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Active Cadet Fitness Program

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1 Active Cadet Fitness Program
Joanna Lee

2 Agenda History & Background ACFP Overview Beta Test Upcoming Support
Practical Tips Questions

3 Timeline 2003- Adopted current standard
2013- President’s Challenge discontinued 2014- BOG: “build the cadet fitness program to reflect the latest evidence-based practices.” Dec Active Cadet Fitness Program proposed Jan Opened 6-month beta test Jan Publication moratorium Oct Reengineered CAPP 60-1 published with Jan 2018 effective date

4 CAP Cadet Program Leadership Aerospace Character Fitness Activities Academics Attitudes Assessment Awards

5 Activities Get moving! Being physically active is one of the most important steps that Americans of all ages can take to improve their health. Day hikes Ultimate Frisbee Orienteering Soccer Volleyball Freeze tag Geocaching Obstacle courses Adventure races Indoor skydiving Fitness circuits Relay races Capture the flag Cadet Ironman competitions

6 Academics & Attitudes & Awards
Academics To fully gain the health benefits of physical fitness it’s important to develop the cognitive concepts related to fitness. Attitudes The attitudes component of the fitness program refers to motivating each cadet to be their personal best through a supportive environment, goal setting, active participation. Awards Recognizing outstanding performance, regular active behavior & improvement.

7 Assessment Fitness assessment is an integral piece of the fitness curriculum. Aligned with the Presidential Youth Fitness Program Fitnessgram assessment protocols Scientific information is used to determine the amount of fitness needed to meet minimum health levels The healthy fitness zone (HFZ) is based on criterion-referenced standards that represent the age- and gender- appropriate fitness levels that a young person needs for good health

8 Assessment Aerobic capacity- the Pacer or One-mile run
Abdominal strength and endurance- Curl-up Upper body strength and endurance- 90°push-up Flexibility- Back-saver sit-and-reach Administered quarterly. “Run plus 2 out of 3” Cadets that earn their HFZ credential are eligible to promote for 6 months.

9 Cadet Promotions Learning Phase. Take CPFT to establish baseline.
Phase I Wright Brothers Award Phases II, III & IV Spaatz Award Learning Phase. Take CPFT to establish baseline. Not necessary to score in HFZ to promote. Transition to Leadership Phase. Must have valid HFZ credential to earn award. Leadership, Command, & Executive Phases. Must have valid HFZ credential to promote. Highest Cadet Achievement. USAFA Candidate Fitness Assessment (Mile run, push-ups, curl-ups)


11 Current CPFT Standards
Of the 96 data points comparing the standards, 8 are more challenging under the PYFP standards, while 88 stayed the same or are less challenging. Current CPFT Standards PYPF Standards Difference C/Amn Mile Sit Reach Push-up Curl-up 13 M 9:23 8 16 36 9:46 12 21 96% 100% 75% 58% 15 M 8:49 9 22 38 9:04 24 97% 89% 73% 63% 17 M 8:06 11 26 8:22 18 69% 13 F 12:29 30 10:20 10 7 121% 111% 78% 60% 15 F 11:48 9:58 118% 64% 17 F 12:11 28 9:34 127% C/TSgt 8:54 39 91% 67% 54% 8:08 41 90% 57% 59% 7:35 40 11:40 33 113% 70% 55% 11:00 13 32 110% 92% 56% 11:20 14 50% C/1st Lt 7:41 45 79% 43% 47% 7:06 34 49 62% 49% 6:50 42 46 82% 52% 9:50 15 95% 77% 45% 94% 80% 44% 46% 9:51 19 103% 37% C/Maj 7:25 48 76% 38% 6:51 37 52 6:35 53% 39% 9:15 17 41% 8:58 9:14 32%

12 ACFP Beta Test 200+ Beta Test Units 80% “generally satisfied”
Average cost to new unit under $ (free to $250) Likes: Achievable goals, less testing, emphasis on fitness, PACER Dislikes: Record keeping, pamphlet, public records, PACER

13 Upcoming Support Updated CAPP 60-50 ( CAPP 52-18)
Eservices reporting w/ mobile friendly scoring CAPP 60-51, Cadet Fitness Leader Guide Physical Best Activity Books Fitness Officer position Cadet Fitness incentive badge Video support

14 Eservices support Coming Soon In the Meantime
Mobile Friendly Scoring Tool Records in eServices Personal Goal Tracking In the Meantime Workaround

15 Practical Tips Personal Goal Setting Sheet
YouTube cadences & tutorials PACER scoring sheet Peer Checklist DIY Sit & Reach box DIY Curl-up mats Your suggestions

16 Takeaways ACFP coming with publication of CAPR 60-1
Units may switch immediately, must switch by 1 Jan Check out webinars, blog for updates and support

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