new contract year. Employee Category - enter the employee category associated to the position you are establishing. This field is optional. Staffing Number - this field is not currently used. Staffing Factor – this fields is not currently used. Calendar - enter the calendar to associate with the position. This field is optional. Location - enter the work location associated to this position. This field is optional Assignment Code - enter any assignment associated to this position. Assignments are for reporting purposes and are unique to specific states. This field is optional. Comment - enter an alphanumeric field for any comments concerning this position. This field is optional. Contract Desc - enter any contract information concerning this position.

60 Positions – Pos FTE Tab Use the Pos FTE tab to enter the basic FTEs information for the position.

61 Positions – Pos FTE Tab

62 Positions – Pos FTE Tab Effective Date - enter the date the authorized FTEs become effective. FTE - enter the number of FTEs authorized for this position. When an FTE changes, you can enter the change by adding a line to this screen. If FTEs increase, you can add a line with a positive number for the additional FTEs. If FTEs are reduced, you can add a line with a negative number for the FTE reduction. You can also enter fractions of an FTE. For example, if a position is authorized for 5 full-time employees and 1 half-time employee, you can enter 5.5 in this field Comments - enter an alphanumeric field for any comments concerning this FTE. Employee FTE - displays the number of filled FTEs in a position as of the date displayed in the As of Date field. This field calculates automatically and cannot be modified here. Authorized Positions - displays the authorized number of FTEs for a position as of the date displayed in the As of Date field. This field is the sum of the FTE field as of the date displayed in the As of Date field. Open FTE - displays any FTEs for a position that are not filled or overstaffed as of the date displayed in the As of Date field. Understaffed FTEs display as a positive number. Overstaffed FTEs display as a negative number. Max Individual FTE – enter the maximum number of individual FTEs that an employee can have over the Authorized FTEs for this position.

63 Positions – Accounts Tab
Use the Positions - Accounts screen to assign distribution accounts to each position. Assigning distribution accounts to positions identifies the account information for understaffed and overstaffed positions in the budget process. The distribution group and accounts setup here can also load to Employee Distributions when the FTE_CHECK_LOAD or FTE_CHECK_LOAD_WARNING profiles are set to Y.

64 Positions – Accounts Tab

65 Positions – Accounts Tab
Account Number - enter the account number where this position is billed. Description - specifies a textual description of the selected account number. This field automatically populates and cannot be modified here. Percent - enter a percentage of the position time that is billed to the account number selected. Distr Group - enter a distribution group of account numbers for pay purposes. The groupings created in this screen display in a list of values selection box in the Positions - Pays screen.

66 Positions – Pays Tab Use the Positions – Pays to establish pay budgets for understaffed and overstaffed positions. The pay information setup on this screen can also load to Employee Pays when the FTE_CHECK_LOAD or FTE_CHECK_LOAD_WARNING profiles are set to Y.

67 Positions – Pays Tab

68 Positions – Pays Tab Period - enter the dollar amount of each pay period for this position. Daily- enter the daily pay amount for this position. Hourly - enter the hourly pay amount for this position. Type - enter the rate type used to determine the pay for this position. Options are Hourly Rate, Daily Rate, Period, or Event. If you select Event enter the amount in the Hourly field. Pay Class - enter how pay for this position is treated in alio. Pay Cycle - enter the frequency of pay for this position. Tax Factors - enter the tax factor used to apply taxes to pay for this position. The tax factor identifies the number of pays an employee receives annually. Earn Code - enter the type of pay being defined for this position. Distr Group - enter the accounts where pay for this position is reflected. Use the list of values button to select the distribution group from a predefined list. Distribution groups are defined using the Positions Accounts screen

69 Positions – Pays Tab Primary Pay - enter the pay flag for this position. Roll? - Check this box indicating whether to roll the position pay you are creating to a new year. Contract? - Check this box indicating whether this position pay applies toward the total contract amount. From - enter an additional field to identify the beginning pay period for a position. To - enter an additional field for identifying the ending pay period for a position. Cal - enter the calendar to use for calculating this position pay.

