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Day 1 – Circulatory Anatomy

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1 Day 1 – Circulatory Anatomy
Circulatory System Day 1 – Circulatory Anatomy 4 slides, 2 drawings

2 Main Ideas Anatomy – left vs right; atria vs ventricles; arteries vs. veins

3 Types of Blood Vessels Arteries Arterioles Capillaries Venules Veins

4 Arteries Arterioles Thick, muscular walls Elastic Smaller arteries
Huge pressure from heart Elastic Handle change in blood volume after each contraction Smaller arteries Not as elastic

5 Capillaries Site of GAS EXCHANGE! moves via diffusion very thin walls

6 http://highered. mcgraw-hill
Determined by two forces: Blood Pressure Osmotic Pressure (the pressure that water feels to move according to the concentration gradient between the tissues and the blood

7 Veins & Venules Venules = small veins
Both move blood back towards the heart low pressure – need valves, skeletal muscles



10 Varicose Veins (don’t write!)
If the valves malfunction in the legs, a painful condition can result Called Varicose veins Allows blood to pool in the elastic veins, causing them to bulge



13 Heart Note that anatomy is always RELATIVE TO THE PATIENT
Draw on ipad – right is on left etc.

14 Heart Diagram Ipad ipad ipad ipad


16 Heart Diagram Ipad ipad ipad ipad

17 Heart Valves prevent backflow
b/n atria and ventricles = atrioventricular valves Exit ventricles = semi-lunar valves Defective valve = heart murmur Both atria fill and contract at the same time. Both ventricles will fill and contract at the same time Atria, ventricles, septum, aorta, vena cava Draw on IPAD!!!

18 Heart Chordae tendineae – anchor AV valves, prevent inverting
Draw on IPAD!!!



21 The first heart sound, “lub” occurs when the AV valves close
The first heart sound, “lub” occurs when the AV valves close. The second heart sound “dub” occurs when the other valves close.

22 Chordae Tendineae

23 To Do’s Questions (next slide)
Provincial Q’s # 6, 7, 10, 16, 20, 21, 24, 26, 28, 30, 36, 39, 41, 49 Dictionary Arteriole, venule, septum, atrium, ventricle, atrioventricular valve, semi-lunar valves, Chordae tendineae, aorta, vena cava 14 q’s in total!

24 Questions 1. Why are the valves important? 2. Draw a diagram of the heart. Label blood flow through the heart, to the body and to the lungs! 3. Why are arteries thicker-walled than veins? 4. What things help the blood return to the heart in the veins? 5. Why does your heart need to pump blood around your body?

25 Questions Why are the valves important?
Why do we consider anatomy relative to the patient, and not us? Why are arteries thicker-walled than veins? What things help the blood return to the heart in the veins? Sketch a picture of the heart; label with functions!

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