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ESCAIDE, Plenary session B Performance, efficiency and added value of syndromic surveillance: a critical analysis. JC Desenclos Département des Maladies.

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Presentation on theme: "ESCAIDE, Plenary session B Performance, efficiency and added value of syndromic surveillance: a critical analysis. JC Desenclos Département des Maladies."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESCAIDE, Plenary session B Performance, efficiency and added value of syndromic surveillance: a critical analysis. JC Desenclos Département des Maladies Infectieuses, Institut de Veille Sanitaire Stokholm, October

2 Definition & objectives of syndromic suveillance
”Real time collection, process, analysis and feed back of health care data available prior or independent of disease diagnosis” In order to: identify unexpected health events identify defined events (more rapidly ?) monitor the impact of a recognized exposure/event reassure during threats or in case of rumors

3 Rationale of syndromic surveillance Adapted from Henning KJ, MMWR 2004, 53 (Suppl)

4 Objective & content of the session
Review experiences of national syndromic surveillance in several European countries rationale, organisation, outputs… difficulties, efficiency… interaction with, and added value to, traditional surveillance performance & future needs ? Three presentations Gillian Smith & Duncan Cooper, Health Protection Agency, UK. Lessons learned from implementing a syndromic surveillance system for England and Wales using calls to a telephone help line Cees van den Wijngaard - RIVM, The Netherlands. Dutch experience in evaluating syndromic surveillance Loic Josseran, Institut de Veille Sanitaire, France. Real time monitoring of mortality during a health hazards: lessons learned during the 2006 heat wave in France and the Chikungunya epidemic in la Réunion

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