70 Positions – Pays Tab Contract - enter the contract salary for this position. You can use this salary to calculate a budget amount for understaffed or overstaffed positions. Full Year - enter the annual salary for this position. You can use this salary to calculate a budget amount for understaffed or overstaffed positions. Min - enter the minimum salary for this position. You can use this salary to calculate a budget amount for understaffed or overstaffed positions. Mid - enter the midpoint salary for this position. You can use this salary to calculate a budget amount for understaffed or overstaffed positions. Max - enter the maximum salary for this position. You can use this salary to calculate a budget amount for understaffed or overstaffed positions. Sal Factor

71 Positions – Pays Tab Days - enter the number of days associated to the contract for this position. Budget FTE - enter the budgeted full time equivalent for this position. The budgeted FTE identifies the number of employees budgeted to this position. No Pays - enter the number of pays allocated to this position. Hours - enter the number of daily hours assigned to this position. Retire Hrs - enter the number of retirement hours this position earns each day. Schedule ID/Number - enter the schedule ID and schedule number for this position. Schedule Level - enter the level within the schedule for this position. Schedule Step - enter the step within the schedule level for this position. Comment - enter an alphanumeric field for any comments concerning this position.

72 Assigning Positions to Employees

73 Assigning Positions to Employees
Assigning positions to employees allows you to analyze a position and see which positions are appropriately staffed, understaffed, or overstaffed. Once a position is assigned to an employee, the employee displays in the Positions - Emps Tab.

74 Profiles The following profiles are used when assigning positions to employees. ACTIVE_POSITION_FTE – use this profile to display the following warning message when an employee pay record is saved and the sum of all active position FTEs does not match the employee pay Actual FTE: “The sum of all active Position FTE’s does not match the employee pay Actual FTE.” The sum of all active position FTEs is calculated by comparing the Start/End dates from the Position to the Employee Contract dates. FTE_CHECK_LOAD – when set to Y this profile checks to see if there are available FTEs for the position when you add the position to an employee. If there are enough open FTEs you are allowed to add the position and pay record. If there are not any available FTEs for the positon you will receive a warning and cannot add that position to the employee. This profile also created the Employees Pay and Employee Distribution record based on the Pos Pays and Pos Accounts tab. FTE_CHECK_LOAD_WARNING - when set to Y this profile checks to see if there are available FTEs for the position when you add the position to an employee. If there are enough open FTEs you are allowed to add the position and pay record. If there are not any available FTEs for the positon you will receive a warning but you are allowed to add that position to the employee. This profile also created the Employees Pay and Employee Distribution record based on the Pos Pays and Pos Accounts tab. Note: If the FTE_CHECK_LOAD is Y the FTE_CHECK_LOAD_WARNING should be N and visa versa. HMPOS_COUNT_FTE – to exclude counting the FTEs for positions on the Employee Position Detail Report when the Count FTE field is not checked in Employee Positions.

75 Profiles

76 Assigning Positions to Employees
Use The Employee Pays - Position Detail screen to assign positions to employees.

77 Assignment Positions to Employees

78 Assignment Positions to Employees
To assign a position after you access the Employee Pays - Position Detail screen, enter the following: Position - enter a unique code identifying the position you want to assign to this employee. FTE - enter the number of full time equivalents the employee uses for this position. Start Date - enter the date when this position begins for the employee. End Date - enter the date when this position ends for the employee. Assignment - enter the assignment code associated to this position. Assignments are for reporting purposes and are unique to specific states. This field automatically populates from the Positions - Position screen when you select a position number but can be modified. Location - enter the location for this position. This field defaults with the location selected in the Positions - Position screen but can be modified. Pos. Assign Type - enter the position assignment type for this position. This is an optional user define field that you can setup for reporting purposes. Position Assignment Types are defined in the Position Assignment Types screen.

79 Assigning Positions to Employees
Contract Type - enter the contract type for this position. This is an optional user defined field that you can set up to help you when printing contracts. Use the list of values button to select a contract type from a predefined list. Contract types are defined using the Contract Types screen. Over Distr - enter an override distribution group. If you select an override distribution group in this field, it overrides the distributions specified for the employee for the position. Comments - enter an alpha numeric field for any comments concerning this position assignment. You can edit the comment field directly on the screen or you can press the Edit button to open an editor box. Cluster - enter the cluster type for this position. This is an optional user define field that you can setup for query reporting purposes. Level - enter the position level type for this position. This is an optional user define field that you can setup for query reporting purposes. Funding - enter the funding type for this position. This is an optional user define field that you can setup for query reporting purposes.

