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Race and Ethnicity.

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1 Race and Ethnicity

2 Quiz With your partners at your desks, list as many races as you can think of.

3 Race- Physical Characteristics that distinguish one group from another
Characteristics that cause individuals to identify with others and how people react to those characteristics Refers to Biological Characteristics Myths of Race exposed No race is superior to another No such thing as “Pure” Races

4 Morgan Freeman on Obama
"First thing that always pops into my head regarding our president is that all of the people who are setting up this barrier for him ... they just conveniently forget that Barack had a mama, and she was white — very white American, Kansas, middle of America," Freeman said. "There was no argument about who he is or what he is. America's first black president hasn't arisen yet. He's not America's first black president — he's America's first mixed-race president.” NPR Interview, July 3, 2012

5 Accidental Racist PrQ
A Country/Rap Song

6 Official Confederate Flag from May 1863 to March 1865
Battle Flag of the Army of Tennessee

7 Did you Know that? Slavery was almost abolished in The Jefferson Ordinance, that would have outlawed slavery, failed by one vote. An absent New Jersey representative would likely have been the necessary vote.

8 Ethnic Groups Ethnicity- Having Distinctive Cultural Characteristics
Group of people who identify with one another based on cultural heritage or common ancestry Ex. Jews are an ethnic group, Italians are ethnic group

9 Minority Groups Minority Groups- How Group becomes Minority
Physical or cultural traits held in low esteem by dominant group Creates send of identity among minorities How Group becomes Minority 1. Expansion of Political Boundaries Native Americans 2. Migration Pick you favorite group who has immigrated to America Dominant Groups- Group with most power, prestige, and social status

10 Racial-Ethnic Identity
What is your racial-ethnic identity? Share with your neighbors Four Factors: Relative Size – smaller the group, greater the identity Power- less powerful, greater identity Appearance- looks “different,” greater identity Discrimination- discriminated against, greater identity Mr. Lund’s Racial-Ethnic Identity

11 What is American Culture?
American Saturday Night xcA

12 Activity At your tables, discuss a physical place (not a region) or common situation in which racism or discrimination still exists. Be specific. Consider the following: What is the dominant race in this situation? What is the minority group of this situation? How does the dominant race assert control? What is the reaction of the minority group to the dominant group? Each group will share discussion with class

13 Prejudice and Discrimination
Prejudice- Attitude or prejudging Discrimination- Unfair treatment directed against someone, usually acting on prejudice Prejudice is a learned behavior

14 Racial Profiling When, if ever, is racial profiling necessary?
Describe a time when police should profile based on race or ethnicity OR explain why racial profiling should be totally outlawed. Each group will share with the class.

15 Internalizing Dominant Norms
Ex. Light skin is preferred in society Especially true following abolition of slavery African Americans with light skin thought of as better than African Americans with darker skin Implicit Associations Test Flash words on a screen and there is a “right” and “wrong” answer. People tend to associate “good” words with white/light skin

16 Prejudice Functionalism
Provides a scapegoat- group that is unfairly blamed for problems in a society Ex. Jews in WWII Reduces personal responsibility and helps morale

17 Conflict Theory Prejudice
Workers want better healthcare, housing, education, etc If Capitalists keep them divided, can hold back benefits Keep workers insecure by keep reserve labor force Pit ethnicities against one another; create fear that the “others” will take what you have Ex. The “Mexicans” are taking “Our” jobs

18 Symbolic Interactionism
Labels affect perception Muslims in America Selective Perception- Individuals see what they want and disregard all else Self-Fulfilling Prophecy- Group begins living up to labels placed upon them A Class Divided

19 Genocide Genocide- systematic annihilation of a race or ethnic group
Ex. Nazi Germany, Hutus attack Tutsis in Rwanda Labels used to dehumanize others Allow people to compartmentalize- separate actions from feelings

20 Population Transfer Forcing a minority group to move
Indirect: Making life unbearable, so groups leave “voluntarily” Ex. Puritans seek religious freedom in Americas Direct: Forcing minority group to move Ex. Trail of Tears, Japanese-American Internment Camps

21 Segregation- Policy of keeping races apart
Internal Colonialism- policy of economically exploiting minority groups Ex. Afrikaaners in Apartheid Segregation- Policy of keeping races apart Ex. Pre-Civil Rights America Assimilation- Process of being absorbed into mainstream culture Ex. Colonists and Native Americans

22 Pluralism Pluralism- philosophy that permits or encourages ethnic difference Ex. Switzerland

23 Affirmative Action Known As Reverse Discrimination
California v. Bakke (1978) University of Cal med school accepted 100 students per year, set aside 16 of 100 seats for those from minority groups Bakke had better credentials than many minority students, but seats were reserved for minority groups and the economically disadvantaged Bakke claimed Affirmative Action in this case violated Constitution 14th Amendment -- Equal Protection Clause How would you rule?

24 Court ruled that excluding Bakke based on race was unconstitutional
Court compelled California to allow Bakke to attend

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