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The Twentieth Century City: culture and governance

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1 The Twentieth Century City: culture and governance

2 Urban transformations
Secularization of urban identity. The collapse of most types of Christian belief and activity. New religions and new cult spaces. Impact of the new media: cinema and television. Democratization of sport: facilities, green spaces, commercialization. Urban marketing. The role of Olimpic Games and other big events.

3 Modern landscape Discourses on the city. Urbanism and anti-urbanism.
Social housing and the idea of the Garden City. International Modern Movement : the pursuit of a new urban landscape. Destruction and reconstruction after the War. The planned city.

4 Post-modern landscape
The end of the Modernist hegemony. Planning and its crisis. Suburbanization and private commercial developments. New life-styles. The fragmentation of the city. Urban sprawl and communication system. Architecture as urban marketing. Languages and spaces.

5 Municipal governance The growing size and professionalism of civic bureaucracy. Costitution of new city departments. Extension of administrative jurisdictions and improvement of municipal finances . Transport policies. Metro systems. Commuting as as a main character of the metropolitan life. Different city users.

6 Cities and globalization
1970s and 1980s: a watershed for the governance of European cities. Privatization policies. De-standardization of urban services. Planning processes and forms of public audit. The impact of European Union. Governing global cities.

7 Berlin Urban trasformations after From a divided city to a new capital. Reshaping the historical centre. The area around Brandenburg Gate. A new business and shopping center: Potsdamer Platz. The public use of urban history.










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