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Modeling Natural History of Syphilis in Prison Population

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Presentation on theme: "Modeling Natural History of Syphilis in Prison Population"— Presentation transcript:

1 Modeling Natural History of Syphilis in Prison Population
Exhibitor: Daniel Ramírez Teacher: Pablo Aguirre Professionals UDD: Carla Castillo Manuel Nájera

2 Summary Syphilis is a systemic bacterial infection caused by Treponema pallidum. The most likely cause of transmission of this disease is sexually, and if not treated on time can even cause death. Syphilis is classified as an STD.

3 What about people in prison?
Periodic overcrowding Sexual domination Poor access to health While maintaining a steady stream of inmates who may already be infected.

4 Objective: See the states or steps that it can take from an initial criminal population. Adjusting variables and parameters necessary to obtain a prevalence of around 3 percent. Find the critical parameters affecting the morbidity of the disease.

5 Biological model The development model is based
on the diagram 1, which represents progress in stages of the disease, including treatment, as this progresses in a susceptible individual Diagram 1

6 Background The variables and parameters used in developing the model
with their respective values and units, and adjusted to actual conditions in penitentiaries, are presented in the following tables: Table 1

7 Table 2

8 Table 3

9 Mathematical model Taking into consideration the biological model,
together with the variables and parameters shown, we have the following model:

10 Results Variation of susceptible people Graph 1 Syphilis initial model
Variation only τ1 and τ2 Final model with parameters adjusted to jail Graph 1

11 Where i0 is the starting point, and if the end point:
Table 4 It is seen that the prevalence of infection in the prison is 2.84%.

12 Conclusions It is highly dependent on the model to small
Number of susceptible as it changes τ1 It is highly dependent on the model to small variations in the parameters τ1 and τ2 Graph 2

13 An increase in rate of treatment, involves an increase in the number
Number of susceptible as it changes τ2 An increase in rate of treatment, involves an increase in the number of susceptible Graph 3

14 Using new methods of detection of syphilis which directly influence the rising rates of treatment in prison, carries a lower prevalence of this disease, and therefore more effective in the detection of syphilis.

15 Extensions Input screening with quick test.
Test new methods in this model as an: Input screening with quick test. Sreening massive with quick test. Use quick test before consultation. Then determine the cost effectiveness of each method and construct a decision model.

16 Thank you for your attention.

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