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The Progressive Era Reform shifts from the farm to the city and climbs the ladder of government from the local to the state and then to the national level.

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Presentation on theme: "The Progressive Era Reform shifts from the farm to the city and climbs the ladder of government from the local to the state and then to the national level."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Progressive Era Reform shifts from the farm to the city and climbs the ladder of government from the local to the state and then to the national level.

2 The Problems of the 1890’s Huge Gap between rich and poor
Tremendous economic and political power of the rich Industrial workers hideously poor, living in squalor and working in dangerous conditions “How the Other Half Lives” (1890) Little concern for Black America






8 Features of Progressive Reform
Desire to make society more moral and more just Desire to distribute income more equitably Desire to broaden opportunities for individual advancement Improve the role of women and minorities in the social life of the United States.


10 Huge Gap Created by Unfair Business Practice
Ida Tarbell wrote a book called “The History of Standard Oil” which outlined the problems of businesses who took advantage of “the little guy” to make huge profits. Her work helped unveil the problem, and Theodore Roosevelt sued many trusts, breaking them up.

11 POLITICAL CORRUPTION Tried to put more power into the hands of the people People did not feel well represented by the government, and many government leaders were taking bribes The work of Phillips helped Americans get “secret ballots” and allowed to vote for their senators directly David Graham Phillips' “The Treason of the Senate” Article brought the direct election issue to light

The “Social Gospel” movement – “do for others as you would want” Settlement House Workers --Jane Addams, Hull House in Chicago (1889) --government added minimum standards for housing codes as more people pushed for support

Edwin Markham wrote poems and took photos of horrible workplace conditions, including Child Labor Child labor laws Ten-hour work days *Prohibition initiatives Minimum safety standards on the job

Jacon Riis’ book “How the Other Half Lives” helped reveal MAJOR issues in daily lives of Americans, especially the poor Minimum safety standards on the job Minimum standards for housing codes “City Beautification” movement – worked to create shelters and clean up dirty streets… get rid of the “Slums”

15 MISTREATMENT OF WOMEN Women were considered second class citizens, whose opinions did not matter They were basically the property of their husbands A MAJOR movement to change this feeling, and allow women the right to vote took place. Susan B. Anthony was one of the many “suffragettes” who worked for this.

16 African American Issues
African Americans had faced deep racism for as long as the country had existed, even after racism ended. The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) was created to begin to bring black equality battles to court. Their successes were limited as the country was more concerned with sweeping changes than addressing African Americans individually. A group of black and white leaders, lead by W.E.B DuBois formed the NAACP in They began to sue Southern governments with racist laws They fought specifically against lynching.

17 Progressive Amendments to the Constitution
Progressive reliance on the law 16th Amendment (1913)—federal income tax 17th Amendment (1913)—direct election of senators 18th Amendment (1919)—prohibition 19th Amendment (1920)—vote for women

18 The End of the Progressive Movement
Progressive movement peaks by 1917 Success of the movement led to its decline Advent of World War I also hurt progressive activism Progressives themselves began to tire of their own attitudes as fewer problems needed solving Ironically, voter participation has steadily declined since the election of 1912, a sign that people have grown acceptant of the way things are, many in thanks to the Progressive Era!



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