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Children of the King.

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Presentation on theme: "Children of the King."— Presentation transcript:

1 Children of the King

2 Evacuee What do you know about this word?

3 World War II September 1939 Operation Pied Piper The evacuation of 3 million people to rural area in Britain to keep them safe from German air attacks What do you notice in the posters? The terrible reality was that for children and parents alike the only way to keep a child safe was to entrust him or her into the care of a total stranger.

4 Host families were interviewed and asked to take in the evacuees
What do you notice in this picture? Children were tagged The luggage they were allowed to take was stipulated They carried gas masks on their backs

5 Arrival When children arrived at their destination, they were given stamps so that they could write home. Assembled in village halls, they were picked by foster families who took them home How would you have felt if you were picked last? Or perhaps separated from a brother or sister?

6 What feelings might you have experienced if you moved from a home in the picture on the left, to a new foster home on the right?

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