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Mr. Accetta Social Studies 8

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1 Mr. Accetta Social Studies 8
Tenements Mr. Accetta Social Studies 8

2 Jacob Riis (1849-1914) Photographer from an immigrant family
Took photographs of conditions in the tenements Published his photos in a book, How the Other Half Lives, which exposed the harsh realities of tenement life to the public.

3 Muckraking Journalism
Riis was an example of a muckraker. Muckraking: a form of journalism that seeks to raise awareness of social issues among the public. Riis’ photographs led to building codes and inspection laws that improved living conditions in the tenements.





8 Learning Activity: You are a newspaper reporter teaming up with Jacob Riis to publish a story about life in the New York City tenements during the late 1800s. Using his photographs and your class notes, write a 1-2 paragraph newspaper column including the following: Description of the conditions in tenements Why was this a problem? Call to action (what can we do to solve this?)

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