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Nazism N_________ S___________ = ideology/program linked to 20th-century German Nazi Party & State Characterized as form of fascism that incorporates scientific.

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Presentation on theme: "Nazism N_________ S___________ = ideology/program linked to 20th-century German Nazi Party & State Characterized as form of fascism that incorporates scientific."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nazism N_________ S___________ = ideology/program linked to 20th-century German Nazi Party & State Characterized as form of fascism that incorporates scientific R________ & Anti-S_________ propaganda Reincarnation of a Th______ R_______ in Germany

2 National Socialism Nationalist redefinition of both Marxist S_________ & free market C__________ Promoting subordination of individuals & groups to needs of German N___________

3 Belief in Racial Superiority
… form of S________ D___________ - asserting the superiority of one master race = A__________ Desire to create a racially Homo_________ society cooperating for national unity & projects Criticizes both capitalism & communism as being J________ creations

4 Adolf Hitler Denies C____________ to Jews & other undesirables
Supports land reform & nationalization of industries M_____ K________ claims Anti-Semitism and Anti-Communism AND distrust of Parliamentary Democracy

5 Nazi Germany ( ) Government controlled by Hitler (Chancellor and Prime Minister) and the Nazi Party (S.A. Troopers) N_________ E__________ Act of 1934 confirmed Hitler as sole Führer (leader) of Germany.

6 Totalitarian State Germany transforms to “fascist-style” - controlling nearly all aspects of life = ______________________ Power centralized in Hitler's hands in B_________ on premise of efficiency & Communist threat Gov controlled Media & no opposition parties


8 Reunification of German Reich
Goal of re-establishing Germany’s position in the world & ending humiliation: __________________ Conquest for Lebensraum (expanding breadbasket) German racial superiority over S________ peoples


10 Propaganda Effective use of films, rallies, and public speeches to m_____________ public opinion Gleichschaltung rapidly brought together all parts of German life under Party leadership: youth, sports, agriculture, & volunteering

11 “The Final Solution” Used to disguise true nature of their plans to … er__________ the Jewish “influence” from Society Racial purification & subjugation of “unfit” people *Mass G____________ carried out by G___________ (arm of the Waffen SS) Confiscation of Jewish property/businesses and then placement into Ghettos

12 Concentration Camps Jewish communities (Ghetto)
work camps (Concentration) - labor for war effort house Eastern European POWs following invasion of Poland

13 The Holocaust Most aggressive phase of “The Solution” - destruction of those in the Concentration Camps Genocide of Jewish peoples during World War II - systematic state-sponsored mass murder by Nazis

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