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Presentation on theme: "#WelcometoFourthGrade"— Presentation transcript:

1 #WelcometoFourthGrade
Hello. My name is #Learningisoursuperpower #SuperScholars

2 @Mrs.Malchak #MrsMalchaksyournew FAVORITEteacher #furchildren
#MiMiLove #16yearsandcounting #learningisFUN #bringyourmomtowork #ImBatman

3 #CAREpoints #CAREcards #DanbrookDolphins Courteous Aware Responsible
Eager to Learn #CAREpoints #CAREcards

4 #SuperHero Expectations
Show respect Make good decisions Solve problems

5 #4thGradeIsSuper #AR, #ThatPenguinMath, #TickettoRead,, #PowerPoint, #Equipment license, #FlexibleSeating,#BragTags,#Reading&MathFluency, #BrainTeasers, #Classroomjobs, SBACtest, #ThinkingMaps, #Scholarliness, #FieldTrips, #JiJiMusic, #Music, #PE, #InnovationsLab, #HeroUp, #KindnessMatters

6 #SuppliesNeededToBeSuccessful:
□ Crayons &/or Colored Pencils □ Scissors □ Eraser □ Pencils □ Glue Stick □ Liquid Glue □ Ruler □ 4 Dry-erase Markers □ Highlighters □ Colored pen □ Notebook Paper □ Pencil Box □ 2 Composition Books □ Backpack □ Tape □ Homework Folder □ Pencil Sharpener □ Clipboard □ Hand sanitizer □ Tissue □ Brain □ Water Bottle (optional)

7 #Behavior - Weekly Student Bulletin - Earn: CARE Points
letters (spell the word and get a class prize!) Brag Tags #Behavior

8 #Homework You will write your daily homework in your #StudentPlanner. Homework will include: Unfinished classwork Accelerated Reader (AR) Math Facts JiJi Math Monthly Reading Challenge Project Student Bulletin

9 #AR Instagram Reading Challenge
-You get to “post”, “comment”, “like”, and “share” all about your reading! -You’ll be expected to take an AR test every 1-2 weeks depending on your reading level -Books are available for checkout from our classroom library and/or the Book Mobile. #ReadingRocks #SelfieParty #BragTags #RewardCoupons

10 If you are absent, you are expected to bring a note from your parents or doctor the NEXT day! All missed work will have to be done on your own time! If everyone is here and on-time, we will earn a letter.

11 #WorkWorkWorkWorkWork
7:30: Breakfast 8:05: School begins 8:05-8:20: Silent Reading 8:20-10:15: ELA 10:15-10:30: Recess 10:30-11:40: Math 11:40-12:20: Lunch/Recess 12:20-12:40: PE 12:40-1:00: Cursive/Read Aloud 1:00-1:30: Class Business (P.O.W./2nd Step) 1:30-2:15: Science/Social Studies 2:15: Dismissal

12 #POW #RealtionshipGoals
(Person of the Week) Each week we will highlight a super classmate! You will be responsible for completing a poster that tells us more about you! #RealtionshipGoals

13 #Grades - Grades 4 = Advanced (90% - 100%) 3 = Proficient (74% - 89%)
2 = Basic understanding (64%-73%) 1 = Minimal understanding (63% and below) -You will get a standards-based report card in November, February, and May.

14 #Bam I look forward to learning and growing with you this year!

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