80 Assigning Positions to Employees
You can use the FTE_CHECK_LOAD or FTE_CHECK_LOAD_WARNING profiles to automatically create pay record in Employee Pays and the distribution record in Employee Distributions when you add the position to the Position Detail tab in Employee Pays. FTE_CHECK_LOAD – when set to Y this profile checks to see if there are available FTEs for the position when you add the position to an employee. If there are enough open FTEs you are allowed to add the position and pay record. If there are not any available FTEs for the positon you will receive a warning and cannot add that position to the employee. This profile also created the Employees Pay and Employee Distribution record based on the Pos Pays and Pos Accounts tab. FTE_CHECK_LOAD_WARNING - when set to Y this profile checks to see if there are available FTEs for the position when you add the position to an employee. If there are enough open FTEs you are allowed to add the position and pay record. If there are not any available FTEs for the positon you will receive a warning but you are allowed to add that position to the employee. This profile also created the Employees Pay and Employee Distribution record based on the Pos Pays and Pos Accounts tab. Note: The FTE_CHECK_LOAD and FTE_CHECK_LOAD_WARNING should not be used together. Set only 1 profile to Y if you are using this option.

81 Employee Contract Pays (Auto)
When either profile set to Y the system requires you to enter the Position information first.

82 Employee Contract Pays (Auto)
You receive an error message if you try to exit without entering the position information.

83 Employee Contract Pays (Auto)
Employee Pay screen is blank.

84 Employee Distributions
Employee Account Distribution screen is blank.

85 Employee Contract Pays (Auto) – Position Detail
Enter Position information.

86 Employee Contract Pays (Auto)
Pay Detail tab is filled in with Position Pay information

87 Employee Distributions
Employee Account Distribution is filled in with Positions Account information.

88 Positions – Pos Emps Tab
The Positions - Emps screen is a snapshot of each employee assigned the selected position. This screen is filled in when you click the Set FTEs button after the positions are assigned to employees.

89 Position Control- Budget
Position Control can be used to calculate and create your salary budget. Position Control budget can include filled, overstaffed and understaffed positions.

90 Position Control – Budget Checklist
Complete HRS Begin Year Processing Setup Salary Schedules Add Schedules to Employees Advance Employees (if schedules already added to employees) Create Positions Positions FTE Positions Accounts – used for overstaffed and understaffed positions Position Pays – used for overstaffed and understaffed positions Position Benefits – used to include benefits in budget Create Simulation Master Setup Budget Benefit Master (if including benefits in budget) Print Employee Position Detail or Employee Job/Positions (optional) Analyze Positions or Print Budget Report Load SAD to BPS (optional)

91 Positions – Benefits Tab
Use the Positions - Benefits to establish benefits for understaffed and overstaffed positions. This allows you to more accurately budget for those positions by accounting for benefits in addition to pays. The codes must also be setup in the Budget Benefit Master under Salary Administration.

92 Positions – Benefits Tab

93 Positions – Benefits Tab
Code - enter the benefit code for the benefit you are applying to the position. Description - specifies a textual description of the selected benefit code. This field automatically populates and cannot be modified here. Plan - enter the plan associated to the benefit code selected in the Code field. Plans are defined using the Deduction/Benefit Master screen. Note: If there are multiple plans from which to select, you must enter a plan to populate this field. If there are not multiple plans, this field automatically populates with the available plan. Description - specifies a textual description of the selected benefit plan. This field automatically populates and cannot be modified here.

94 Budget Benefit Master The Budget Benefit Master is used if you wish to calculate benefits as part of the budget in positions and salary administration. The Budget Benefit Master is used as a staging area for benefit calculations. You can view benefit criteria and make additions, deletions, modifications without affecting payroll processing. If using Position Control the amounts entered here are used for overstaffed and understaffed positions and may be used for filled positions.

95 Positions – Analyze Tab
The Positions - Analyze screen allows you to select different parameters to calculate position budget amounts for a simulation. Use additional screens in the Positions screen to view the results or print the Budget Report.

96 Positions – Analyze Tab

97 Positions – Analyze Tab
Employee Pay Parameters - enter how you want to calculate current employee salaries. Contract - select this option to calculate current employee salaries using the Contract salary field on the Employee Pays - Pay Detail screen. Full Year Salary – select this option to calculate current employee salaries using the Full Year salary field on the Employee Pays - Pay Detail screen. Use Minimum Salary – select this option to calculate current employee salaries using the Min field on the Positions – Pays screen. Use Midpoint Salary – select this option to calculate current employee salaries using the Mid field on the Positions – Pays screen. Use Maximum Salary – select this option to calculate current employee salaries using the Max field on the Positions – Pays screen. You may only select one employee pay parameter radio button for each calculation.

