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Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Irrigation Program (RuWatSIP)

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Presentation on theme: "Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Irrigation Program (RuWatSIP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Irrigation Program (RuWatSIP)
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Afghanistan Conference on Sanitation 2016 Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Irrigation Program (RuWatSIP) Afghanistan First Conference on Sanitation /AFCOSAN-1 PPT on Excreta Management November 2016Kabul

2 From Privy to Field Excreta Management Process/ Emptying, Composting, Transportation, Soil Dressing Soil Dressing

3 In this Presentation/Case Study Qarabagh a District of Kabul Province
Methodology Survey Form Location Map Hydrography and Hydro geology of Shomali Sub-basin and Study Area Water Sources for Irrigation and Agro-based Economy Potable Water Sources Technology Sanitation Practice Excreta Management Study Findings Recommendation M.A.Safi

4 Methodology Existing Literature reviewed
Two graduated volunteers were briefed about the Basic Concept and Objective of the study They were provided with survey form and briefed for undertaking survey 10 Villages were selected for mapping In each village 5 persons randomely selected for interview Observations/type of latrines, water sources and farming interviewers perception were recorded

5 Survey Form SN Open Questions Perceptions 1
Economic Importance of night soil 2 Environmental and Health Implication 3 Both Economic and Health Issues 4 Moisture benefits/watering 5 Cost against chemical fertilizers 6 The season they use compost in their gardens, kitchen gardens and fields 7

6 Location Map Qarabagh Distrcict of Kabul
Study Area

7 Hydrography and Hydro-geology of Shomali Sub Basin
of Study Area

8 Surface Drains, Karezes and Tube Wells as Irrigation Water Supply Technology
Growing Grapes, Wheat and Vegetables/ Kitchen Gardens are the mainstay of agro-based economy

9 Drinking Water Supply Technology
Communal TW Fitted with Hand pump 60% Houshold Tube Wells Fitted With Hand Pump 10% Household Hand Dug Well with Bucket and Reel 30%

10 Sanitation Tecnology

11 Sanitation Tecnology/Continue….

12 Findings/Respondents’ Perception:
90 % interviewees know the economic importance of night soil. 30% of interviewers know the health and environmental impact of excreta 20% of the respondents know both the economic and health implication of excreta disposal According to 80% of the questioned farmers’ night soil reduce the farms watering frequencies. Nearly all respondents prefer night soil as best soil dresser rather than too costly chemical fertilizers. All respondents uses NS in fall after harvest But only 10% need is met/Costly transportation

13 Findings Based on Observations:
20% single vault dry latrines were newly built 60% single vault dry traditional latrines upgraded 20% traditional vault latrines were seen. No appropriate composting arrangements(pit for emptied excreta covered with soil) were mapped. Piles of night soil were seen nearby latrines or off-site nearby gardens to be used as fertilizer. Nearly all respondents uses NS in the falls after harvesting Serving as breeding site for rodent and vectors, the narrated scenario depict health and environmental hazards Even with full detoxification and composting process, only 10% of total need for night soil is met annually

14 Recommendation Pilot Project for Human Excreta Management to:
Work with communities how to improve excreta management/ part of ACCLTS as well Build on the existing capacity Provide communities with composting facilities as lined pit nearby privies or in gardens Facilitate interface between farming communities and agriculture sector for excreta management To do this revive and improve old excreta management in cities which will provide a cheap alternative to costly chemical fertilizer to the local farmers

15 After Pruning, Soil Dressing and Mulching

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