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Reading coverage months

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1 Reading coverage 40-60 months
This is a breakdown of the reading coverage which should be taught to ensure children meet the month age band in Reading.

2 40-60- Reading Concepts: Fluency: Phonics:
Talk about structures of a story and expose children to familiar patterns. Familiarise children with characters, words and rhyming patterns. Encourage children to read words with oral segmenting and begin to recognise all phase 2 tricky words. Develop children to use illustrations to help read unfamiliar words and explore repeated common refrains. Children confident in phase 2 phonics and are beginning to recognise phase 3. They can recognise initial sounds and begin to orally segment simple words. Reading Continue a rhyming string. Hears and says initial sounds and can segment the sounds in simple words and blend them together and knows which letters represent some of them. Links letters, naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet. Begins to read words and simple sentences, uses vocabulary and forms of speech that are increasingly influenced by their experience of books. Enjoys an increasing range of books and knows that information ca be retrieved from books and computers. Comprehension: Common, tricky and high frequency words. Reading: Different texts and features are exposed:- poems, information, story and letters. Expose children rhyming strings and patterns and get children to join in familiar repeated refrains. Explore the meaning of words in a text and understand the in the context of the text. Begin to answer and ask simple questions and can begin to infer key components of the story. Children can recognise and read all tricky words phase 2 fluently and are beginning to recognise phase 3. They understand the meaning and the common spelling features.

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