98 Positions – Analyze Tab
Over Staff Parameters - enter how you want to calculate salaries for overstaffed positions. When you run the Set FTEs calculation, the field FTEs identifies how many FTEs this position is overstaffed. Use Contract Salary- select this option to calculate overstaffed position salaries using the Contract field on the Positions – Pays screen. Use Full Year Salary – select this option to calculate overstaffed position salaries using the Full Year field on the Positions - Pays screen. Use Minimum Salary – select this option to calculate overstaffed position salaries using the Min field on the Positions - Pays screen.  Use Midpoint Salary – select this option to calculate overstaffed position salaries using the Mid field on the Positions - Pays screen. Use Maximum Salary – select this option to calculate overstaffed position salaries using the Max field on the Positions - Pays screen. You may only select one overstaffed parameter radio button for each calculation.

99 Positions – Analyze Tab
Under Staff Parameters - enter how you want to calculate salaries for understaffed positions. When you run the Set FTEs calculation, the FTEs field identifies how many FTEs this position is understaffed. Use Contract Salary- select this option to calculate understaffed position salaries using the Contract field on the Positions – Pays screen. Use Full Year Salary – select this option to calculate understaffed position salaries using the Full Year field on the Positions - Pays screen. Use Minimum Salary – select this option to calculate understaffed position salaries using the Min field on the Positions - Pays screen. Use Midpoint Salary – select this option to calculate understaffed position salaries using the Mid field on the Positions - Pays screen. Use Maximum Salary – select this option to calculate understaffed position salaries using the Max field on the Positions - Pays screen. You may only select one understaffed parameter radio button for each calculation.

100 Positions – Analyze Tab
Benefit Parameters: Use Budget Benefit Master – select this option to use the Budget Benefit Master amounts for filled positions. Use Employee Actual Benefit Amount – select this option to use the employees benefit amount for filled positions. Note: alio always uses the Budget Benefit Master amounts for understaffed and overstaffed positions. Account Parameters: Use Current Year Accounts – select this option to see the account totals using the current year accounts for filled positions. This options looks at the accounts currently used in Employee Distributions. Use Next Year Accounts – select this option to see the account totals using the next year accounts for filled positions. This option looks at the accounts currently used in Employee Distributions and uses the account for the next fiscal year. Note: Overstaffed and understaffed positions always use the accounting on the Accounts Tab. Use Position Master Current Yr Accounts – select this option to see the account totals using the current year accounts setup on the Accounts Tab. All positions filled, understaffed and overstaffed will use the accounting from the accounts tab. Use Position Master Next Yr Accounts - select this option to see the account totals using the next year accounts based on the setup on the Accounts Tab. All positions filled, understaffed and overstaffed will use the accounting from the accounts tab.

101 Positions – Analyze Tab
Round to Dollars – check this box to round the amounts to the nearest dollar. Include Inactive – check this box to include inactive employees. Include Terminated – check this box to include terminated employees. Calculate Positions and Accounts – click this button to calculate the current position. Calculate All – click this button to calculate all positions for the contract year selected. Salary Budget – displays the calculated salary amount. Benefit Budget – displays the calculated benefit amount. Encumbrance Amount – if you encumber your payroll and calculated using current year accounts this field will display the encumbered amount. Amount Liquidated - if you encumber your payroll and calculated using current year accounts this field will display the liquidated amount. Amount Earned – this field is not currently used. Amount Paid – if you calculated using current year accounts this field displays the amount of salaries that have been paid. Benefits Paid – if you calculated using current year accounts this field displays the amount of benefits that have been paid. Funds Available – this field displays the available funds for the accounts.

102 Positions – Pos Detl Tab
The Positions - Pos Detl screen is a snapshot of each account associated with a position, the position budgeted amount, and the amount used and the position funds available

103 Positions – Pos Emp Accts Tab
The Positions - Emp Accts screen displays each account associated with a position, the employee, over and understaffed information associated with the account, the budgeted amount, the amount used, and the funds available.

104 Positions – Pos Acct Detl Tab
The Positions - Acct Detl screen displays each account the position is using, the budgeted amount, any encumbrance amounts, the amount used, and the funds available. Displayed under each account are all the positions that use this account.

105 Positions – Errors Tab The Positions – Errors screen displays any errors you may receive when you analyze a position. Errors are generally the result of incorrect data or missing data.

106 Budget Report The Budget Report - HMPOS performs the same calculations as the Positions - Analyze window and prints the results in report format. You must use either this report or the Analyze tab at least once to calculate/extract the amounts to load into the BPS system.   If you do not use Positions run the Budget Report – HMPOS from the Salary Administration menu.

107 Budget Report

108 Budget Report

109 Load Salary into BPS

110 Thank you for Attending!
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111 Additional Training If you are interested in other alio WebEx group training sessions, you can view a list of sessions currently available at, If you prefer one-on-one training, please contact your alio support provider directly for cost and scheduling information.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact alio support at or by direct to

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