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Classroom Exploration:

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1 Classroom Exploration:
October Reminders: Your child needs two healthy snacks per day. Please bring a blanket for rest time. Picture Make Up Day will be 10/11. No School on 10/20 and 10/21 There will be a Halloween Parade in the Gym on 10/31 at 3:15 all children are welcome to participate. Classroom Exploration: Language and Literacy: Our letters for this month are I, P, N and C. We will be learning about these letters through many activities and continued work on our alphabet books. The children will be exploring rhyming through games and reading activities. We will also start bring home Library books so please remember to bring them back every Tuesday or Wednesday. We have started to work on sight words. This month we will be looking at you, it, in and said. Math: We will be doing many math activities that include sorting by size, shape and color. . We will continue our Number Books and focusing on 2,3, and 4. Our shape this month is a Square. We will also be counting to 20. Science: This month we will be exploring all things fall. The children will have the opportunity to explore fall items such as corn, gourds and leaves in out science center. We will also be discussing the change in the seasons and asking questions. Art: The children will continue their exploration of fall through many fun art activities that will introduce the children to working with new media such as spice paints and naturally found items. We will also continue to work on fine motor development. Teacher Contact Information: Mrs. Walters Theme: We are very excited to be exploring fall, leaves and Halloween. The tree out our window has been a great tool. The children love to observe as it changes. We will be reading, Tap the Magic Tree, Sophie’s Squash, and Leaf Man. We will also be reading poems and rhyming stories such as Cat in the Hat.

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