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2 ORIGIN The Chinese Communist Party was mainly founded by Li Dazhao and Chen Duxiu in 1921. They were inspired by the ideals of the October Revolution in Russia and were big supports of Vladimir Lenin. They first met on a tourist boat on South Lake in Jiaxing. Only 12 people attended this meeting. The communists were members of KMT, a Leninist party and, in a power struggle with their far right opponents a series of violent skirmishes took place, during which a man named Mao Zedong became commander-in-chief of the Red Army.

3 Chinese Civil War The Chinese Communist Party went to war against the KMT The war lasted from It was interrupted by several major conflicts, such as the Second Sino- Japanese War and World War 2. Despite the fact that KMT had far more men than the CPC (and the support of America and Japan) under the leadership of Mao Zedong the CPC eventually won the long and brutal war. The war resulted in the deaths of between 1.8 and 3.5 million people.

4 Cultural Revolution Mao Zedong wanted to preserve the ‘true’ Communist ideals in China and wanted to remove suspected ‘enemies’. Mao believed that the bourgeois had infiltrated the government and were attempting to undermine the Proletariat. Millions were persecuted as a result of the Cultural Revolution (even high ranking officials were not exempt, many were killed in huge purges of the government). Historical and religious artefacts were desecrated and suspected enemies of Communism were killed. Hundreds of thousands were killed during this period.

5 Governance Xi Jinping is the current General-Secretary of the CPC.
The CPC is run by collective leadership. This is where a common consensus is agreed upon by everyone.

6 Ideology Originally the party was founded on Marxist-Leninist ideals inspired by the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. They also follow Mao Zedong Thought, which aims to adjust the ideals of Marxism-Leninism for China. Recently many people have criticised the CPC for moving away from their core values. The CPC have been accused of just doing what will work out best, not what sticks to their founding code. Many believe that China has now become more or less capitalist and is not Communist at all, which the CPC, natural, disagrees with.

7 Random Facts The Chinese Communist Party is the largest in the world, with a membership of almost 87 million. Quotations From Chairman Mao is one of the most printed books in the world. China spends the second largest amount of money on its military in the world. USA spends the most. China has more pigs than the next 43 pork producing countries in the world.


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