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Parents’ Maths Workshop!

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Presentation on theme: "Parents’ Maths Workshop!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parents’ Maths Workshop!

2 To Get You Going… Consider the different ways you used Maths this morning.

3 Aims: Gain an understanding of the key ideas underlying the New 2014 Maths Curriculum Look at some of the ‘new’ methods of calculation Mastery V Acceleration Consider how you can support your child/children

4 Success Critieria: You need to be open-minded and prepared to join in.
TIB: Positive home support can have a huge impact on pupil achievement

5 Do we have a volunteer to travel through the hoops?

6 Lessons are made as interactive as possible to involve as many children as possible in a non-threatening way. All children can be involved at their own level and their own way. Some children learn in different ways which is why we try to use equipment and visual resources.

7 When was this first said do you think?
Standards in maths are poor . 1800’s. Children were taught processes and not to understand them Many adults and children had a fear of mathematics 2000 – 1997 ( 1997 SATs) How would you solve this question?

8 New Maths Curriculum The national curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils: become fluent in mathematics develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety or routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions Lets have a go – put in a problem

9 At Capel Manor At Capel Manor we encourage our children to understand that a problem is only a problem if they cannot solve it, to persevere, to have self-belief and the determination to succeed in solving the problems on order to be the best mathematicians that they can be. This demonstrates our value of resilience.

10 Areas of learning Areas of learning come under these 7 areas
There are a number of objectives your child will be assessed with under each area and these will be given to you to take home at the end of the evening. This will give you a overview of the maths that you can support your children with.

11 New Curriculum Headlines
Greater challenge – fractions of amount from year 1. Roman numerals from year 3 Quick recall of times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of year 4. Moving from mental methods to pencil and paper more quickly. Mastery V Acceleration

12 Mastery v Acceleration
promotes procedural learning at the expense of deep understanding shallow mastery leads to apparent success without students developing the depth and tenacity that is needed for long-term progression. Show the you tube clip shallow acquaintance can also lead to learners feeling insecure 12

13 Key Skills in Maths Learning number facts by heart
Knowing how to use what they already know to work out new facts 5 essential number skills Making jottings on paper Using models and images

14 Let’s play who can make the biggest number.

15 Place Value Understanding the value of what each digit 23
represents 23 2 tens and 3 ones 2 means 20 for this number Use of base ten equipment. 15

16 Resources Numicon Number line Number square Counters
Online games Place value cards Unifix sticks

17 Number lines Counting Stick Empty number lines Counting ON
Counting BACK

18 Shut The Box Why is this a good game to play ?

19 Addition Children will make markings that have specific meaning to them 4 3 7 Early recordings 4 + 3 = 7 19

20 Children encouraged to count the number of jumps not actual numbers

21 Progression in addition
= = =

22 Race to 500 Spread dominoes face down on the table
Take turns to turn over a domino Use it to make two 2 two digit numbers -25 and 52 then add them together. First player to reach 500 or more is the winner.

23 Bond’s The Name Remove all picture cards . Place pack face down.
Player takes turns to turn over top card. Subtract the card from 20 e.g 20 – 4 = this is your score . First person to reach 50 is the winner.

24 ? Maths at Home??? Cooking weighing Dominoes The Internet Card games
Calculators Telling the time Shopping - money Board games The outside environment

25 Practical Maths Making maths practical by using real materials. Try some of these at home with your child. Using coins using food Using measuring cups cooking

26 Maths At Home Please be positive about maths; with some children when parents say, ‘I’m no good at maths’ some children think they do not need to try. Play games - keep maths fun. Card games, board games, jigsaws… books provided offer some games to play or adapt. Encourage children to be involved in any maths you do - shopping, building a wall, carpeting a floor, cooking, let them see how important it is!

27 Playing Cards

28 Dominoes

29 Questions ?

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