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Bell ringers WH Honors/DE

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1 Bell ringers WH Honors/DE
Jan. 9-13

2 Which two ideologies were a direct result of the French Revolution?
BR #1: Monday, Jan. 9 Which two ideologies were a direct result of the French Revolution? Summarize the main ideas in the Communist Manifesto. Explain the difference between conservatism and liberalism in the 19th century.

3 List 5 inventions from the industrial revolution.
BR #2: Tuesday, Jan. 10 List 5 inventions from the industrial revolution. Which industry suffered from the rise of factories?

4 BR #3: Wednesday, Jan. 11 List the 5 reasons why the Industrial revolution began in Great Britain. How was the middle class impacted by the Industrial Revolution? Describe three factory acts passed in Great Britain.

5 BR #4: Thursday, Jan. 12 Which countries supported intervention in revolutions? Which countries disagreed? How did the U.S. respond to the Concert of Europe? Why didn’t the Concert of Europe intervene in the Greek revolt? What sparked the 1848 revolutions?

6 BR #5: Friday, Jan. 13 Describe one from revolution from each of the three phases: 1820s, 1830s, and Before turning in: Please put the following in the upper RIGHT-hand corner of your paper: First and last name Class period Date Once complete, please turn in all 5 bell ringers for this week.

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